#Vote for suspension of players on forums who post OFF TOPIC

He’s spam flagging everyone and ran out of flags, he flagged my posts with his alts in this very thread.

I think it’s because it’s still up?

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Because when I flag and click " spam" for example it is not doing anything, there are also


Why suspend? Just have the mods move them to off topic


It got buried eventuality. … But this is massively off topic… Flagged it . no notification. Yet the opposite thread got buried in seconds.

Could it be the software? You bet but this is an odd thread to get that “bug”


I think at this point,Blizzard should disable forums, if not deleting some of those posts may cause even worse conflict WITHIN the Blizzard among employees… I fear that, I am not even joking.

I agree… Right now this is a VERY slippery slope. But I’m sure they’re going to sit there and blame the Forum software on their lack of modding.

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Those people who post this are ignorant, lacking education if I have to guess, this is very dangerous for company… This people can’t understand that GAME has nothing to do with all that. So disabling forums maybe the best option for all. Even black people comment they don’t want this.

If someone wants to support, go out and do it don’t do it on game forums.

[quote=“Trum-wyrmrest-accord, post:19, topic:551497, full:true”]
I’m black and i get tired of hearing this nonsense over and over. A lot of us know most of you are just virtue signaling and as soon as the media stops talking about this you move on to other things.

I agree, it starts with you being suspended first for starting this off topic thread.

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Harassment is against the ToS. You’re still free to do so though

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use this for feedback on this forum, I wouldn’t waste your time complaining about a broken flag system though because it isn’t - whatever they did there was intentional


I don’t like this idea because it will be instantly abused.

So… by your own logic we can get you suspended because this has nothing to do with the game and is actually “Off-Topic”?

… you sure this is the hill you want to die upon?

Glad we have Eret here to stick up for the literal racist. Doing a great job buddy.


Shots fired.

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I saw some cringe af memes today, but OP is way above them, cringe lord literally.

kicks thread into the maw

He’s already used his alts to flag my post lol.

Also going through the posts of his growing list of alts he has so far claimed to be:

An adult female with a 15 year old son who is upset about trade politics
A lesbian
A black man upset about BLM posts


He’s upset.