War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise

Same as Sylvanas loyalists who believe in the conquest Sylvanas started with the War of the Thorns.

Which was a mistake. No faction should ever be forced to lift arms against their former allies.

There’s the difference, they aren’t following a person they are following an objective.
Garrosh left the Horde and founded his own which drew others to him.
Sylvanas did not do that.
These loyalists would be a direct stand-in for the people that support war with the Alliance or people who dislike the Council. Because the thing they follow isn’t a person, it’s a political agenda.

EDIT: Hells, we have the direct possibility of Sylvanas herself coming back and disarming any ‘loyalist’ group.


That doesn’t sound like it makes Sylvanas loyalists lore wise much different from the Defias.

Edit: Yes, I doubt the current Sylvanas would stand for any of the mustache twirling like Belmont in the Darkshore Warfront introductory questing and the like.

I personally don’t think I’d care if some alliance-only quest dealt with loyalist stragglers, but I’d be concerned that wouldn’t feel compelling enough as a win. From what I understand, the problems night elf (and alliance as a whole) fans have stem from a feeling of powerlessness and a need to to feel strong against the horde as a faction, and I don’t know if wiping out isolated remnants would really fulfill that.

As I said earlier, can’t satisfy everyone, won’t ever be able to satisfy everyone, but it could be a praise worthy storyline, especially if the heritage armor itself was well received.


The Defias have a good bit of pathos though, being a good ideal reduced to banditry and murder.

Maybe if Blizzard spent some time actually making a ‘Loyalist’ splinter faction that was getting more and more evil to justify being killed off by the other faction I’d be more accepting, but just popup evil groups are kind of annoying without buildup.


If they would be holding out at Splintertree Post and the Warsong Lumber Camp, and have been cut off from supplies as the Night Elves hold Stardust Spire, Talrendis Point, and the Mor’shan Ramparts, along with the Dragonflight years skip, they definitely could end up more desperate and start to fall into depravity like you described.


Before I get into this, I’d like to say that I don’t necessarily approve of what they did with Yrel. I played through WoD on the Alliance side, and I liked her. I wish they’d picked a different character to make into the Light Zealot—actually, the best solution might have been to create a new character for that, because all the prominent Light users on the Alliance side seem pretty popular.

But I’ve gotta point one thing out: Cursewords brought up the san’layn because he likes them and so their inclusion in Alliance-only content is kind of a sore point for him, but they’re far from the only example. Horde gets extra-villain-batted offscreen kind of a lot.

Just in BfA, there was also the assault on Brennadam(n), which was made as horrific as possible with the sole purpose of making Alliance players angry.

And then there’s the weird and disjointed story of King Grong and the gorillas. :point_down:


Also add in at least two old school dark rangers killed in Alliance questing.


Sure we do. She went to Ashenvale to join the Warsong. Now she leads the Warsong, whomst are home.


Oddly enough Alliance side we got likewise quests to liberate the smart Gorillas:

originaly, the alliance playerbase should be allowed to choose if they want revenge or peace…but blizzard never delivered on that front, so most likely you´re right. they gave this up, after they saw how the playerbase choose regarding saurfang - sylvanas. i think they pretty much knew at this point that the alliance base overall would choose revenge and death instead of peace and harmony.

This is Gorgonna. She never agreed with her sister’s idea of pillaging from the Night Elves:

    “Let me ask you this, Hellscream: have you really seen this city? Yes, the marketplace overflows. But where does it come from? Where are the farms in Durotar?”

    Garrosh narrowed his eyes. He knew there were a few on the outskirts of Orgrimmar, but they raised mostly swine and certainly brought no harvest of grain or fruit.

    “Exactly!” she continued. “There are none. All we have is hauled in from miles away.” She glared at the bag where she stored her net. “Or what we can wrest from the desert. As for safety!” She laughed. “The Alliance encroaches farther into our land daily. If you can call this red rock ‘land’ anyway! To the north is Ashenvale Forest, full of everything we could ever need, but did we settle there? No! Instead we live in a desert! So tell me, Hellscream, why would the good warchief, who loves his people so, condemn us to this wasteland when just up the river there is far more bounty? He is either corrupt or incompetent, or both, and you seem to fit right in!”

    That was the last straw.

    “Treason!” Garrosh roared. He took a step toward her menacingly. “You dare insult the warchief? Shut your mouth, traitor, or I will shut it for you!”

    “Go ahead and—" she began, clenching her hands into fists, bracing against the anticipated blow.

    “No! Krenna!” a new voice yelled. Garrosh looked over: another orc was running toward them.

    “Krenna, you hold your tongue!” she continued, stepping in between the two of them.

    The one with the eye patch—Krenna—glared at the person who addressed her, then snorted and stood down.

    “I’ll be on my way, then, Gorgonna.” She heaved her bag over her shoulder and left without another word to either of them. Garrosh made to follow her, but Gorgonna immediately turned and grabbed his arm.

    “Please stop,” she said. “I am sorry about my sister. She does not mean what she says!”

    “She better not,” Garrosh growled. Gorgonna sighed, releasing her grasp.

    “She and I spent our childhoods in the internment camps after the Second War. She is grateful that the warchief liberated us, but…" She hesitated, then added quietly, “She thinks he does not do enough.”

    “And you?” Garrosh demanded. Gorgonna looked down the path that Krenna had gone and did not immediately speak.

    “Our parents fought in the wars,” she said slowly. “They drank the blood of Mannoroth like your father did, and they were parties to its curse. They committed terrible acts in the name of the Horde. They attacked and murdered the innocent.”

    Garrosh bristled. His father was no murderer. “They did what they believed necessary! Do you defile the name of your own blood?”

    “I honor my parents’ memory—make no mistake!” she cried. “But what they believed was wrong. What all the orcs believed was wrong. We must suffer for it. The warchief understands this, as do I. My sister does not.”

And as we know, Gorgonna had to put down her sister at the Grizzly Hills.


What was especially irritating about this one is that it wasn’t just an established character that took a dark path. This is someone that they created specifically for Warlords of Draenor, and ostensibly for the Alliance to have someone to rally behind/root for.

Then…I mean, I could probably grudgingly come to terms with it if it made some kind of sense. But it was just “Eh, we need a bad person soooooo…Yrel.” Yrel, the person who had been in the storyline expressing some concern that Maarad might be heading down a path to extremism.

Ah. Yeah, I…I can relate. Yrel is one for me. Admiral Taylor is another. Not including Keristrasza in Shadowlands…etc. A sore point is a sore point, so I get it.

You know my actual reaction to that? More than anything else? Confusion. Like…why are you going so hard against this bread town? There’s literally a fort on the other side of the map, which…kinda seems more relevant to your interests.

I…will confess I am still not 100% sure what the hell was going on there.

Do you want to know what it was Alliance side?

"We’ve discovered something that will change the scope of this war! It’s a talking gorilla, for some reason. Who helped the gnomes figure out the embiggening ray. Before he sacrifices his intellect, you have to kill what I think are Venture company poachers and free his people. He has a somewhat bittersweet ending, as he sacrifices his intellect for power.

Then he turns into a zombie."

If that sounds like I’m missing key points, then…I don’t know what to tell you. That is all I really got.

That’s the thing about not having a deft hand when you’re showing different people different perspectives of an event. Done well? It creates grey areas. Done poorly? You get a truce as people try to figure out what the bejesus is going on.

[Edit] I think what I said about Yrel earlier? Kinda mirrors why there’s so much irritation about the Night Warrior thing. You create something that is by design supposed to be one thing, then just it’s not. So it invalidates all that work and hope you put into it beforehand.

It’s making a three course meal for someone you care about that you tailored specifically to them, even learning new recipes and buying expensive ingredients…then finding out they actually ordered pizza 20 minutes ago and just didn’t bother to tell you.

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Warcraft died when moralist agenda took over. It is not about war anymore it is about being left wing on the spectrum. War bad now no matter how it starts. That is why all council members must die because they sold us out to the woke alliance.

Based Krenna being based as usual. Shame she died.

I was disappointed that Admiral Taylor and Nazgrim never met again even though they were both hanging out in Oribos.


Yeah Gorgonna is just another Horde council loving traitor who wants to see the Orcs in poverty. Bfa truly destroyed the Horde and the Orc heritage quest confirms it.

i think thrall was missguided in this regard. To demand suffering from its people for an act their parents did and all generation after the generation of sin…its lead to war Inevitable, but the war costs them even more…now, what are they now?

i mean…suffering didn´t work…but history repeat themselve…this time without demoninfluence, but influence of the realm of death. Either way…the horde can not redeem itself through sheer suffering…