War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise


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This is a fabrication.

Saurfang spent the entirety of the WoT quests telling us not to kill civilians.
He spent the entirety of the blight section of Lordaeron begging us not to blight, but to save Horde soldiers that Sylvanas had blighted.

What he did was aiding Anduin. And by extense the alliance. I am glad he is dead.

Patty pronounced your name wrong.

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You’re conflating two different threads of the conversation. The thing I utterly reject is the proposition that Alliance players have “objectively” been more damaged by BfA than Horde players.

As Aviala said:


Saurfang used to an awesome character. BfA assassinated his character and destroyed any respect I had for the character


She noticed me. That is all what matters.

Man how was shamanism getting made a laughing stock by these dumb cynical automatons not on top of your list.


I think some of this is my fault. Chalk it up to lazy writing on my part.

Both Alliance and Horde players are being forced to deal with crappy situations based on this baffling set of decisions. Both of the players - the humans, with computers - have to deal with this dread of seeing what kind of gut punch they’re going to have to deal with to play a game they’ve invested time in.

That’s where I agree with you and Aviala, and is why I had mentioned earlier in this thread I liked and wanted to see different takes.

The part where I was sloppy was in saying night elf players have it worse. I should have been clear that I meant night elves - the elves in the forests - got the worst end of the narrative stick.

From a story standpoint, I said - and still say - the group that were on the receiving end of a genocide got it worse than the group that did not.

Arguing about a narrative interpretation is fine, and is healthy. Arguing about how someone feels is not, and is a trespass I take great strides to avoid. It’s in poor form, and
saying “You don’t feel bad” isn’t really a tenable argument.

Again, my bad. I got sloppy. I’ll try to be clearer.


Past tense.

Which we already knew the Warsong went to participate in Sylvanas’ war:

    Warsong Lumber Camp supplies the Horde war machine with lumber. Commandeer a Shredder to wreak havoc on their supply lines.

We don’t know what Gorgonna leading the Warsong entails now.

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And that would remind me of how the writers destroyed a character that I used to, not exactly be a fan of, but find an interesting and worthwhile addition to the story. And whose ruination entailed the destruction of my chosen faction. Playing that would make me wince mightily. I don’t get how Cursewords could enjoy it.


I agree. Which is why I think it would be best in the Night Elf heritage armor questline.

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A sad point on this whole thing is that ‘Sylvanas Loyalists’ is the dumbest faction grouping you could ever throw into a thing. Sylvanas played all her cards close to chest for the entire war so the only thing they would be ‘loyal’ to is the war with The Alliance and the Horde under a Warchief. Which still makes them Horde pretty thoroughly, just disliking the Council.
Which gets into a funny thing because it’s basically a middle finger to any person who disliked the setup of a Council as the answer to all the Horde’s ‘ills’.

It’s not like Sylvanas Loyalists would be Mawsworn, they never knew about any of that. They would just be a warhawk faction within the Horde rather then some kind of omnicidal murderers.

They’d be no different than the mobs we killed that were loyal to Garrosh at the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Sadfang was definitely worse—he was effectively dead to me after he refused to leave the Stockades—but I wasn’t excited about Saurfang either. At the absolute best, it would just have been a repeat of the storyline previously (and better) done with Vol’jin and Garrosh.

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Except that was in the middle of a civil war, not after; and Garrosh was a lot more up front about why he was fighting.
People aren’t still fighting for Garrosh after he died in WoD.


Plenty of Goblins went to Draenor and helped Garrosh still.

While he was alive and actively working towards something.


There are Goblins in the Hellfire Citadel raid, well after Garrosh died.

Yeah and they are remnants of the Blackfuse company that followed him before he died, they were still following the Iron Horde that he helped set up.