War within metacritic reviews

Some of the reviews are so obviously just pure hate for the game and some of the comments on there goes to show that some aren’t playing the game. And just spouting negativity about the game and hoping that it would fail but clearly war within is getting positive press from all corners in the media space. Some are legit complaints but majority of them are just people bashing the game and saying this and that when none of their statements are remotely true.

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So…what’s your point?

There are legitimate complaint threads here on an almost daily basis at this point.

The expansion was rushed out at least two months too early and it’s painfully obvious.


Like for instance, can you list a few of these?


Sounds like you’ve discovered why most reasonable people don’t take Metacritic userscores seriously.

Honestly, aggregation for the “big” reviewers is wack overall as well, since different sites use completely different metrics for their work and those often don’t translate into a 10-point scale at all.


Metacritic not giving honest reviews, and the players reviews being all 10s or all 0s? Don’t tell me it’s so! This has never happened before. What is happening to the authenticity of metacritic. It’ll forever be tarnished now for not giving accurate reviews for the first time in history.


You’re probably right. But also, who cares?


In the local news:

metacritic reviews are sketchy as hell.

And now the weather. Somewhere on earth, its raining.

And now sports. Somewhere 2 teams played against each other in a sport. One of them…won.


i still check several websites for ratings on games that im totally unfamiliar and its sad that metacritic in case of wow just showed sometimes its scoring can be several points misleading

i have had experience with wow for several expansions. Even if i want to be very stingy with scoring, no way i can give TWW lower than 6/10 “objectively”

People giving 0/10 are of course entitled to their opinions thho

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Do people still take user reviews seriously? Unless if I’m buying a kitchen appliance and need to see pictures and whether it worked for others, I can’t be bothered what the angry gamers are mad about


Just about all of the complaints come from that narrow group of players who do high level content. That is not a surprise. In addition to being champion WoW players they are also champions at whining and complaining.

The vast majority of players are not complaining much at all.


just because youre not complaining does not mean the vast majority are not lol.

Personally, i see quite a few people with gripes, in game. And that high level content is far from being the only place that has issues. You genuinely sound like the type to ignore things that are looking at you in the face.

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Personally I get the occasional disconnect but that’s about it.

I also notice that most disconnct complaints are coming from Area 52. Maybe it’s just a matter of that realm being too crowded. Also there may be a bug in the Sharding software.


Man I wish some of these reviews has some form of scale or measurement so that it could have been provided in the thread about them.

I should start a thread about gas prices and not mention them.

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This just isn’t true at all. Constant nerfs, rebalancing, server downtime, etc. affect casual players worse than top players, since those top players were able to take advantage of everything pre-nerf.

The expansion has been playable with minor inconveniences at best. Tuning has been an issue, but when isn’t it?

I would much rather have TWW in the very playable state it currently is in as opposed to still be in DF waiting for the expansion because there was nothing to do anymore in DF.


Player reviews on metacritic for big, well known games are generally worthless.

Do something that angers a rage baiting grifter? Enjoy your 0s from people that have never touched the game.

The steam system works pretty well, but that can’t apply to WoW for obvious reasons.

Everything’s subjective.

I like it, others won’t. I’mma keep playing, as long as the servers are stable lol.

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Metacritic is even more worthless for “critic” reviews. “Critic” scores are based on how much they’re paid. User scores have the occasional insightful review, but are mostly just people review bombing 10’s or 0’s.

The entire site is worthless and it wouldn’t be a loss if it just went away.


As a casual I guess top players have not much to complain about. The changes beyond the normal to heroic dungeon gap is barely felt. Something like a class getting a 10% buff to three skills isn’t really felt in easy content.

If anything casuals eating good when we can just grab a friend or two and get hero gear from delves.

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