War within metacritic reviews

i mean, everyones getting those disconnects. Which is one of the things, for sure.

Then there’s the artisan acuity stuff (both with early access being able to shuffle while it got nerfed for everyone else, so now a select group of people have weeks/months worth of work and just the system itself this time), the crazy balancing of delves that have required both stealth and unstealthed nerfs/buffs, crafting order patrons feel like they were only 3/4s of the way thought through are just 3 off the top things i can think of right away…you either dont actually play the game besides some basic bs where you never do anything higher than a heroic dungeon, or like i said, youre not paying attention.

You saying the disconnects are the only thing to complain about are insane, because thats exactly what youre implying. this expac is good, but nothing is ever perfect.

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Constant, massive balance and tuning changes that were reported in beta and never addressed.

Constant bugs and exploits that were reported in beta and never addressed.

We are still getting hot fixes on an almost daily basis at this point because it was released unfinished.

Even the pre-expansion event had to be changed numerous times.

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(post deleted by author)

Nah thats just blizzard quality now

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lol…oof…you may be right.

TWW is not a smashing success or perfect game by any stretch. There are legit problems with the game. Glitchy features weeks/months after launch. Storyline was ho hum. It’s just not fun for a lot of people.

I think it’s 100% ok for people to give their own review on a game. If you took that away you would left with companies like PC Mag, Forbes, etc who can be influenced or in some cases outright paid by the publishers to provide favorable reviews.