Black Lives Matter

You don’t speak for me. Take your inflammatory troll posting somewhere else. You are so stricken with white guilt is sickening.

Please post said “various studies.”

Matter !


Holy smokes, flagging this post really doesn’t do anything. No notice below the post saying it’s been flagged like in other posts. What is going on?

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Because you can’t flag it. It won’t accept a flag.

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Seems like blizzard or the mods can “turn off” flagging certain posts.

really can’t flag it at all, but the one about ‘white lives matter’ is buried.
:thinking: really makes you think

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There are numerous, so use the search criteria of your choice to find them. This is the information age, and everything is available for quick verification, but anything that you hear that violates your own world view is automatically dismissed it seems. Not good.

You really think it’s odd? Black Lives Matter is a movement that is trying to end racism. White Lives Matter is a movement to stop a movement from ending racism.

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Current racism does exist it’s just not as prominent and it’s more subtle.

What is prominent is the scars and economic un-equality leftover from previous hard core racism. That left a large portion of the current non-white races in the poor bracket of economic wealth. White people are also in that bracket. This current problem is caused more by the “haves” vs the “have not’s”.

Yes you should work for what you have. However we have to admit there are systems upon systems built to keep poor people in a barrel of debt. That and systems cornering them constantly by racking up living expenses on those who can’t afford to move. And sadly they make barely too much to gain governmental aid. So it does actually get to the point where they feel as if they have been stolen from.

I just wish they would aim that fury in the right direction. Not on the innocent, not on the people just doing their jobs but on the economic loop hole system that created this mess to begin with. Mostly put into place so the rich can remain rich. Supporting those loopholes (like jerrymandering districts) are why everyone is working way harder then they should be just to live.

Neither one is a discussion about the game though, so both are spam.


BLM only matters if a person is killed by a cop. The thousands that died in Chicago due to black on black violence. where is BLM there? what about that little girl in Ferguson who got killed in a drive-by while studying where was BLM then?

Equal is equal… If one stays up… So must the other.


You don’t see why a movement to end racism isn’t being removed while a movement that encourages racism is buried? Really?

It’s always been there. But sometimes you need a straw that breaks the camel’s back for people to say enough is enough.

And yet here you are.

Ever watched growing up Hip-Hop? Even older members of the black community have stated that the “culture” of rap and music and TV these days is the problem, I’ve even seen some deeply self-reflecting articles on the matter, as the saying goes “a better you starts in the home.”.

It doesn’t make them money. Race hustlers like Al sharpton can’t profit off his own people killing each other.

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Our entire economy runs on debt by design right now sadly.

If debt wasn’t freely available most people’s purchasing power would be god awful compared to just a generation ago. Real wages have tanked since the 70s since we killed the labor movement and made it extremely easy to ship off jobs overseas.

I feel the current recession is dangerous because almost no families have any real ability to absorb a hit to their finances. The stimulus money helped but that’s run dry and our current senate is laughing off any idea of further helping.


No, they have said that it is “a” problem, not “the” problem. There is a huge difference there.

I guess the 450 people murdered in chicago during 2019 wasn’t enough. Oh it didn’t involve a cop or a narritive.