Void Elves are still Void Elves

Why do people keep saying that Alleria is the leader of the void elves? She’s not. Magister Umbric is the leader. She just helped bring them into the Alliance.

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I kept wondering about that. Poor Umbric.

Personally that is one of the reason why made my thread I posted up there. Not all of them will want to dabble in the void and it is apparent that blizz may not want to use a race slot for just HE’s. If there is a group that wants to be void, then there may be a group that wants to play with the light. To be lightforged you just need to take a ritual (much like the void counterpart) There is allot of ppl on the alliance that would want to explore that possibility since they see light as more of a good magic then dark (Though lore-wise we as the players knows better)

Edit: This still don’t however address the wants of ppl rping the lore of the silver covenent as a race. :confused:

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That’s actually something I’m not entirely clear on to be honest. Umbric was the leader of his squad, but it was Alleria that taught him and his squad how to master the whispers. They seem more like co-leaders of the Ren’dorei though I get the impression that Alleria carries a bit more weight since, as you said, she’s the one who got them accepted into the Alliance.

He’s being swept under the rug by the HE camp because he’s not a high elf :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, Alleria is the way in to the alliance and an advicer but the for sure leader is Umbric.

I mean Umbric did say that he’d be honored to follow her and learn from her. Not only that but he does show dependency from her from time to time. TBH I see them both as Leaders of the faction. Umbric was the one who lead the pilgrims to where they are today and Alleria was the one who saved them and help them choose their fate. So it’s not so far stretch that both would be considered leaders of the Ren’dorei as they do take orders from her without hesitation.

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Thing is though, as soon as she ate the fallen naaru she stopped being a high elf :confused:

I would like to see him be less of an errand boy to be sure… but I also don’t want it to be the Umbric show. I’d like to see more named Void Elves doing things of note and getting story devoted to them so Umbric isn’t the only Void Elf NPC who isn’t a generic throw away.

The original post isn’t really about headcanon, though; it’s about canon as defined by the game.

I don’t see it as argument, either. I read the original post as conciliatory: it points out to the people who don’t want Alliance to get High Elves that the skin color change doesn’t make characters any less Void Elves, and it points out to Alliance who want a separate High Elf race that these skin tones don’t foreclose that option some time in the future.

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Why would you not want it to be the Umbric show? He has barely had any screen time and I would love to see some development. Why wouldn’t you want to hear more of our most notable, original void elf?

He’s the only Void Elf with a name that has had any screen time at all in BfA. Even Alleria was relegated to “boat duty” throughout BfA. We need more than just him to build the story of the Void Elves going forward. That’s a burden no single NPC can carry.

Don’t forget that the idea of allied races is for them not to be in the main story as much as the core races. The best we can hope for them is to show up on quests and on the side. like the time he raised dino bones.

Ummm, isn’t that true for basically every race. You have like 1-4 main people, depending on your race size, that kind of speak for everyone.

And what i’m upset about is people trying to turn that void elf story into the high elf story.

And that’s fine for every other allied race that has organically appeared prior to their unlock. Not so for Void Elves. They need the extra lore focus. Had we been given plain old Alliance High Elves that would not have been the case since they have years of lore already. We know them quite well. Not so the Ren’dorei.

If it weren’t for Alleria’s learning to control the void, Umbric would be a smudge instead of an elf. Umbric may lead the few acolytes he had, but it’s quite clear by now that most void elves are not among those original acolytes.

In game, Umbric speaks to player character void elves as an equal, not as a leader. Alleria speaks as a leader. To the extent that void elves have a leader, it’s Alleria.

That’s true, but the thread’s topic has kind of morphed because I think everyone is in agreement with that. With a heaping dose of, but don’t let that stop you from writing your character however you want because it’s your character and you should be able to do that.

Now, we’re just talking about possible head canons and lore possibilities.

This is incorrect. Go google the void elves. Their racial leader is Umbric. No matter which one you would prefer.

For me, the answer is that Alleria is quite clearly the most notable, original void elf, not Umbric.