Guild bank missing items - what happened?

This camel’s back is about to break and they just keep shoveling straws on me.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my guild raid nights. Both nights we’ve lost around 45 minutes to the realm crashes. Both nights about 75% of the raid got booted and couldn’t get any realms to load.
I was reading on the forums that loads of other people were bricking delves, mythic keys, and pugged raids fell apart.
Never saw any kind of acknowledgement from Blizzard (though I could have missed it)

There’s a pattern I’m seeing here.

And its INFURIATING the way other players dismiss complaints. I saw so many replies to the effect of “what did you expect? Its the first week of mythic” or “You’re playing on (insert popular server), what did you think was going to happen?”

Seriously, y’all? Here’s what I expect:

I expect to have a finished product that I can play when I buy it.
I expect that the servers will be up and stable unless its specified maintenance.
I expect that when I put an item in a guild bank it will stay there until I remove it.
I expect to be able to play the game even on ‘peak hours’ or ‘heavily populated’ servers.
I expect when stuff goes wrong that Blizzard will acknowledge it.
I expect known bugs to be dealt with quickly.

But I guess for a large chunk of the player base these are crazy unrealistic expectations? I genuinely don’t get the way people are tripping over themselves to run to Blizzard’s defense.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot in TWW that was good, in theory at least. For example, the whole warband concept? Love it! But it’s all soured when so much fundamental stuff is busted.