Updates to RP transfer realm issues?

Pretty sure the team working on it is tired of people posting about it. We understand. We understand because we are equally tired of asking about it and being given little to no updates even though it’s been going since patch day.

Even if there is nothing new to report, just say that. At least we know someone is awake and working on it. Right now it’s that “sitting out in the parking lot waiting for a girl to get there not sure if she’s really going to show up or not” type of feeling. (she didn’t, btw)


Any updates will be posted in the stickied thread:


Even though the staff that mans this forum doesn’t work on the bugs and issues, would you rather the people that are have to stop what they’re doing just to do that? When there are bugs, there are no ETAs given because anything can happen to hold it up. They’re working on it. That link Kyzera gave you is the only place they’re going to update because to hit each and every thread like this that crops up could take one person’s entire shift.

Once purchased, those tokens do not expire.

As soon as there is progress, they will update that thread.

Once the bugs are fixed and all is well, you can then use your tokens.

If you don’t wish to wait, you can use the self-help refund request option, found here:



While I get what you are saying, and I am a Blizzliever. I believe in Blizzards ability and am normally very patient. However, also understand that some people (myself) have guild mates that transferred. They actually were able to transfer, some after I experienced this error.

So yeah I get that in the grand scheme of things game breaking takes precedent. But I am now playing by myself on a server that I hardly know anyone, sitting in discord with my friends. It kind of sucks that they are all talking about how they like that transmog and I can’t see the person they are talking about. I get a nice BoE? Guildee needs it for an alt they are using for our heroic progression? Too bad, can’t trade it because I can’t transfer my character.

To most it might not be a big deal but to some of us it REALLY sucks. On top of that this is the ONLY issue i’ve experienced with this patch. The ONLY one. None of the other “Known Issues” have effected me. I didn’t go on those forums and say, chill, they will fix it when they fix it.

You can group with them and realm-hop to see it.

The issue overall I can understand your frustration. It’s much better to be able to be with your friends without having to jump through hoops.

This issue as far as I know is treated similar to game-breaking ones. It is a priority. It does appear to affect everyone. I haven’t seen anyone post that they were able to get it to work.

Just because it hasn’t been fixed yet doesn’t mean it’s not a priority. Other patches going through while this issue persists usually means they were quick fixes or the fix was already in testing when the transfer token ones appeared.

Updates about it are in the pinned thread posted by Kyzera.


Absolutely, it’s just incredibly frustrating. I felt the first response to the OP was a tad tone deaf and just wanted to give perspective. It may not have been. I just took it that way (probably because of my frustration levels with the issue). I think most of us that are effected by this issue understand that there will be updates posted when available. But a lot of people feel like we are sitting on our hands or that this is the last thing they need to happen to really be settled into the new patch and content.

Just perspective was all I was offering. Hope everyone loves the patch otherwise.

I agree with you… I am a guild leader an we merged with another guild whom we are friends with… it was to help both parties… as I did not feel like rebuilding… so now instead of being with My Boys who got to transfer an bond with our new friends i sit guildless waiting for them to fix it… My guildies want to come play alts to keep me company so we can all hang out an trade the things we need. like matts ect. but I have to tell them no… you really need to get to know our new guildies better … we have been a solid team for 2 years. it feels awful . raid sign ups are happening key signups are happening an no one wants to partake with out me… I know other things need fixed as well but … this shouldnt be put on the back burner like it feels is happening… they already have the money so what does it matter to them… I basicaly got told when i put in a ticket it was on my side i had to place 3 other tickets before 1 person would stop an read an actually look at the screen shots I sent in.

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We understand that, but that isn’t really helpful in the long run. The blues here ain’t able to really do anything more then update us on the given matter. They’re not really able to force a fix or the like because you posted such. I know it’s coming off as harsh, but there are limits this forum and the blues here can do.


Sorry, Harlequin, nothing to report at the moment other than they continue to investigate the issue. The stickied thread that Kyzera linked is where we’ll post updates when we have them.

I understand the desire for an update, even if there isn’t anything to update with, but we don’t really want to provide non-update updates if we can avoid it. That just gets folks hopes up when they see a new post or thread edit only to be disappointed.

We’ve been keeping an eye on the issue since it started and will be sure to pass along any news as soon as we see it.


<3 Thank you!

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Its been like 4 days, they will get it dont when its done. Issues dont get fixed that fast. Just be patient. I know its a pain but they will be working as hard as they can. Patch drops are always a bit of a work overload. It will 100% get sorted. But itl take a lil time.

You could just xrealm and hang out with the new guys on disc? If your group up should get brought all into the same shard and you can world farm or instance farm as usual. Raid too

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I have been however it doesnt make those who moved feel comfortable… you miss out on guild chats an you are unable to trade things that are needed… its not really the same at all. If you are not going through the same thing you probably dont understand. we have been grouping with the m sense aug. or some where near there… there is a level of comfort people feel when they see that their guild leader of 5+ years logs in to the same guild especially when it was a move that helps all parties involved. 4 days is a long time for some people to be with out the comforts of home. perhaps you havent bonded with your guild on this level. an when the only thing that has kept you playing was the family you created people feel hopeless an lost.

ITs not a ideal solution by any means but its the best atm unfortunately bugs can happen and sometimes there not as easy to fix as wed like to think.


I’m honestly not trying to downplay the annoyance and irritation with the issue that is borking out for those trying to transfer their alts - but there are options to work with the situation. It’s not like Blizz wanted this to happen, nor are they kicked back, cracking open some beers and laughing at everyone’s misfortune. No. They are working on it, they want this to be fixed and all of the other issues that arose. Perhaps (in my humble opinion), they pushed the bulk transfer out too quickly because too many players wanted it to be available, and now they’re slammed trying to fix this particular bug and all those others that came with it.

In the meantime, however… There is the cross-realm grouping. Or a community chat can be utilized rather than guild chat to keep people connected and involved. Or those stuck can roll an alt to tinker with on the desired realm. Is this an ideal situation ro solution, no. No it’s not. But this is what it is for right now. If you’d like to offer your thoughts, suggestions and feedback? This is not the venue for it as the people who need to hear it do not come to this forum.

Those guildmates who’ve been directly impacted and have/had open tickets need to make use of the survey that comes up when a ticket closes. For those who have not had tickets, then post constructively to General Discussion or make use of the in-game suggestion tool.


when the issue is fixed anyone whos been patiently waiting with miss out on the sale. im not one to give my money for a broken service.

Uh, no they won’t? You can buy the tokens without issue and just hold on to them until the issues are fixed. Just because you purchase them during the sale doesn’t mean you have to use them right then and there. They can be used any time after purchase, whether right now or three years from now. So anyone who misses out on the sale does so all on their own.

The issues are with using the tokens, not purchasing them.


Do we know if you purchased a single character transfer will it work? I purchased 8 character transfer. Will it just make it 9 or will it allow me to transfer the single character?

The issues are on the redemption side, not the purchase side. It makes no difference if you buy one, three, or eight.


no it wont work as it stores them as a token on your char. select screen.

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