Vault rng still sucks…

I won’t be feeding you any more of my time lol. I already said in the very first post here that it is better than the BFA weekly chest. But even that is subject and still an opinion.

What I was referring to though as to what I was saying is subjective and not fact, is that you said the issue is the players. That’s not a fact.

Because you can’t refute facts.

Your opinion that’s based on facts. It’s a fact the system is better than BFA.

If a player only unlocks a low key or does low keys and doesn’t get upgrades because their best key is a 7 it’s 100% on the player.

Lotto loving victim blamer


lol what?

I’m just calling out bad excuses.

No, you’re just saying “they should have played more if they wanted better RNG”. Even though the rate of roll acquisition becomes much slower with each new roll. Gamey lotto boxes like this get dropped.

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Got dominating the catwalk achievement finally. Had to use multiple mail class cartoons each week though, because one kept getting the helm, and and ring every single time lol. What we need is a little more bad luck protection :crazy_face:

Not what I said at all. I said people who aren’t putting forth the full effort shouldn’t be surprised they are getting upgrades.

The vault isn’t a guaranteed upgrade reward.

Your point? You want the best gear then play the game.

Bad players will always find a way to complain.

I came here to vent about rngesus. My 215 resto shammy desperately needs upgrades. My weekly 239 was a +138 mastery neck. Worst 2nd stat he could have. So I run it on my 215 lock. It drops me 239 pants the literal day after I upgraded my Legendary leggos to 210. So I have 2 toons that qualified for 239 rewards. a total of 30 slots that could be filled. I got both with garbage stats. That just defies mathematics even. Nevermind that loot is already watered down enough with bosses dropping conduits and memories.

What was the ilvl of your shamans current neck?

  1. I def equipped the 239 neck. I just laughed and joked that I’d probably get a crappy drop on my lock too and then when I did it wasn’t funny it just made me mad.

210 to 239 even with bad stats is a massive upgrade.

Mainstat > secondary stats.

Last time I saw a weapon in the vault was week 2 of S1. I haven’t even seen The Philosopher drop this entire xpac, which is absolutely ridiculous.

Your best bet for loot in S1 was PvPing and doing YOLOs. That’s how I geared up faster than the rest of my guild at the time.

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How do you call others bad when you tell someone they should be happy to upgrade their NECK ilevel because of primary stat priority?


someone goes to a post about how rng is annoying and participates. someone else replies to make them feel stupid for trying. fits the forum status quo.

It literally validates my point. 29 item level upgrade and the guy says it’s terrible. the int/agil upgrade alone is a huge upgrade. When you actually understand how the game works and get out of a BFA mentality of secondary stat priority.

Actually the post is about not getting upgrades.

You got a big one and still complained.

“vault rng still sucks” is the title of the thread. I agree. rng in general still sucks. I think you just wanna argue.

The entire point of the OP was referencing not getting upgrades because of dom slots.

You’re complaining about rng when you got an actual upgrade on shaman.

Bad players gonna bad.

No we are participating to shield OP and others from people that will just dismiss their issues as bad RNG or lazy play. The system is not good even when you get loot, and just because people say it’s nothing but a stupid side show you shouldn’t depend on does not mean it should exist on the game.

When you realize that the vault isn’t a guaranteed upgrade. It’s a reward for doing more and more of the content of the game.

Do you complain when a mission table gives you a 190 piece and it’s not an upgrade?

You’re literally getting free gear handed to you.

The system is fine.