rubs cheek
You sweet innocent lad…
rubs cheek
You sweet innocent lad…
Except he is talking about checkpoints, he even mentions floors in the 20’s after that. Right now it kicks you out at 18 but then you can start at 14 and go even higher.
So from the sounds of it they are segmenting the “limitless” aspect, which I personally disagree with as a design choice, but preach did say floors above 18 past the point you mentioned (14:10)
If I am being honest, and I am taking this with a grain of salt, that is not the Torghast experience I was hoping for in a “limitless” mode and instead was hoping for a true limitless mode where you just go until you cant anymore in a single sitting.
I’ll be honest, optimism sounds a lot better than “hyped.” A lot of people were seriously hyped for BfA, which definitely contributed to the let down.
I think optimism is significantly more healthy.
I am still with old information, i tought that you earn power randomly killing stuff and breakin vessels
I’m not so innocent lol I’ve experienced the WOW rollercoaster ride since 2005
You would think with such a long history of making mistakes then learning from them that Blizzard would get at least the tower right (hopefully in addition to covenants).
You do but it’s meaningless with the broker there lol.
This also may only be experimental, and might change back with feedback, etc. I wouldn’t put too much into it because torghast has changed more than anything else in the beta.
Yeah. Truthfully, from what I played in the Alpha I really do love Torghast. Its truly something special and unique. Easily one of my favorite bits of content in a very long time XD
After experiencing it I have to say it’s the content I am looking forward to the most in Shadowlands.
I agree. I unfortunately didn’t get to test it, but just watching people go through it seems like exactly what I want in the game.
Reminds me a lot of Palace of the dead from FFXIV, but with the ability to change your player power outside of only leveling up.
Most interesting game mode they’ve added, and I look forward to it.
Yeah, though I would be lying if I didn’t say I do have a bias. I love Roguelike games. Dungeons of Dredmor, Rogue Legacy (Excited that 2 is in production ), 20XX (SUPER HYPED for 30XX), etc.
Getting Roguelite content in WoW is pretty great and is honestly a blast. I look forward to when everyone gets a chance to try it out, its seriously great.
I’ve actually never played a rogue-like game, but honestly it makes me more keen to try it out. Would what you listed be good games to try out for someone new to the genre?
Here is where the 18 floors is mentioned:
This is the kind of thing that does make it into live though.
Can someone on beta check that we get the limited torghast wing to collect stuff weekly for our legendary items and another unlimited wing which only rewards cosmetics and achievements?
If it’s like this, everyone can be happy. And beware the bad word, blizz can more easily balance the difficulty and rewards.
They’ll definitely use it to limit the amount of legendaries you can craft in a given timeframe.
You just reenter and start on a higher floor, do your 18 and repeat.
I hadn’t heard about a 2. Might have to play the original again to knock the rust off.
Yeah…hopefully they revert it. Current design is weird, like 18 floors per run but then you can start new runs from the floor you got to, but the floor difficulty and your powers are all reset so it’s no different from starting at 1 minus the number.
Hopefully they fix it again, current design looks pointless.
Everything resets though so there is no point in the number really. Poor choice imho especially after the positive feedback on the system.
My guess is that it just got too insane with the powers and stuff. Folks were getting to levels in the 70s.
systemlands? hahahaha. Thats actually funny as hell.
But that’s kind of the point of the content design isn’t it? Why have level numbers increase above 18 if nothing changes anyway?
Might as well just come out and say that Torghast will be capped at that point
Honestly I’d say a better way of at least preventing players spending too much time in one sitting for fear of losing a run would instead giving players the option of saving progress and leaving the run to be able to be picked up again later, without any resets, with the constraint being that once a save is reentered that save state is lost, so ending a run can’t be gamed by a constant save state.