War within metacritic reviews

I rely on how I feel about things and not some ratings. They are too easily manipulated. I don’t really need to internet to tell me if I should like something anyway.

So are those by paid journalists whose future access to free advance copies of new games requires them to write positive reviews after trying it for a day or two at most.

Waiting until sometime after the game is released and getting an answer to the question “Are people like me having fun?” is how I judge whether a game is worth paying for.

What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense.
There are good reviews, but overall the reviews are just mixed, that’s it. Stop pretending like everybody who criticizes stuff about the game doesn’t have clue.

Stop pretending that ppl don’t review bomb Blizzard out of spite.

Some might do that, but their votes don’t really matter in the grand scheme. There’s no ongoing conspiracy to collectively review bomb Blizzard games. Just like there are some naysayers who want to hate everything, there are also bootlickers who defend everything with teeth and claws, so I guess it’s balanced out fairly.


My main disappeared to a bug that deleted the top character in the four toons around the Warband campfire right after the the prepatch went live and the undelete feature has been disabled until this week so I could finally get her back two months later.

The same time I lost her, I had items disappear from my Warbank.

And then there’s the Guild Bank issue:

None of those issues are “minor inconveniences.”

I’ve been playing since 2008. My favorite expansion is Dragonflight, with Legion #2. I wasn’t ready at all ready to leave The Dragon Isles, especially to go underground. I’m also disappointed with the story, (which thankfully is better than SL and WoD.)

If I could get the same exp in The Dragon Isles as I can in Khaz Algar, I would, because I find the new zones so depressing.

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wow poplar so get lotta hate from non players since way back when

fake news, it was a tie!

That it is obnoxiously popular to lie and pretend that anything Blizzard ever does is the literal definition of “the worst possible ever.” Kinda like what you are doing here:

  1. This is GD.
    Ergo… there are no legitimate complaints being levied here. Just different flavours of flaming, whining, some bigotry, and overall just spam to appeal to people engaging in denialism. Folks like you in other words.
  2. Precisely no sane person who has played TWW would ever call it “rushed.”
    And this can be proven by asking folks to show evidence for why it would’ve been rushed and the only things people can come up with is speculations, insults, repeating buzzwords like “shills”, and engage in extreme levels of fallacious logic.

Seriously, just get a real hobby. Being a forum troll isn’t a real hobby.
Learn to knit! Then you could knit yourself a troll at the very least rather than being one.

Who cares? Only thing that matters is that you enjoy the game. The people that cry constantly wouldn’t be happy if they had unlimited resources, the most talented people and the game was made to there specifications.

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I don’t know… the expansion felt like we rushed through it pretty fast in the first couple weeks. The pacing has been, bad, to say the least. Like… did we defeat Xal’atath before we beat Ansurek or after? It has some good things, delves could be great if they get rid of the stupid objectives and let you kill things to get to the boss. Crafting is still a disaster. Hero Talents are mid providing passives when they made it seem far more epic. The zones are sort of… well they aren’t great. Hallowfall is unique but everything else is sort of ugly or already been done better. I would say right now, the biggest issue is the constant maintenance and hotfixes that seem to break more things that they need to fix again.


Dude… It’s a TERRIBLE Expansion. I’m sorry, but it’s not good AT ALL…

Time-gated. Nerfs to classes that DON’T NEED NERFS i.e. Holy Paladin, Druids, and more.

Horrid Raid mechanics, insane slows, dots, stun locking, fear, OVERTUNED Mythics, painful playerbase that’s toxic if you’re not mythic 2,000.

What do you mean?

I’m sorry, but I have so much regret making a guild and dedicating so much time to gearing.

I am so over wow.


“Reviews are only valid if they agree with my own opinion” Signed, the OP.


It really wasn’t.

Bugs and maintenance outside of ordinary timeframes have happened with every major patch and every expansion launch. It’s an inevitable part of MMO gaming. 100% inevitable. Even if they had delayed the expansion by a year, there would still be bugs and launch issues that needed to be addressed.

Folks are just memory holing all the issues from previous launches and patches so they can claim this expansion was rushed. And in a few years when we experience the same thing again, they’ll conveniently memory hole all the TWW stuff.

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I got a review for you: Maybe the best xpac to date. But it ain’t over, so…

Who cares, if you like it then just enjoy it and ignore what others are saying. Probably the same people that cried Pandaria wasn’t Warcraft enough.

Yeah it’s awful and I already unsubbed. I’d argue it’s even worse than DF, and DF was meh.

The story is bad. Again. It just is. Earthen are a -terrible- race to focus a plot around because they’re DULL AF. I’d rather have gone Dark Iron or Wildhammer if we have to focus on dwarves (and really, dwarves are not a popular race in general and it was a dumb choice to make an expansion centered around them).

Some classes feel ok but many feel like garbage. Hero talents are great for some, just meh for many. Also they should have come with some small scenario intro like artifact weapons because at least then there’d be some lore reasoning as to why our characters can suddenly do this stuff.

Delves are a gimmicky joke.

Timegating. Again. Rep grinding. Again. Can’t Blizzard think of ANY other way to center open-world content?


I do agree with this too.

This was a chance to make something that stood out and was exciting to use as a new talent. Turns out you don’t even know if you’re pushing the button if you don’t look to see if it’s on cd or not. Lol

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Yup. My SP feels pretty good but my hunter is absolutely TRASH. I know it’s getting a rework but to shove this stuff out the door like it is?

I haven’t bothered with many of my other alts because it’ll just be more of the same.


Uhmn… huh?
I’m not sure if I’m missing something here or if you’re only being extremely sarcastic. But there have been several examples for why TWW feels rushed and unpolished. Just look at the whole Delve situation. Countless hotfixes for stuff that has already been pointed out in Beta - basically all tuning (not even fine-tuning, but the most basic stuff) and fixes had to be done live and there are still some bugs and unadressed problems.
Then there’s still the huge bug for a lot of players, where weekly quests don’t reset and they’re standing there with empty hands for a whole ID.
Then there was the issue with the AH house that couldn’t be used for a while. Guild banks have been broken for weeks and even the Warbank does have some severe problems, like gold just disappearing. Classes/specs that were left in a questionable state because the devs didn’t have ressources for all of them. Some severe bugs in different dungeons, like Dawnbreaker.
These are just the most notable things, there are tons of other minor things but it’s pretty clear that the expansion needed a bit more time. Just felt like they scrambled to somehow get it into a playable state but didn’t have any time left to really polish and fix most stuff.

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