Can we get a list of accepted websites we can link to as users?

I think it’s important to know what can and can’t be linked on these new forums until level 3 trusted. Google Docs and Spreadsheets can’t be linked either.

Can link:
Youtube -
Twitch -
Wowhead -
World of Warcraft -
Reddit -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Starcraft -
Hearthstone -

Google docs
Google spreadsheets
MMO-Champion (???)
Blizzplanet (???)


So far I know YouTube works.



We’re both Trust Level 1. Just copy the actual link, and paste it in.

Just did it for the first time.* Now you get to enjoy it too! (haven’t copied anything since, lol)

edit: *in another post. Don’t link the site, use the url of what you want to be shown.

That is youtube though, thinks like google docs, spreadsheet, and imgur can’t be posted

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Let’s test this

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You can post the links in text only (to be copy/pasted) if you put apostrophes before and after the link. That keep it from being seen as an invalid link.

edit: SO I though, I can’t get it to work. Hmm.

Think that’s cheating though? Wouldn’t that get us in trouble?

Read about it from a MVP. Can’t find it now, maybe I don’t remember how to do it right. Time for dinner, can’t look into it now.

Can confirm, I just tried to link several areas of that website on this post, didn’t allow me to post unless I removed the link to MMO Champion’s Website. Which is very weird if you ask me, considering that MMOChampion has been around for years now and has been a trust source for wow players for a long time :confused:


Right? But wowhead is ok? Seems pretty questionable. As if a shady backdoor deal has occurred. ESPECIALLY GIVEN THE LARGE NATURE OF MALWARE ORIENTED ADS THAT HAVE BEEN FOUND ON WOWHEAD IN THE PAST BLIZZARD


Imgur seems to work, using the “direct link” option. I can see it on my preview. However it tells me I can’t include links in my post. Other variants tells me I can’t put images in a post.

and lets not forgot their “wowhead premium” too.

Honestly… this is a very questionable decision to not allow MMOChampion links here.


It’s not an apostrophe, it’s the grave mark. The one on the top left key under the ~.

I don’t think so? We were able to link to websites before without getting posts deleted for that.

The only difference now is links are embedded in the post, and you need an extra level of trust to be able to do that.

Edit: And the stickied guide at the top of the forums instructs how to use a code line to post websites.
I think we can safely infer from that, that it’s okay to do it.


Thanks, is there any chance you can find out about wowhead being a “trusted” site despite their handling of ads in the past? While MMO isn’t? I know that probably isn’t your wheelhouse but as somebody who believes strongly in a fair playing ground for information I find that pretty sketchy ( etc, while they’ve gotten their crap together, I still find this a questionable thing to allow it while ignoring other wow fansites)


I’m gonna try posting a couple random ones, not WoW related but Blizzard related:

Hearthpwn www hearthpwn com

Other Blizzard game sites can be linked it seems, but not fan sites for other games

Congratulations, your linking of ninja turtles got my 2nd ever like.


Realistically it comes down to Blizzard historically linking people to WoWhead for various reason. Maybe there was money involved at some point, maybe it’s just that Blizzard likes what they do for the community. The malware complaints, while not unfounded, are largely exaggerated. It’s not incredibly uncommon to have a malware scare due to ads. Their handling of that situation was very very poor, but in terms of day to day use the website is safe, just a bit heavy due to aggressive advertising.

Nah, it’s just that the forums aren’t smart enough to post your url without trying to automatically make it a link, and you can’t link without a trust level. So you do it like this instead so it doesn't try to link it.

Add Wikipedia to the can’t list

So can WoWHead, but cant MMO-champion? Hmm, we can link to cancer? odd


Yet another one that makes no sense, what if I wanted to list a world of warcraft wikipedia article?