US Price Increase Incoming

But they werent under investigation for taxes before so its a possible.

They are increasing the price because they want more money. It’s the mentality of a company, especially a publicly traded corporation. Make more money today than you did yesterday, no matter what.

And for the people defending the price increases (there’s always at least one), when the prices increase, the only thing that happens is the price increases. The quality doesn’t get better, more people don’t get employed, lives don’t get better, unless you’re one of the executives at the top of the ladder.

But as players, our choices are pretty slim. Play or don’t play. Pay or don’t pay. Make your choice. I personally don’t think I would want to pay more money for the current game.


What? No they haven’t, if anything, the set price Oceanic has is actually cheaper than what we used to pay due to the currency conversion.

Of course they do. Every company does. They have to in order to be successful. If they only thing they take into consideration is the exchange rate (or even if exchange rate is primary concern) then it is likely they will either a) charge more than the local market can bear - and fail or b) charge less than the local market can bear - and make less profit than they other wise would.

It used to be $16 AU. It is now $20 AU. The price has gone up. That is simply fact.

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Oh, they increased it recently… I haven’t added game time in 20 days, my bad, as you were GD.

Only $3.50 more though, not a big deal.

But even with the current conversion, $15 US is still $19.66 AUD, its pretty close.


Nah. I work in Aerospace. :slightly_smiling_face:

They have to adjust for the exchange rate, how stupid can you possibly be? It wont change here.

Better buy that 6-month and get your wings.

Remember when Netflix uped their cost by a dollar.

Jokes on them. I cover my sub with gold, haven’t paid for it in over a year.

Lol, yes.

It’s ok, I frequently get the white knight / shill thing. It’s part and parcel of having common sense and any measure of usable intelligence.

While I very frequently see ways I’m wrong and can improve (daily at least) many others are hella resistant to it. Even if logic is staring them in the face.

All good. :sunglasses:

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The sad thing about your post is that it has ten likes. That’s eleven of y’all that just don’t get it.

I shared exactly the same sentiment as Nadezhdha, does that make me a Blizzard employee on their personal account?

If you knew my life, you would shake your head at how completely off-base you are. Literally, you would, I guarantee it.

I can prove it too, if you want to put your money where your “look at how cool I am” post is. We can do a quick video chat. First I’ll show you proof of my income, which will show my in-laws as employers. Then I’ll introduce you to them both, and if their cognitive disabilities allow them to speak with any manner of cohesion - it varies quite a bit from day to day - they’ll explain to you how I am “employed” to take care of them 24/7, as needed. My aunt, who is in her seventies and autistic, will back them up. She lives with them and often needs nearly as much care as they do.

I have no other “job.” 2010 was the last time I did a nine-to-five.

That’s why I get so much time on WoW. Sometimes all I have to do is check blood sugars at 8am, and cook meals at 5pm. A day with no accidents, no emergencies and no medical appointments = lots of time for WoW. And for re-watching Deep Space Nine.



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The game sucks… and Invincible will never drop for me i now believe, so happy to drop my accounts… this was supposed to be a fun activity. The only enjoyment i get is complaining on the forums.

Yeah, we already pay for the game and expansions. Plus a subscription on top of that. Subscriptions are not Activision’s primary income. Recent article notes that Call of Duty was the biggest revenue driver last quarter. The bulk of the companies revenue comes from primary sales and microtransactions, not subscriptions.

Subscriptions are a secondary revenue stream. They may have been a major revenue stream in the early years, but the evolution of the industry has changed that. At this point, they could technically “lose” money on subscriptions (treating them as a loss leader) to generate their primary revenue streams.

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Have you seen the drop in the price of oil lately? Gas is about 1/2 of what it was this time last year. If you do not pay attention to these things, maybe not comment on them?

In addition to the EU services cost adjustment Janek linked, there were recent AU and CA price hikes (AU was subscriptions while CA was only pre-paid game time).

People pay for Cable TV and streaming services still? I just leech everything off the internet for free and I only pay my monthly internet bill.

If I couldn’t get it for free, I wouldn’t watch it anyway…once my commitment of my 6-month sub I stupidly purchased up front with the expansion expires I’m done anyway.

Because Blizz is well known for NOT doing foolish things.

They need to double the price for LatAm countries before they even think about touching ours.

It’s not going to happen anyway. Is Squaresoft raising the price of its sub? No? Then what makes you think Blizzard will.