User Interface Action Bar Issues

My time is currently consisting of setting up each 1’s talents and bars again. Though for example I have 3 Resto Druids. I set 1 up then just import the same talents to the next, take a picture of their action bars so I can copy it exactly.

You’re doing a great job Kaivax.

Dude you are a god amongst men! thank you so much dude!

This worked for me thank you!

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I logged in and reenabled the action bars, not a big deal IMO but to each his own as you all will see, lil annoying but something that will be fixed i’m sure. What IS anoying is after re-doing my talents with all the new changes, then hitting “Apply Changes” button at the bottom the game 100% complteley WIPED all my action bars. I had all my stuff in certain placed that has taken me a long time to get just right with where I want, macros just right and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING was wiped clean and only the stuff from the talent trees was placed on the action bars. I need to step away now because to re-do this is going to take me hours if not days to get it all set up again just right, not to mention placement of new abilities. When you all are digging in the code to fix the disabled action bars bug, can you please check and see about this one too? I’m sure i’m not the only person that is very particular about where abilties and macros need to be on their action bars.

After setting your talents and putting your spells into your action Bars open your talent panel and create a new “Loadout” at the bottom left. This will keep your spells in the bars. This is just a workaround because it really shouldn’t be doing this but Blizzard is currently working to resolve the issue. I can attest that this has worked for a few people I know… Good Luck!

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I sure do hope you fix this issue soon with the action bars, it’s getting quite annoying that I have to keep replacing them. this issue should have been fixed by now imo.

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Yep, I had to reenable bars 2-6, so five bars each, on 45 or so characters. REALLY annoying.

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My Pandaria Remix character, currently lvl45, keeps losing ALL the action bar buttons on logout. Everytime I log back in on it all the action bars are blank and I have to spend at least 10-15 minutes dragging everything back into place. One time I did this I ended up disconnecting 30 minutes later and had to do the whole thing over again. There’s only 24 days left with this event. Please don’t tell me this is going to be an everyday thing till then.

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Any mentions on the ui scaling?
Menus are massive, buttons are regular size. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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This is still happening on my evoker but only for 1 spec. GM response was we know its an issue no eta on fix

i used bartender for years, and ditched it when they added edit mode.
fewer addons is a good thing.

it’d be awesome if people stopped clogging up ticket queues to complain about bugs.

there are fairly obvious ways to submit bug reports…

Agreed somewhat, but I haven’t suffered now only because I had Bartender installed.
Every single time Blizzard adds an addon functionality to the main UI, it comes incomplete.
Ironically, I’ve only started using bartender way after edit mode released.

You know when you put in a bug report you get a response right? It’d be awesome if people knew things before complaining…

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I see 24h later and it’s still F’ed up. I can see how I will be soon giving up, and putting this game back in the closet. SEROUSLY! how long does it take to fix a bug like this that is messing up the game for everyone?


not sure which route you’re taking, but i can’t recall ever having had a response to the submission of a bug report.

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dunno what to tell you, got heaps of replies from reporting bugs. Most of them include can I recreate said bug. I would get a response more often than not

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well… if you’re not providing enough info, then i can see why they’d need to respond :stuck_out_tongue:

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Having same issue, any resolution?

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Wow this works, thanks!

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