Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

The whole point is you Void Elves will never have the proper options to actually be High Elves, that’s what makes the difference between us.

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I mean, it isn’t a bad option to reflect a new identity for the blood elves. I wouldn’t say gold eyes has anything to do with high elves though.


That’s your choice, it doesn’t change that it does even if you don’t want it to.

Blizzard isn’t going to defeat the purpose of their own AR like :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Unfortunately, if we go by what they’ve done to the story and writing, I think Bliz’s response to your comment could well be “Hold my beer.”



High elves and blood elves are connected to the Sunwell so any devout high elf should have gold eyes like any devout blood elf.


I think he’s talking about the Ye Olde High Elf Fantasy, which blood elves are …16? uhm… anyway, years of story past.

Though you’re right, modern high elves would potentially have them, which is something interesting I never really thought about.

Since (blueside) high elf paladins seem rather uncommon, I suspect it wouldn’t come up much.

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Yeah. It wouldn’t be near as common. They have priests though… Could see it through that.

“Blue side” high elves are few and far between anyways so they don’t come up much period


It’s a possibility, but just customization wise, I’m not sure it’d be something I’m interested in.

I like the options that can double dip.

…though having played with the new night elf customizations, grey, white hair, gold eyes looks fantastic.

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Hopefully not, if they said they discussed the options at length the fact hair was left as a visual factor I think is telling, we will certainly see though, I still like the idea that they change Alleria to add more story and use that as a method of adding new unique inherently void options to VEs (and there’s only so much a single race can get at that given their history with how much they’ve done for other races)

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I’d still wager a very shiny quarter that the lack of any additions, one way or the other, has less to do with any grand statement by Blizzard and more to do with the way it would require effort.


Almost guarantee thats what it really is.

I don’t think they care beyond the effort. Regardless of if they were planning to add natural hair colors or not.


To me if you’re claiming that “the reason we don’t have natural hair colors is because it requires effort” than you’re basically saying Blizzard does intend to both defeat the purpose of their own AR, and remove the last of visual uniqueness from a core race in the Horde.

And I don’t agree with that, if it helps people get through their days to wishful think / justify a lack of natural hair colors that’s fine but it doesn’t make it any more true.

Do I think Blizzard got lazy with customizations? Yes. Do I think VEs who just got arguably more impactful options than many core races are an example of that? No.

If you’re a Pandaren player making that claim then 100% Blizzard deserves to do better and with a plethora of other races as well. Void Elves and what they received and what was done for them at another core races expense isn’t in that category.

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I said I don’t think they care beyond the effort required. Doesn’t matter if its hair colors or other options.

Which is why I added the regardless bit.


Where did you learn to draw like that?

I really like your art style and I’d love to get into something similar


Yeah, I’m just saying sometimes the simplest reason is very probably correct.

And any future customizations void elves get, voidy or otherwise, will (hopefully) be more work than a literal copy paste with an underoo recolor.

As for drawing, I’m a chronic doodler. I’m a LOT more comfortable with traditional media, and I’ve covered my beer money that way a few times, but… well, I’m trying to join the future, so a bit of practice is in order.

At least until I’m a little less like a Neanderthal brandishing a club at a mosquito every time I pick up my tablet and stylus.


I think thats a bit disingenuous, we do have an entire high elf nation, and the rebranding of ‘blood elves’ was a very impactful movement. It was a massive cultural shift built on the premise of “never again”

To say that they’re the same as high elves seems, reductive.


They honor their fallen, Blood Elves are High Elves.

Quel’thalas is Horde


Void Elves are just as much high elves.