Void Elves are still Void Elves

Elf skin tones (call them Blood Elf, call them High Elf, whatever you prefer) on Void Elves does not mean they’re ‘uncorrupted’. I see a lot of people asking if they’re uncorrupted, and largely, the answer is no.

Apply the same rationalization to these skin tones as they did to Wildhammer tattoos and hairstyles on the base Dwarf race. The game will still treat you as a Bronzebeard dwarf but if you want to play out the WIldhammer dwarf fantasy by looking like one, you will have customization options to do that.

If you want your Void Elf character to portray an uncorrupted High Elf, you will be able to do that, even if your character is still functionally a Void Elf within the setting of the game. If you want your Void Elf to be more like Alleria and adopt an uncorrupted appearance, you have that option, too.

Are these truly High Elves? In the same way the Dwarf player character is not truly a Wildhammer. And that’s fine.

Is this taking something away from the Horde? The truth is the High Elf fantasy has been owned by both factions since Burning Crusade, separately mostly by attitude and values-- pragmatic elves doing whatever it took to survive on one end, traditionalists who weren’t willing to fold on their ideals no matter the personal cost. So, no, not really.

WIth High Elf pilgrims visible in Telongrus Rift and Alleria demonstrating the ability to alter her apperance, the new options don’t represent anything lost, but access broadened to where it already should have been.


Normal-skinned Void Elves are most probably High Elves that play with the Void. They didn’t undergo the transformation ritual.


Source please?

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Logic? What other explanation is there to normal-skinned Void Elves other than it’s just those High Elf/Blood Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus Rift?


We’ve done the whole “You’re not actually High Elves” thread like 20 times now.

I’m just inclined to say let people enjoy things if they want to RP that they’re an uncorrupted High Elf.


I like the change. Now if they finally follow up on the lore they started in Legion and then left us hanging on, they will be much better.

We had this whole Mac’Aree storyline with Alleria and Locus Walker that was building towards some future importance, but then we went all of BFA without so much as a crumb further along in that story. I just hope Shadowlands finally follows up on it.


This is true, but it doesn’t matter.

The High Elf Pilgrims in Telongrus Rift show up after the transformation that Umbric and his followers underwent, this is correct.

They were all transformed after Alleria gained her Void transformation.

There’s at least two ways to become a Void Elf, so it’s reasonable to presume there are more, and new disciples are being taught. It’s also reasonable to presume that many of the pale-skinned Void Elves will be some of the Blood Elf followers in Umbric’s flock that, like Alleria, learned to alternate between the two forms.

People use that bit to point out different things. I’ve seen some point out that the customization options are an ineffective compromise to those who want a fully fledged Allied Race.

I saw confusion about whether the pale skin means Void Elves got uncorrupted and I’m just answering that bit.


You’re trying to use logic in a game where we shoot fire and ice out of our hands? You’re gonna play that card? There could be tons of reasons they’re getting new skin colors. It’s all speculation at this point.

Logic is not fact so you should stop saying those kinds of things unless you have facts to back it up


At least until you enter combat and your racial procs.


I don’t think my character actually runs 10x his normal speed when I hit Charge or can actually leap 40ft when I do Heroic Leap. Resurrection was treated as a non-canon ability for a long, long time. We’re used to understanding combat mechanics as something that may not be literal, or treating certain parts of our kit as a shade apart from our own vision of our character.

And you could just treat the void racial proc as any other magical power up I guess. I used to have a sword that procced Shadowbolts. Magical enhancements take so many forms in this game that a player may not have the illusion shattered if they head-canon it into something else.

Nobody cares


The best part of these threads is trying to figure out from the title if it is a purist complaining that they aren’t high elves because they want them, or instead, someone trying to be a party pooper for the people who are happy to “have” them.


I was pretty clear about it.

I see people asking if the new skin tones mean Void Elves are becoming uncorrupted and I’m laying out why that’s not the case. Ultimately it’s up to the player what their vision of the Void Elf character is, and how much the non-corrupted skin options mean to them.


Speak for yourself. When I leap 40 feet, I’m leaping 40 feet.

Sure, I agree with that.

It’s not even “largely”, it’s 100% no.

Void elves are still Void Elves, they are just getting the ability to “hide” their Void like Alleria.


The game will always treat them like Void Elves.

Remember though, Danuser was asked about the Wildhammer tattoos. Players may not get an authetic Wildhammer experience, but can use them to RP thier character that way if they want to. Players can headcanon their pale skinned Void Elf as a true High Elf if they want to.

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I don’t think these customization imply a difference in a Void elf’s relationship with the void, just the amount of visible corruption they display. Void elves will still bleed purple, and be transformed by their relationship with the Void unless specified otherwise by Blizzard.


I agree with this until something points out otherwise in the story itself.

forsaken are just rotting humans. call them what you want but theyre still just the rotting humans of lordaeron

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High Elves that meddle with the Void would simply be shadow priests.

These are void elves.