Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

You do know Blizzard is never going to add Half Elves as a seperate playable race.

There is a reason why we got ear options for Blood Elves and Void Elves to come in 9.1.5. Plus, only Varessa and Alleria mingled with the Humans and well, only those 2 had children from there humans partners.


Reason: blizz is tired of the trolls crying for feed, so they choose to feed them.

Also half elves will be a thing. And they will inherit the true high elf story.

As much as I wish you to be right… you have far more faith in Blizzard than I do. Still I’ll cheer if it does actually happen.

If you support half elves or have any ideas for them you wish to contribute, please visit my half elf thread;

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Just because someone like what you don’t like, doesn’t mean they’re a troll.


Oh but they are dear, haven’t you payed attention on how they acted to everyone around them for the years after VE’s was announced?

They treated VE fans like hoozen dooken

They treated BE fans like Hoozen dooken.

They treated alliance players that didn’t agree with reducing the main theme of void elves like Hoozen Dooken.

And they oftenly ignore lore for them to reach for the thing they got, and now they have it they are acting like they are high and mighty and treating everyone even worse then hoozen dooken.

At this point I feel like we’ve reach the point of parody with the debate, and we should all be saying "Elves should be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Whenever Elves are not on screen, all the other player character should be asking ‘Where are the elves?’

Blizzard has made VE into hoozen dooken.

No one asked Blizzard to shove VE into HE and VE as one. We specifically asked HE separately and in order to save their funding and adding any more allied race for BFA, that’s what happened. Unless Ion is actually intending to make more allied race(s) in next expansion like he said he would via twitch stream.

At this point, one who keeps looking at one side of the eyesight and pretending to not look at the other way is considered trolling, and that’s what you are doing.


Mok’nathal (rexxar) have a reworked Kul’tiran model, in the same manner Vulpera have a reworked goblin one.

I am pretty certain rexxar’s model had been in game since tbc, I may be wrong. But if it is the case then your assertion should be that kil’tiran’s model was built on rexxar’s.

Which I doubt since blizz kinda built the model ground up.

No, Rexxar’s model was updated on BfA based on the Kul’Tiran one.


I am not wrong although it did get updated he had his own model;


Though it is debatable if the new one came from KT.


Sure dude, whatever.

Like I literally gave you a video source that explicitly states how he comes from the Kul Tiran model. You are impossible to have a goof faith debate with.

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Rexxar has been in game since I think vanilla. (Desolace I think).

He’s gone through a few reworks, but his BfA model is the Kul’tiran rig.

Just give us High Elves!

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True but it doesn’t change the fact that he has, or did had, an unique model for him. Even if we take the kul’tiran model to be his, they obviously altered it to match his charecter, he is not fat, he has more muscle then a KT, they don’t share fighting stances either I am not mistaken.

I am sorry, but I find people that use the “good faith debate” tend not to be in good faith in most cases. Most have agendas, some just try to troll others. Also I simply just disagree with you on that video or not.

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To my knowledge he currently shares the exact same model skeleton and animations.

In fact he was completed before the Kul’tirans model was so it’s likely that his model is less worked on.

Far as the belly bit, you’ll find that the Kul’tiran model is used on a great deal many creatures throughout SLs. Notably a large amount of Maw forces and Maldraxxi.

This is true. Although I could had sworn he had different fighting animations honestly. But to say it is an exact replica and he did not have his own model is silly.

It’s really hopeless to try to have a conversation with someone that disagrees with facts. Rexxar’s BfA model/rig is based out of the Kultiran one, just like Vulpera are absed of Goblins, and Nightborne of Night Elves, and Mawsworn from Kyrians.

My point is simply that, and

I’m not saying that.

I made the point that

and you said

That’s the point, Rexxar’s model is as different from a Kul Tiran as a Goblin is from a Vulpera, hence Mok’nathal would be a good candidate for an AR.

Then why are still keeping that act up?