Void Elves are still Void Elves

I mean I understand that it’ll now be considered a identity crisis for the VE as a whole, since now everyone that wanted HE(SC) as a playable race and since this is the closest that they’ll get to having a HE on the alliance they’ll probably retcon(In a rp sense) themselves as being Ren’dorei and as identify themselves as HE.

The best Blizzard can do is expand the VE more to explain give people a actual reason as to why to play them, instead of giving us a “compromise” for HE. IMO

Blizzard may well be the ones turning the High Elf story into the Void Elf story. We have to wait and see if there are any lore dumps regarding the High Elves joining the Ren’dorei when these customizations go live.

But even if Blizzard adds no lore with the customization, it basically leaves the players to headcannon what they want. It may not give us plain old High Elves on the Alliance but its something closer to it than we had and likely the best we’ll see… at least for a while I’d bet.

I don’t think Alliance High Elves as a race is impossible, just less likely now than I thought before the customization announcement.

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And that was the big thing that upsetted most VE players alongside those that wanted HE to be seperate. Not only ret-coning that the ritual changes the VE’s to what they look like today. They should had more void-baised customisations then the BE copy and paste.

I don’t know about that bud.

“My arrogance was nearly our undoing. I dabbled with powers far beyond my control. If you will train us, Alleria, we will follow where you lead.” — Magister Umbric

I think it’s pretty apparent Alleria is the leader. Anyone debating that is being really nitpicky.

Anduin even says they are allowed in the Alliance as long as they follow her teachings.


I mean, you can believe what you want. I think its more “lets sneak high elves into void elf lore” but I don’t mind Alleria and you can believe what ever you want. I’m down with that.

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Yeah it’s meant as a friendly term in light conversation. If you don’t like it I won’t use it.

In any case, the void elf playable characters literally say “For Alleria!” when you type /Charge

And they even talk about her in their /Joke

“Alleria is my favorite Windrunner sister, edgier than Vereesa but less homicidal than the dead one.”

Yes, and that might become a can of worms.

Right now, we have void elves, led by Alleria. We have nonvoid “high” elves, led by … Vereesa? Alleria is a bigger name than Vereesa. Arguably void elves have already become a more important race than “high elves”.

What if Vereesa and the Silver Covenant all get shadow training from Alleria? Then nonvoid high elves basically won’t exist any more. If that happens, it may make the high elf paladin fans and their ilk quite upset, with some justification.

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That’s to assume all the high elves would even want to, which makes a plot hole.

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Fair enough. It just caught me off guard.

I’m not saying she’s not important to the void elves. I love her. But she came off more a mentor while Umbric is the “leader”

Either way I would be fine with it, The one is charge is the one Blizzard says is in charge, but I do feel like the push for Alleria to be in charge suddenly is a high elf thing. Certain fans want the High Elf Legitimacy it brings. Which is fine, but again…to many of us void elf fans. Void elves are not JUST more high elves.

That being said, Alleria is a void elf, and the cooler of the too, so if you just want her to be the leader of the void elves as a void elf… I got no beef. Still, at least at this point. The canon is co-leadership at best.

Also, just because I saw it above. I still can’t get anyone to answer me on the whole High Elf Paladin thing.

High Elves never had a large paladin force. No one can explain to me how a race not having a paladin class is some how less high elf-y.

I get what you’re saying, but to me it’s not suddenly at all. She was always the leader to me, to a lot of people. She’s the one that does the voice over when you make a new character, and I don’t know why it would suddenly be a high elf thing when she self identifies as a void elf. :joy:

I agree. If high elf paladins were such a thing, why did the blood elves literally have to torture a naaru in the Burning Crusade to become the original blood knights.

Sure there are high elves that are paladins, but it was never a defining trait of the race.

True, and I did edit the post to hit that point as well, because I do like Alleria as a void elf leader…as long as she remains firmly a void elf in her lore.

Just adding my edited quote for posterity. (Also, I apologize for typos…trying to type here and kill trolls at the same time)

The high elf paladins fans shouldn’t be upset about something they never had.

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And normally I’d be down for basically any race/class combo if the lore was there… but this goes back to the sticking point that, right now, the race is still very much steeped in void elf, and there’s just something not right about void elf paladins.

I don’t really think paladins make sense either.

Only way to do that now, since the VE looking like BE can is now open is to…

I…I dunno…

It still doesn’t really solve the whole void elf paladin in my eyes… You’re not suggesting a LFVE right? I’m kind of trying to understand…

Also, this seems complex enough that Blizzard will for sure screw it up.

no no, If high elves becomes VE, what stops them from going high elf to lightforged. Besides what happened to the army that followed turalyon when they went into the gate? This can answer that.

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I see a future where the Lightforged can basically be any race, similar to how the Undead should be able to be any race, or Death Knights.

At the very least, humans, gnomes, dwarves and high elves. Maybe they can add NE, but unsure.

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I mean…I don’t have any issue with the idea, but it fills me with this vague since of unease. Maybe its the void calling.

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