Vault rng still sucks…

It’s not random

I’m not.

It’s a weekly reward for doing weekly quests.

Quest do one mythic plus dungeon
You get a reward.

I said it’s a bonus reward for playing the game and it is.

This goes back to what preach said before he quit covering wow. Blizz doesn’t seem to know how to respect the player’s time.

Link the post.

Actually it does. Doing harder content increases the ilvl reward meaning things are actually upgrades.

Tini we know you’re a 2/10 Heroic 600 io hero so why do you even care about vault upgrades?

Based on what data? Happened to me 3 weeks in a row with 3 slots unlocked. It’s happened to multiple guild mates of mine and we clear the full raid every week plus mythics. Like I said just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it’s not an issue.

Sure, instead of actually explaining what the main focus of the game is you just refute my point and then tell me to “see past gearing.” Not a surprise lol

Link what post? I wasn’t on the forums until a couple months ago. If people don’t post on the forums then their complaints don’t count?

Okay… did you read what I wrote? You stopped making sense a couple replies ago dude.

Why does there have to be a “main” focus of the game.

My arguement is solely that it’s not just gearing.

I have fun with a number of other things - that doesn’t mean that those things are the “main” focus of the game. I know many other players who have fun with things that I find phenomenally boring - that doesn’t mean that those things are the main focus of the game.

My point, which encompasses all of that, is that gearing is not the only reason to play the game - unless you’re determined that it has to be against all evidence to the contrary.

Find other things to enjoy and you’ll find the game enjoyable.

You’re right it isn’t a job, so why all the chores and time gate? It’s a vicious cycle… you fall behind, you don’t get to enjoy the high game, you keep up but bad luck keeps you back? It’s not a player problem. It’s a game and people play games to feel rewarded.

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Sure if you have fun in the game doing whatever then that’s great.

Regardless the main attraction and systems in this game are raiding, mythic+, pvp. People that do this content want gear and when you spend multiple hours each week completing content and walk away empty handed it does not feel good.

Again, this isn’t a race, it isn’t a job, and it isn’t a competition.

Find other things to enjoy about the game - mastering your class/spec/role, fishing, AH manipulation, teaching other players, swapping hideous jokes with strangers, collecting friends, collecting battle pets, mastering as many crafts as you can manage - heck, I’ve got a toon that exists solely to make friends by signing any guild charter that needs signing.

There are many, many different angles to approach this game from and most of them have nothing to do with the “gear grind” at all.

Again, this is true for you but it’s not how the game started and it’s not the stated intent of the developers or management.

If you can find something else to enjoy in the game and do it as well, you’ll find a lot less frustration.

Hard to tell when you hide behind an alt and a private account. You/guild mates could be running low keys for all we know and expecting upgrades.

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Dude who cares how the game started we are talking about the current state of the game.

I would love to go back to have one dungeon set, one raid set. I would love for them to create harder content based on mechanics only and not ilvl. I would love for them to introduce more fun social systems so we actually had a community again and everything wasn’t so competitive but that is probably never going to happen.

Sure, Fractured Hairline-Tichondrius. is the guild i’m in go take a look if you want. Not sure how looking at someones profile is going to determine how many duplicates they get in their vault but do your thing dude.

I had to buy my last domination piece (shoulders) from bonesmith (ilvl. 220) since I was not getting my third piece drop for me in raid. Since I bought that piece (3 weeks ago) I’ve not seen another piece of domination gear drop for me at all nor is it dropped for someone willing to trade. If I hadn’t purchased that piece of gear I would still be at two pieces of dom gear lol

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Looking at a character’s run history can determine what their ilvl their vault rewards would be in comparison to their equipped average ilvl. If someone is 230, but only running +10s, should they expect upgrades?

The italicized portion of that statement (italics added by me) clearly illustrates the post-millennial attitude towards, well, pretty much everything - if it existed before they did, they’re not interested in it.

That said, the current state of the game has guilds, communities - which can be built along any conceivable axis of interest.

The current state of the game allows, even encourages, crafting all the way back to vanilla skills and separates them by xpac and has significant bonuses available to guilds which have members with full (or nearly full) mastery of each crafting school (my current guild still hasn’t quite gotten the BOE pants opened up yet).

There are social aspects of the game which, given the current crop of players is not unexpected, can be deep and lasting (I have friends in real life who I met in the game 10 years ago and who quit the game 5 years back but who are still in my life).

I meet new people every week (more or less) who I am glad to have met (including you).

I have friends who are enjoying crafting everything they can craft (I know this because my guild’s bank keeps getting filled up with things that from my perspective are just garbage - but they enjoy it and they need the space for materials).

I have friends, including a former girlfriend who I met through WoW, who enjoy simply leveling characters - and there was a time when that was something I loved to do (not so much anymore - I’m more into working to master PVP in this xpac).

This game is massive, multi-player, and includes a role-playing element.

There are many paths to enjoyment within.

Claiming that yours is the only real one or the only one that matters is hubris.

Like I said you can’t determine if someone is getting vault duplicates multiple weeks in a row from looking at their profile. Yeah obviously doing keys that reward gear much lower than you have won’t give you an ugprade, that’s is not what anyone has been talking about.

The vault is RNG and therefore has the chance to give you the duplicates each week and no upgrades which happens to people consistently. That’s bad. If you disagree with that or just refute that it’s happening we’re pretty much done talking.

Just going to stop you right here because I’ve played since vanilla big dog.

Like I said earlier the main focus is mythics, raids, and pvp UNLESS you want to go back and do old xpac stuff which is not the main focus of the game.

Yeah I understand there are people that play this game and have fun doing whatever, mount farming, crafting, old professions, etc. Regardless the main player base is doing current content which is raids, mythics, or pvp. To say otherwise is just wrong.

That’s why when we enter a content drought after a few months of a patch being released you always see a drastic decrease in players because the majority of them are focused on the current content and when that’s run it’s course they stop playing.

But you see… a ton of those things don’t interest me.

And maybe this is my problem, but I don’t enjoy fishing, so I don’t do it.

I don’t enjoy sitting on the AH, so I don’t do it.

I don’t enjoy battle pets, so I don’t bother.

I enjoy running high end stuff and that’s what I do, I enjoy the feel of being rewarded for my time and effort on character power progression, but it’s gated. It’s based off just rng. So do I like it? No…

So what am I doing about it? Nothing, I’m just reaching to the point where I will eventually give up and not care about the game cause nothing else interest me.

But you know the biggest problem I have with what you’re saying…. It leads back to, don’t do what you want, do what blizzard wants you to do. It’s not fun to be told how to play… it’s fun when I can do what I want when I want, as long as it’s not hurting other people.

To be completely honest other than a very rare foray into AH raiding, I don’t like these either.

But many people do.

That’s on you, not on the developers and not on the game.

You’ve decided that you’re uninterested in anything but rat-in-a-maze play where you do something and get a treat.

It would be beneficial to you if you could find another axis along which to find enjoyment in the game, but certainly if you don’t want to you don’t have to.

The problem is that there’s not much else out there better.

FF is pretty and has a decent story line but story line play (for me) is boring.

Ashes of Creation looks promising and the idea of a dynamic world itself (mechanics by which cities grow, can be attacked and defended or destroyed, guilds can declare war on one another, and a raft of other neat ideas that expand what players can care about (not what they must care about)) but it’s not likely to be released for retail until at least December.

The developers design a game. That design can swing things.