Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I think they compromised too much to the void elf group but they can’t undo what is done unless they make a whole new Void Elf model that is diffrent from Blood Elves I think many people would be happy but sadly some would whine and howl like never before.

How about stop asking and demanding blizzard fix the ugly Nightborne who really need to be worked on. Not some fruty pebble hair colors.


Horde players always bring Nightborne up in void elf threads for no reason. If you want nightborne to get more options then make your own thread instead of derailing :hugs:


Hello there.


I totally agree, there have been people that claim they wanted a unique model but if they would have gotten one they would be complaining they didn’t get ours.

As for this they always give a response like once we get the “important” hair colors we will move onto that. Lol.

It’s not derailing to point out about model should be different then say something else that is more important, learn the difference.


I don’t see how is even Involves you since you are a pandaren… Now if you were a elf then I can see you weighing in on the conversation.

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I’m just confused what they are doing talking about derailing?

Isn’t that what they did?

I think NB in terms of being on topic very much is because it’s at least wow related and in terms of it being part of the Elf swap but our Elf swap was unequal


…is this one of those “you must post on your elf” thread?


Always has to be some PanKaren that has to weigh in on things that do not even bother them. Shakes head

but the term PanKaren I like that.

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Nailed it.

…wait, too obtuse. This is, of course, Sledgehammer. And this is where my Darkspear with the dark troll customizations would be if I had one of those.

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Why not at least show you actually play one. is that too hard to ask? you are playing a dwarf how does what a blood elf look to you even matter?

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I am 4 whole tiny elves and I like to look fancy. These are my credentials to post on the forums.


LOL! Ironic the other day they were saying you are always the one causing problems and even trying to convince me that you are even after I ignored replies from them, then come in today again and cause problems on a different character. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


nice catch


This is why I have Issues with most Alliance players every time they want something it’s like a huge demand and order. I have never seen a faction who freaks out over the smallest stuff like the Alliance does.

Oh god Death Squads !!! we can’t have that it tarnishes our moral image and rightious uptightness. Where Horde get all the bad story lines and purges galore.

But to the Alliance it’s HORDE FAVORTISM.

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His post is ironically hilarious. “Attack the argument” says him… and then he proceeds to attack another poster cause god forbids we all NOT fall into the headcanon of people that still INSIST the Sunwell is “Lightforging” the Belves or something (newflash for anyone reasing this post: as per canon lore, this is false. The Golden eyes are a result of individual devotion to the Light, NOT of any Sunwell shenanigans and until Blizz changes this paradigm, this is the lore and anything else is player fanfiction BS, period). Those post reached peak comedy when his response to give proof was to GTFO faster than a spooked cat, rofl.

As a lore fan, I´ll have to be THAT person and notify you that Fel was ALWAYS associated with villains more than heroes (as far as WC3, remember the BL were the BIG BAD GUYS as far back as that game); and unfortunately for the Belves, this was the lore development they got back in TBC. As per the Belf canon story since TBC, Felblood elves are deranged villains that got nucked together with Kael´thas, period. And as far as canon lore is involved, Belves will NEVER AGAIN resort to reckless research and/ot the use of questionable magics simply because they learned their lesson (the lesson being: "the end won´t justify the means always and sometimes the cost of the end is higher than the cost of doing nothing… the solutions must always be BALANCED -remember the lore related to Mana Tap, basically tyhe explanation of the very first quest in Eversong?- Remember why it was coded as coherent to kick out the Velves in BfA´s pre-patch?).

However, take in mind that what I said above doesn´t mean the Belves can ONLY be developed following some strict “muh Lightforging” BS; quite the contrary the devs IGNORED this narrative path the very moment they could have implemented it (no seriously, why go an extra mile and say “Golden eyes in Blood elves only happen in greatly devout individuals as a result of their strong devotion” instead of saying “Belves are getting Golden eyes cause Sunwell irradiates them with Light”. It doesn´t make sense if the intention of the devs was always to justify the Golden eyes as a feature caused by the Sunwell).

Personally, I´d like following the Blood Magic branch school for the Belves cause:

  1. Open the possibilities to justify “San´layn / Dark Ranger” esque features like red eyes, red runic tattoos, etc. for ALIVE characters too; not only for “dead” ones (the problem with San´layn AND Dark Rangers is that they are VERY reductive niches -the first ones are basically only Mages and the second one are basically ONLY Hunters); and BOTH cases only apply to “dead” people. So unless I want my characters to be “dead”, I wouldn´t be able to justify how I got the stuff).

  2. So far in the lore, is completely EXCLUSIVELY seen in Belves as far as elf races are related, justifying much MUCH easier exclusive “non allowed to be copied by Velves” customization options (Nightborne already took the “arcane” theme, Night Elves have the “nature” theme and Velves have obviously the “void” theme… however there is NO freaking chance ANY of those races can jump and demand Blood Magic inspired customizations simply because those races are literally ignorant on that magic school AND they have antagonist -Nelves, Velves- or nonexistant -Nightborne- interactions with the other races that DO practice Blood Magic, period.).

  3. It can be used as a basis to create more interracial constructive stories with other HORDE races (cause the only other races that DO research Blood Magic are Mag´har Orcs AND Jungle Trolls). I think this is important as a Horde lore fan cause I´m tired of watching the devs artificially keeping the Belves so separated from the faction IN-GAME (hilariously, in side media there is more and more evidence the Belves are integrating happily and quickly into the Horde faction, but in-game is almost as if devs wanted to pretend nothing has happened after TBC and Belves should STILL feel like guests and not partners a decade later of joining the Horde club).

  4. It can be used to represent some customization features that were seen in the old “Felblood” models of the Sunwell Plateau NPCs like the “pretty” feather wings -cause let´s all be honest: people is basically asking for the wings when they talk about “Felblood” theme- without stupid retconns like “some Felblood elves suddenly appeared from nowhere in the middle of Quel´thalas and Lor´themar et al received them with open arms cause lul”. I´m against explaining those customizations following the previous example cause actual “Felblood elves” have a TERRIBAD rep in the canon story regarding the Belves themselves; I rather look for alternative ways to explain THOSE customizations without involving Felblood elves proper. Also guys remember: Blood Elf Blood Mage NPCs are lorewise speaking people that DO involve something similar to Fel into their magical practicioning -ergo, devs only have to say the Belves put just “enough” Fel into the spells thanks to improved research in Blood Magic using the Animus, and voilá: Felbloodelf esque customizations WITHOUT stupid lore attached to it.

Omg, such atrocious wall of text, I apologize for the lenght of the answer.


Maybe if the Horde was less inclined to capitulate to bad writing, they wouldn’t be so bonkers.

At least Horde whining got the torture death camp out of Darkshore.

…but really, Blizzard gunna Blizzard. We’re just along for the ride.


I think I can’t get into the classic vibe idk, but at least UC is still there and Sylvanas hasn’t had this current story yet too D:

I kinda like being a white mage in ff, and after this long quarantine I’m trynna have a hot boy summer

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I totally feel you here, I started playing when I made this character originally way back in BC but I don’t want to do it again. Haha. :yum: :yum: :yum:

Oh lordy.

That sounds nice. I was beginning to get there. And then I was reminded that the pandemic is still on.

Someday this fall, I am going to leave my radio and elves far behind, go away from my response area, bring some books and some beer… and just… NOT for a while.

I started as a vanilla tauren, but I didn’t know what video games really were and I got her hilariously lost in Ashenvale and gave up.

I did come back in BC and since then, only really left for WOD.

But I don’t have the time or the sanity for BC again. But I was there. Been there, done that, bought the vampire batling.