Void Elves are still Void Elves

It was unaVOIDable.

Groan lol That was terrible.

In all honesty, it’s not a bad idea.

But…it feels like when people ask to have the factions removed or all races get all classes. I can’t see any issue with it off the top of my head but it always fills me with a bit of unease.

Like maybe I don’t trust Blizzard to shake up the formula like this in a way that doesn’t guarantee the worst outcome. Like total class homogenization or something.

I actually want factions in a way. pvp won’t be right without it and atm lore don’t support factions going away. Shared races had been opened due to VE getting BE appearances however…

I personally don’t understand the “high elf paladin” thing either. I’ve seen more than one person push for it, though. It may be that they are Wrath babies whose conception of high elves comes from the Silver Covenant, which has paladins. Me, I’m more of a WC2XP Alleria and high elf archer fan.

I agree that void elf paladins make little sense, and would seem to directly contradict things Alleria has said about her relationship with the void and with Turalyon. To me, it would be better to reserve paladins for a separate high elf race, if there ever is one.

Or add a race toggle to lightforged and put them there. It would address the idea a bit. Of course half-elves is another option as well.

I think my sticking point is not trusting Blizzard to give each race/class a unique feel.

Like if I thought they would, I’d say make them all sub races. You pick elf as your race then you pick blood, void, high, night, nb…err …diet… whatever. Then it gives you a bunch of customization options per that subrace and off you go. Everything’s dandy.

(This could even work for humans: SW, KT, non furry Gil, furry gil, undead. Then let them decide the body type and stuff they want and boom…fixed…)

Except there is no way that could be implemented in this game and not go over like a lead balloon.

(That’s right Blizz. Hire me for a dev. I’ll stand over you like someone’s fussy mum and tell you why you’re going to not do something right)

I doubt they would go that far. It can only really work with LF because the lore originally said the army of the light was a collective army of several races. Unless they intend to add more like it. They can make it a LF feature only to give them more popularity or options, of which they lack atm.

I’m so excited about all the new customisation. After they implemented Void Elves we were never going to get High Elves. A third race using the Blood Elf model? No thanks. Let’s put resources into more interesting race options for the future. I’m so happy with this compromise because now I don’t have to be all purple

What are you smoking? This really was not a compromise, more like a face slap lol.

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While I agree that they’d be justified in being upset… it’s Blizzard’s IP and thus their story to tell. I have a feeling though that it won’t come down to that simply because if they leave the Silver Covenant out of the Ren’dorei, then they always have them to draw from if they ever decide they do want to do plain old Alliance High Elves. It leaves the door open for that and Blizzard certainly seems to like keeping their options open.

I will say… I’m not entirely convinced Paladins will forever be off the table for Void Elves. Considering some of the slipshod writing we’ve seen in the past, I would not be shocked if Blizzard wrote a ham-fisted justification for Void Elf Paladins. If it ever does happen though, I do hope there will at least be an option to color their spells the same as other void effects we see in game so we can lean into the idea of a Void empowered Paladin rather than a Holy one.

I dunno. I’m glad people are taking it as a compromise. I do think they had the best intentions given that they really don’t seem to want to put High Elves as a playable race.

Still, it is what it is and it’s good to make the best of things, even if you’re not really sold

(Also face slap? Seems…kinda meme doesn’t it?)

Actually this is false now.

Lore-wise you’re actually either a Bronzebeard or a Wildhammer. When your new character is created and he looks like a Wildhammer, then he shows up on the shores of the new starter zone… Well you’re not given a background.

The lore doesn’t state you’re a bronzebeard dwarf.

“The race available right now IS A BRONZEBEARD! Therefore that’s the narrative.”

No it’s not. It doesn’t say Bronzebeard and in the game… LITERALLY in the game NOW its that you’re on the Island. You’re not fighting for the Bronzbeard. You’re fighting on the Island and you’re in the Alliance.

Wildhammer and Bronzebeard Dwarves are the same race. Just like Blood Elves and Void Elves. These are the same races.

This is the interwebz lol. Yeah, I do want to make the most of it, which is why I’m pushing for my idea a bit. If they can do this for VE customizations, they can do it for LF or other races. They can for example give the taunka to tuaren via high-mountain options

Hey. Keep trying. Maybe it’ll happen one day.

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Bad comparison. Ironforge and Wildhammer Dwarves are biologically the same race, what makes them different is their culture and lifestyle, Ironforge Dwarves live underground thus their skins have pale to gray tones, Wildhammer Dwarves stay outdoors most of the time thus their skins remain tanned.

Void, Blood and High Elf differences are more than cultural, their biology has been modified by supernatural powers.

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There’s a third one too:

I have no problem with people rping themselves as High Elves but when they demand to fundamentally change the Void Elves by requesting they no longer have void racials or access to Paladins to suit their rp then I draw the line.

Alliance has Void Elves and the race should not be changed.


Is there even a precedent for High Elf Paladin?

There was very few since before they became BE they barely started to get curious of the church of the holy light.

So i wont be able to make a Legolas to kill orcs?


Yea, they’ve always been more arcane. There were Elf priests in WC3, but a priest is not a paladin.

BEs have paladin, and I think the SC has a few. Alleria’s kid’s one, and i think there is one in the paladin hall.

So, evidence that an individual helf could be a paladin, but I don’t think there is enough evidence for that being a staple of the race.