#Vote for suspension of players on forums who post OFF TOPIC

Unless you are trolling it is not my idea that game forums are for game topics.

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Wait, it does? How?

And that is why there is a handy little button that people can use to flag posts which are outside of their topic and request that they get moved to the right one.

Considering that only the very occasional off-topic post makes it to Gendis, I’d say it isn’t as big a deal as you are trying to make it. Definitely not worth a suspension unless someone is doing it all the time.

You pay to have access to the servers, thats it, nothing else, so everything you mentioned is useless.

I vote for suspension on Shorthughar for spreading missinfo like this.

We can’t flag that post, it is disabled, go try it and nothing happens.

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hit bear paw on the right - mute thread

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Demon hunter players are not allowed to comment here due to their brain injury of 1 button class.

Maybe just move on with your day and not worry about it then? Unless people start making off topic posts en masse, I don’t see it effecting things too much.

That’s also my last comment as I am pretty confident that you are just trolling.

I can play that game too, non CE players like you arent allowed to comment due to their lack of brain to play the game in a decent lvl, see? it was easy.

everyone should only be discussing the boting problem of classic wow

Scroll to the bottom.

Underneath ‘Bookmark’, it will say: Tracking (because you read this topic) with a paw print icon.

Press on the word and you will see several options including a Mute option.

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Yeah guys, I’m getting sick and tired of all these off-topic posts. I come here to escape reality and if anything makes me even vaguely recall that I’m a human-being with a connection to the outside world, then by George that just ruins my entire day. Have some consideration and let me play in peace.

If I see so much as one more of these topics about the moon of Saturn spinning into space 100x faster than previously thought, then I’m gonna lose my gourd.


Maybe players should be suspended for posting classic problems in retail .

If they felt it was necessary they would do it. And delete those threads. Neither of which has happened. In fact, they unflagged them and let them continue.

They need to give suspension to people who does this, so others won’t do it. It is at this point as trolling, if you want to support that movement, go out and do, dont sit here and force people to read your bs on game forums.

It’s funny this topic isn’t about the GAME CONTENT either. It’s about moderation of the forums, which are also not a part of the game. Blizzard could shut down the forums tomorrow and not be breaking any agreement.

You made your point – twice with repeated posts. It should stand on its own, not need constant defending from you. Because all your replies further make this topic not about the game, which is what you’re riling against.

OP post was flagged, time to flag his other thread.

From the “Welcome! Please Read–” thread

Posts like this are highly frowned upon BY Blizzard. I get where you are coming from man, its frustrating constantly seeing Off-Topic threads in GD (Really should be an “Wrong Subforum” option when flagging) or Real World/Political threads but just report them and move on. Blizzard will eventually get to them and handle them.

However, creating a petition thread like this asking for likes as votes is highly frowned upon. If you are going to make a thread asking Blizzard to take action on those breaking forum rules then honestly you should not do so by breaking the rules yourself.

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i sent ticket, I couldn’t report it and this is why I am posting this. There is thread which can’t be reported. h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/black-lives-matter/551497 / flag system is broken on this post.

Flag system seems to be working fine for me on that thread, why do you think its not working exactly?