Vote kick, does it take 3 or 4 votes now?

They don’t have to.

The players decide, that’s the point of voting.

If you knew how many informal votes are made when elections happened, you’d be against democracy, based on your posts.

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HAHA, now you are just trying to get a political. I am out, you all have a great day.

Hopefully you’re not planning on a career in game development with ideas like that, you won’t make it far.

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Dungeon speedsters cant even take the time to kill 1 extra trash mob.
You think they have time to read whatever is on the VtK window?
Nah they just hit accept to get it out of their face!


So are you, if you’re talking about designing a voting system.

I didn’t mention any specific country or their parties, but a system.

Nah, the only change to VTK is that if someone has been offline for more than 5 min, it should only take 1 vote to remove them.

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Hmmm, designing?.. I think the proper term here is designing. I didn’t make the voting system.

I would agree with this.

No. But you want it changed based on a design of your own.

I can see how this confuses you. lol,
Most people that troll get confused pretty easily.

I wonder if there is an ignore button in the forums?..

I’m not confused. You want to change when people are allowed to vote and for what reasons. This is your design.

Um, seriously?.. People suggest changes all the time. WOW, such trolling.
Stop, please.

Yes. People have their own designs, they should try designing a game.

Here’s the thing, if you get vote kicked a lot maybe you should start looking at yourself.

20 years and I’ve been vote kicked maybe once

The problem with saying “Just report them” to this is that reports can take weeks to result in an account action.

Should have always taken 4, dunno if it changed.

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I can see how this confuses you. lol,
most people that troll get confused pretty easily.

the answer is yes

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Who said anything about getting kicked a lot, not sure that was a part of the conversation.

I don’t think I’ve ever been kicked from a group, so once is a lot.

I will agree with this. lol