War within metacritic reviews

Any examples?

Blizzard games will never get good reviews because ppl are allowed to submit reviews without actually playing the games.

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If you read through a lot of the low reviews it’s the same person that’s been complaining about segregation or racism in factions for literally years. There is something really weird going on with that person or it’s some bot. Or maybe it’s some gaming activist if that’s a thing that just nonstop review bombs WoW.


Well it depends on what you are doing. If you are not doing multiplayer dungeons and raids, why do you need that high level gear? You can do most of what you want with mid 500 gear. Also near the end of the expansion there are ways to get better gear or they nurf things for people who have just a few things to finish.

I feel like the final score is pretty fair. 5/10, average for a very mid experience. I’m enjoying this expansion, but its no Wrath or Legion.


So, you’re not going to include any examples? Which ones are real gripes? Which ones are made by people that never played?

Without examples this post is basically pointless.


I see anything from places liek that, Game Rant,PC Gamer ectera, I just scroll away from them and move on.

Most of articles are click bait made by as others who have said either really despise the game or barely played if at all.

I’m pretty sure most people don’t care about reviews on sites like that anymore. If I’m interested in a game, I try it regardless of the score on some random website.

the days of “its ready when its ready” are long gone. when a release date is set, its set in stone. There is too much marketing and other business stuff involved to change it, at least in the eyes of a large corporation.

Exactly this :slight_smile:

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all this is irrelevant. we are all here and paying customers. how many of us spent $20 for that bear :sunglasses:

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This expansion thus far is one of the most MEH expansions ever. Which in any other situation would not really be that big of a deal, we would just need to eat another lack luster expansion and call it a year or 2.

However, this is meant to be the opening to the World Soul Saga, the entire story we are going to be dragged through for the next 3 exp, and already this thing is failing to float. The story is bad so far, and horribly uninteresting and inconsistent.

At best, the story is like a 6, maybe 7 outta 10

Then you get to the content of the game, which blizzard in their infinite wisdom or lack there of, decided to tinker with and just make objectively worse in many fields. Prof are worse now then they were in DF, which DF they were a step in the right direction, but rather then improving on the good parts, they ignored the good parts and amplified the bad ones.
The Dungeons this exp SUCK, or rather half of them are pretty ok, but the other have are HORRIBLE, just horribly designed.
The Raid tiers are laughable.
The world quests seems to be a fraction of what we had in DF
The community activities are worse, with the highly lack luster replacement to soup being the theater.
Hero talents are highly hit or miss for classes, some its great others its literally ignorable/does not even do anything for you since its all passive.
The only saving grace here, are the delves, which ill tell you what, are amazing and great, solid hit there. But a single good feature an expansion does not make.

But of course as well the time gating, time gating on EVERYTHING, on professions, on M+, on delves, on quests, on rep its awful it feels like we just are only allowed to have fun for a allotted amount of time. I mean look at the bloody tokens the quest gives you more then you are allowed to earn now.

Then we get into the bugs, my god the bugs. This is absolutely the most buggy expansion ever. Blizzard fired their QA team and this exp is the product of that. Constant disconnects, down times for maintenance through out the weeks, still having issues with warbands, wild issues with gear right now as well that i wont discuss but it involves tier and laughably hilarious ways to get versions of the tier you would have no business getting.

This expansion needed to be a hit, it needed to really grab and pull people in, and the general response to this is Luke warm at best, and most people are just going with the flow at the moment because there is nothing to do.

This expansion screams SL and BFA vibes to me, unless the coming content patch rectifies these issues and really provides a lot of things for people to do, this is gonna be a rough, and i mean ROUGH 3 expansions.

So far the wait within is about a 6, maybe 6.5 outta 10 and thats being generous.

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Wait just one minute. Are you saying that there may be some small inaccuracy here? Or that some of the data doesn’t reflect the game or playerbase at large? How on earth am I supposed to form opinions now?

I mean the GD forums are the same way. WoW is in the unenviable position of having a subset of it’s customer base that are addicts. They say they hate the game but can’t stop playing.

Will be this weekend :slight_smile:

There are “legit” complaint threads here on a daily basis for as long as there have been forums.

I don’t even know what the metacritic scores for ANY of these recent expansions are.

The biggest question I have is - Why do YOU know what they are? Why do you care?

a group of people are watching a game and one of them says " hooray "

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I mean, it’s opinion/feedback.

All that stuff is relative. It’s on the devs to figure out how to use that information to improve their game. They can double down and ignore it, or they can try to understand it and reduce the friction that cause someone to experience their game in a way that left them with a sour taste in their mouths.

All feedback is good feedback. Even stuff that you don’t agree with.

It’s only bad when people care so little that they don’t even bother leaving feedback. At least they were passionate enough about it to put their opinion somewhere. Shows they want to like it at the end of the day. They’re just mad that they didn’t.

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Your first mistake was reading user reviews on metacritic.

Not that it’s a perfect expac, I’m having a LOT of fun and I love the setting but there are some boneheaded design and balance decisions which could easily be a turn off for a lot of players.

In the slightly longer term if the good outweighs the bad I think a lot of people are ok with the value.