Vault rng still sucks…

Pretty sure at this point they’ve set the drop rate on that to 0.1 or less. I’m fairly sure my VDH will go into the next tier tanking with the same scale they came into this tier with. I don’t mind working for stuff… but RNG in my way just frustrates me glares at archivists rep that depends on RNG drops.

The difference with the vault, is that there are so, so many items in the pool, it’s likely that there are BiS pieces exclusively from the vault that you will never get. For the whole tier going dry. It makes it even worse when many of the BiS trinkets (the most powerful item slot in the game) are from M+. The only way to get the highest level version? The vault. On my shaman last tier, over HALF of my BiS gear was from the vault. I did my 10 M+ every week for the vault during CN, in total I got about half of my BiS vault pieces.

The problem that people have with the vault isn’t QQ I got unlucky, it’s that it makes getting BiS gear basically impossible for many classes and specs, because you are relying on such small RNG odds.

This is a design choice of Blizzard though. They believe that getting BiS gear is bad because people unsub. Personally, I believe BiS gear should be an attainable goal for anyone in every tier, exactly how it used to work in BC/Wrath/Cata/MoP. It prevents burnout and it allows people to set other goals and work on other characters without sacrificing progress on their main.

I got a pop-up notification from one of the MANY WoW-news sites that I subscribe to the other day that said that fewer than 10% of the playerbase raids regularly. I wish I’d bookmarked the link, but I did not. Legion and prior I was huge into raiding - I mained a Prot Warrior and ran a (different) BM Hunter as an alt (and occasionally as a Tank in 5-mans - you could do that pretty well - especially in Legion). I gave up on Raiding after Legion because I couldn’t get ANYONE to commit to a time - it was (and is now mostly) “Meh, if I’m on I’ll come, but I can’t be all about setting aside a predictable time for this.”)

Mythic play is relatively new to the game and incredibly toxic - the fans of this are vocal, but certainly not the majority of the playerbase. At it’s core, though, it’s rat-maze play against unchanging opponents and I just don’t like that sort of activity.

PVP - I can’t speak for everyone, but I find PVP to be the only truly new content every week (every game, really) and I suspect my preference for it colors my evaluation of it but I find it engaging and challenging. I’ve made it my focus this XPAC, but I do not play for the vault rewards. Last season I only played for about two months (I was late getting into it) and I think I only saw three items during that time that were not duplicates of what I’d already received from the vault. That didn’t slow me down or discourage me. I view the Vault as bonus, not pay, for my efforts in PVP. Most of the time I don’t even realize I’ve capped the vault slots for the week.

You keep trying to find ways to validate your own belief that only the things you care about are valid things to care about in the game.

You can’t choose another player’s path.

That you choose the rat-in-a-maze-pushing-buttons-for-treats path is your choice. I wish you well with it.

But if you take the time to find other things about the game that you can enjoy, you’ll be happier.

You really should say these things out loud to yourself before you type them in chat.

If the players cannot find something else to enjoy besides pushing buttons for treats then the players need to adjust their expectations.

And again you’re assuming they want to make the game more of a rat-in-a-maze-pushing-buttons-for-treats experience.

That they have left open so many other modes of play seems to argue that they do not.

Like I said earlier there a reason there is a huge player drop off after a patch has been out for a few months and there is a huge there is a huge resurgence when a new patch drops and it’s because the majority of the player base focuses on the current content. If the majority of players were doing other stuff then this wouldn’t be an issue but that’s just not the case.

You literally said yourself that the current state of the game is not how it started. You should be agreeing with me lol.

The game is vastly different from how it was in the beginning so yeah it is the games fault. It’s not based around fun it’s based around gear. That’s why there is 10 different gearing systems and multiple gear tiers etc.

You keep saying “find something in the game you enjoy and you’ll be happy”, for the record I am happy but I’m also able to recognize when something sucks.

The current state of the game is the result of placing M+ above actual content and feeding the rat-maze-treat-result mentality of the players added since.

At every step they’ve dumbed down the game and added ‘treats’ because it’s far easier than adding actual content.

WoW was at its best when what was expected out of play was enjoying the play.

Yeah 100% agree.

That’s from bellular gaming.

What they said is that blizzard lost about 50% of its players in 9.1, and that they found in SOD there has been only about 10% of active raiders left.

Here is the link to the forum post

I’m still working on getting ruby which is my bis trinket. I’m well aware of how the system works.

Nope. You have no proof of complaining about BFA chests.

At least mine made sense instead of wah wah my loot.

Lmao figured your replies would eventually devolve into this. Nice

You can control your luck on Vault becoz it has options. You can make the options into your favor. If you have garbage Vault loots, it’s becoz you are the one who made it become garbage. Like if you do 3x M+14s then did M+4 on your last, that’s messes up your 2nd option. If you’ve been getting ilevel 226 for 5 to 8 weeks, please do harder content that drops higher ilevel loots. Dont stay on low difficulty for long. Also if you are max’d out with many slots already at ilevel 252, then you should expect duplicate. Vault is generous to give you ilevel 252 on M+ but M+ and Vault is not Mythic Raiding. Once you are Mythic Raid gear ready, you do Mythic Raids for loot upgrades.

How could you explain my 23 consecutive weeks of upgrades on my Vault on Season 1? And why yours sucks? Becoz I control it on my favor. I increase the difficulty of the content I do every after 2 weeks or so. I never do a M+4 before I complete 4x or 10x M+14s on a week.

You know what’s bad? BFA’s weekly cache. I have multiple series of weeks with garbage loot. It looks like it’s raining epics in BFA but in reality it’s raining with GARBAGE epics. On Shadowlands, I geared up way way faster becoz I control my Weekly Vault.

The entire point of vault RNG is to actually have you sit there and think about what choices you want to pick. I literally spent probably like 10-15 minutes yesterday just comparing choices and debating. Everyone else in my guild does the same.

Everyone gets excited to log on and see what their drops are.

Well considering that’s all you have been doing in this thread.

Yea I get useless pieces and even the same items in each vault. It’s ridiculous

Lol… pretty sure it is you. Anyway, I don’t want to feed trolls. So, good day.

How could it possibly be me if I haven’t complained at all in this thread?

Me being right doesn’t make me a troll.

You being right is you being subjective. You feel that you’re right. In reality there is no right or wrong when it’s your opinion.

Or maybe it’s both right and wrong, I’m when it’s your opinion. It’s to the eyes of the beholder.

Actually it’s not. This system is an improvement over BFA.

Facts aren’t opinions

The fact that participation is half of what it was in season 1 kinda proves it. Make the game fun and enjoyable and that will get people to keep playing. Frustrating them will make them leave.