Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Yes Quel’thelas is, Highvale however is Alliance.


Indeed. Blood Elves have a different collective mindset from High Elves (the specific group of Alliance High Elves we always talk about).

We have to admit, though, now that they’re turning into Void Elves they no longer are as distant as before, in terms of said mindset. Seeking to control or use the Void to the extent of infusing themselves with it is actually way more perilous and even reckless than the way Blood Elves used those Fel crystals back in TBC.


Oh for certain but not every high elf is taking the void, just a few errant ones that (visibly seem) to be willing to turn themselves into void elves


Yep, that is true. :hugs:


Highvale is your nation of Alliance High Elves?

That and the Quel’dorei residents of dalaran.


Highvale? Is a city?

It’s a small group… They’re not a nation.

OK theres SC and then there’s Dalaran.

I’ll grant SC is definitely Alliance aligned but there are countless high elves there not involved with the SC.

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The SC and Dalaran is neutral and the Highvale Elves ….


Aren’t they neutral? And just some small villages with a few huts somewhere / are hermits?

People have argued for them in the past but never under the claim they were Alliance / a huge settlement but under the idea they wanted them to formally join the Alliance and to build up the settlement. Those ideas are ideas not a reality of what it currently is?

No, they’re definetly Alliance. But they’re more refugees than a fighting force or anything like that. They push away arcane and focus more on working with The Wildhammer and some Draenei.

They’re arguably moving more light and nature based.

They’re an interesting group to be sure.

They’re not an immense group though.


Highvale is a nation of lodges stretching from EPL through aerie peak and down to loch modan, much like most things in warcraft scale is a little skewed at times but yeah its definitely a whole nation.

Silver covenant is not nuetral just as sunreavers are not nuetral. Come on now theres been more than enough conflicts about them, and they distinctly are still very active.

Dalaran is its own magistrate with nuetral interests but it is still very much so an alliance city, that was what the whole jaina and khadgar thing is about


The Highvale are not a nation.

Quel’thalas is the nation of playable High Elves and Horde.

They are neutral. As is Dalaran.


They’re large enough to have a standing military at least, but yeah theyre moving towards ley and nature magic working as protectors of seradane last i read, but the lore about it hasnt been touched in a while.


So thunder isle? That was silver covenant and sunreavers beinf nuetral? Lol.



You got proof on that headcanon?

They’re one group in the hinterlands.

If you got any actual proof otherwise I’d be happy to see it.

It’s neutral. It’s been Alliance. More than once. But it’s neutral.


They have enough to defend themselves with hero support but that’s all I’ve ever seen.


Im not able to post links on these forums, but check out Quel’lethian, in EPL and Farstriders lodge in loch modan, do the quests have fun, enjoy the story. Its all in game.


I don’t know if we have any solid lore on how, if it all, the non-Silver Covenant population of Alliance high elves are organized.

I also can’t think of a single horde aligned short elf that calls itself a high elf, so I find it fairly parsimonious to refer to Horde short elves as blood elves.

Conversely, I believe all the short elves on Blueside call themselves high or void elves (and are tagged as such where applicable).

Except Valeera, but she’s an odd duck anyway. Or possibly Vareesa. It is too hot for me to brain. No pants blood elf.


None of those are Highvale.

The Highvale are one small community.

Quel’lethian are exiled Blood elves who refused to consume magic from living things and are not Alliance.

The lodge in Loch Modan is owned by an elf but is not a community. It’s a hunters lodge. Not a people.

You have no proof of your claims dude.


Again, cant post links. I know the ttrpg isnt canon anymore, so i wont pull up the quotes about highvale from there.

But the fact these places exist, in whatever capacity and degree they exist; shows there is not only definition, but distinction between Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei, to say they’re the same thing- even if from the same roots, is reductive of what makes a Sin’dorei.


Assuming you aren’t in a naughty box with limited forum stuff