Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

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Ive tried to link items from wowhead a few times, that doesn’t seem to get through, and i tried to link a holinkas quote on another occassion, i get a big “you dont have permission to post links” and then the post doesnt go through.

Which i did use casual profanity when i first started posting here, it might have something to do with it.

The difference is political. Little else.

My issue was not your point about potential differences or contrivances between the blood elves and those who remain high elves and where their stories have diverged or continue to diverge.

Just your assertion based on nothing canon that the Highvale are somehow a major force. Their lore says otherwise.

The tabletop rpg hasn’t been canon since it was released practically. Using it for anything is outright going to be wrong unless otherwise cooberated by canon lore.


There is a blue-eyed Thalassian pirate in Rachet named Captain Thalo’thas Brightsun. He is friendly to both Horde and Alliance players but only gives his quest to Horde players.

Prior to Cataclysm, he offered Horde players a quest to attack Northwatch Hold for firing upon his ships.

Since Cataclysm, he expresses an open hostility towards the Alliance fleet which has attacked his ships once again. I am not sure there’s any information available as to whether he identifies as a High Elf or a Blood Elf, but he’s certainly a reasonable example of an in-game blue-eyed Thalassian that is inclined to favor the Horde over the Alliance.


Oh they’re certainly not the size of stormwind or anything like that, but aerie peak quests do talk about wildhammer and highvale trading etc etc.

And i already acknowledged ttrpg wasnt canon. I specifically stated that and specifically stated i wouldnt cite it.

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Did you also forget the little detail that, of those in Quel’lithien, only one elf remains, while the rest slurped the wretched juice?

The only external difference about them it’s literally the color of their underwear… and internally, that one side of them was willing to put their life on their line for their people, while the other wasn’t.


What was it Magnificent pointed out before a total of like 9 elves in 17 years I forget what it was but it was telling


The mage trainer being their Hulk?


And we can’t forget the unmanned ballista at Orgrimmar


Forsaken have one single leper gnome as a quest giver at the north of Tirisfal.

Welp, time to ask for 15 years for a race based on just that.


More importantly with blood elves getting blue eyed customizations, it has to be understood that blood elves even npcs can have blue eyes.


By the same page, we also have to accept that because void elves also have blue eyes and regular skin tones, that they can come in all forms of non visible void corruption.

The important thing to note for the purpose of this thread, is they want you to habe the tools to create your own narrative for your character.

Thus ironforge dwarves with wildhammer paints
Darkspear trolls with sandfury marks etc


No that is not the case.

Player agency and RP tools start and end with your character.

Poaching a Horde core races visual theme on a copy cat model isn’t cool or good for either side nor does it add unique new options to the game.

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i think in this case it can just be an issue of scale. There’s nothing about trade that needs it to be large scale. It could just be that the elves need supplies from the dwarves and trade to get them, or the reverse and the elves produce something that the dwarves value and want. I mean, you don’t necessarily need a large population to produce something worthy of trade, and say a brewery could both trade for the grain they need and then trade what they brew as well while only being a small group of individuals.


There’s a difference though.

We had devs saying, even back on the day, that Blood Elves were eventually going to get their blue eyes back.

On the other hand, The current options available for VEs are just customizations for the sake of RP, not based on canon, as per the words from the devs.


I wasnt aware blood elves trademarked “hair”

Like its art, they could add braids, ley-tattoos, styles indicitive of what would be the culture of current high elves.

While also avoiding the red and gold themeing even leaving the body jewelery to blood elves.

Because its art.

Literally limitless possibilities


That was the entire point of Highvale. They shared knowledge about the Witherbark trolls since that outpost was stablished during the conflict with them.

They simply remained isolated after the Sunwell went boom… and blizz forgot about them until they needed a quest chain for Alliance in Cataclysm, since, before that, I remember clearly farming them for cloth.


On the Thalassian model the generic elf fantasy lies with Blood Elves.

Post non void skin tones on VEs hair is a visual factor blizzard left in yes.

If hair is your concern why not choose a BE or a plethora of the non Thalassian model using races with the hair you desire in question.

Furthermore you can always wear a helmet or be bald if one truly doesn’t value visual distinction that achieves what you want, without further infringing on the visual uniqueness others value and have already lost on Blood Elves.

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Yes, and some people would rather take up those possibilities to add new things to the game and not just something extremely similar to already existing options.


LMFAO! I remember doing that on this character when I was leveling my tailoring because the guide said it was a good place to farm cloth.

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Just makes me sad to see that people want to turn Void Elves into something they aren’t. I understand why people want traditional High Elves and respect that, but man, Void Elves are such a cool concept that has so easily been transformed into a “compromise” for High Elf fans. That really sucks. We could have had two very different, very unique races and instead, everyone seems to want them to be identical. :persevere: