User Interface Action Bar Issues

Doing a new loadout / not using the starter build fixed the issue for my level 70 main.

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At this rate, it would have been weeks, not a day. lol

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At this point, most players should have just swapped to the Bartender addon for a vastly superior action bar experience.

I installed it this year and never looked back.

It can be fixed! Fix:

Press ESC → Edit Mode → Layout → NEW LAYOUT, and rebuild from scratch.

Thank you to Jetfire, Styleboy,Iraeliis and anyone else who found the fix. Not sure if it was in Kaivax’s post originally and I just missed it due to not understanding what they ment by Loadout.

Not going to test with any bar addons for the time being.

See you in Azeroth, with Actions.


I was missing my action bars all right! Gave me a bit of a shock the first time. lol

Just had to go to options, then re-assign them, and all my spells etc. were there. No biggie really.

I’m not interested in warbands so if it works or doesn’t it’s not affecting me.

Everything else for me, is working fine. XD Having a blast playing when I can get the time!

Thank you for this Kaivax. :slight_smile:

Mine wasn’t fixed through layouts, just the talent tree tab. But hey, maybe that’s another option!

Yeah I don’t want to log on any more alts, it’s annoying as hell.

I am having the same issue, when is a fix coming?

Not bloody likely too happen…money comes first anymore with them.


You could try the stuff I’ve posted up above and see if this works. Its alot I realize, but I ended up with it being resolved. Addons don’t seem to help as well.

Try This:

and this:

So are they trying to fix this? It’s only affecting 1 of my toons, but it’s my main toon! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :exploding_head: :bomb: :boom:

If it was just a matter of the bars turning off, it’s easy enough to turn back on, but they are clearing all my spells, mounts, toys… etc.

I tried everything, and it’s definitely on Blizzard’s side :expressionless:


Ive been using a personal layout since edit mode was a thing. (Didnʻt like the default layout at all)

The only issue I keep having is that the action bars are not activated at login.
Once I manually go in and activate them they are fine, all my keybinds and macros are where they are supposed to be.

I’m having my action bars cleared on a character above level 10. The most recent time was on a level 12 evoker. I’m glad this is being worked on. Thanks for the update.

Same issue on my lvl 60 priestess, having my action bars cleared every time I log on. Tried all the tricks proposed, nothing worked, therefore the game totally unplayable. Infuriating is an euphemism.

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This is STILL happening on my blood DK… I need this working by friday for our raid!

Its happening to me as well. I reset the action bars on my remix toon and bam log off and come to blank bars again. I have done it 10 plus times and im over it. Give us more time with remix since this crap is making it so hard to play

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It’s not just 2 - 8, it’s ALL of them, and coming back after six months to this BS reminds me of why I took a break in the first place. They want our money for a game littered with bugs.

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Unless you’re like me, and 64 characters, and each lost 3 action bars. Having to turn them back on 64 times was a bit much.

Thankfully once I turn them on, they seem to be staying

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I haven’t even touched many of my alts…I am deadening it …

My action bar button assignments got nuked on a few characters that were over lv 50.

Has this been fixed yet?