Vote kick, does it take 3 or 4 votes now?

Vote kick, does it take 3 or 4 votes now? (in dungeons)

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It depends on the group composition. If they’re all random players, 3 votes is enough. If a group of 3 joins together, the 4th vote is required for the kick. So a group of 3 cannot kick without a 4th in agreement.

That said, when groups join and initiate a kick, the system keeps track and if they do it frequently, they lose the ability altogether to initiate a vote even. They get out onto a cooldown until they complete some runs without any attempts to initiate a vote to kick.

It’s a sort of safeguard to prevent constantly just kicking people for funsies.


I think that there should be a debuff that reduces the parties damage by 20% for 5 mins for anyone that submits a Kick or votes to kick someone, UNLESS the VTK is for someone that is/or has been AFK for more than 5 minutes, or completely offline. And yes, there is a way for the system to tell if the person that is being VTK’d is AFK or offline.

And should the people be punished if a player is being disruptive and causing problems in the group?

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Than that is where you report the incident, just like you would out in world play.

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Oh cool, so can I join up with your group as a tank and just refuse to do my tanking job?

To many people are able to kick someone just because they aren’t as good, or maybe they are terrible at there class. I don’t feel people should be kicked for sucking. We all had to learn. This whole idea of, “You can watch videos”, or whatever is BS.

Well, funny you mentioned that because I can tank, and I can heal, and I can DPS. So…be my guest. So as a group, the rest of us will just move on. You can tag if you like. :kissing: :slightly_smiling_face:

There you go, So you can understand why the Vote Kick system is in place.

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Yes, yes, but way to many people abuse it.

Let’s say for instance, you come into my group and all you want to pull in a dungeon is a small group because that is what you are comfortable with. But hey, there is a mage elites that says that you are too slow and votes to kick you.

So now 3 votes got you kicked and you have to sit out for a 30 minutes. Do you think that is fair?

Yes I do, How is it fair that the way I play bothers the rest of the group? If they don’t want me there, then I would rather not be in that group. Of course I don’t feel entitled enough to ruin the fun everyone else because i expect them to play my way,

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OMG, it is a random pug that lasts 15 minutes, are you really that shallow. People play the game to have fun, and “funsuckers” need not apply.


Voting someone out of a group, when the majority agrees, is not abusing the system. It’s literally designed to work that way.

Under Blizzard rules, as those are the only ones that matter, voting to kick can’t be abused. Anyone can initiate a vote for any (or no) reason at all.


And, it is called an ignore button, I will tolerate you to finish the run, but I will never party with you again.

See, not a hard thing to do

You should stop while you’re ahead.

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Right, and how many times does it take for someone to actually get penalty for to to many VTK’s? 5, 10, 20 times. lol, it is a Band-Aid fix to a growing problem that Blizzard created.

Blizzard has never released that info. So anything would be complete speculation.

A fix? It’s been that way since shortly after the system was implemented like over a decade ago. That’s nothing new, just not common knowledge.

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I read in another forum about how when a VTK’s pops up, people just click yes, they don’t even look at the reason or even try to make a logical decision. LMAO

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It is a band-aid to a problem that was implemented a decade ago.

Uh, and how does one prove that?