Updates to RP transfer realm issues?

having the same issue - replying here to keep up with the notifications.

they should at least put on a disclaimer that they’re having issues since it’s clearly a known problem…


If you want to keep track with any updates on the issues at hand, it’d better suited to watch the linked thread as that’s actively updated then the thread here.


Still unable to use my transfer to go on any RP realms, anyone have any luck?

Best to hold off on any transfers for the time being to any RP realms untill they post they fixed the issue.


As has been posted before in this thread a couple of times now:

Any updates will be posted in the stickied thread

As of the time of this, it remains unfixed. Posting here and asking if it’s working yet or if there is a workaround isn’t getting it fixed any faster and is getting to be to the tune of “are we there yet?!?!”

Updates will not be posted here. Only in the stickied thread as it would be nigh impossible to hit every single thread that has been opened or will be posted in the lead up to whenever this will be fixed.


I understand that, but it is an option until Blizz fixes it. You havent lost anything. Depending on how big your guild is, you can also xrealm as a raid and chat in game using the raid chat function. Or create an in game community and use that to chat in game if people are not able to join a voice chat/interact in discord. Unfortunately it takes time to isolate, reproduce and then find a fix for a bug without it possibly effecting more things in game. Its not as simple as changing one line of code or pressing a button. Something like this will be on the top of their fix priority list, they just can only get it fixed as quick as they can get it fixed.

The sale is available till March 8th, for the 8 instead of 6, the service will still be available after that date and as Leilleath said, you can still buy it, the tokens just sit on your account the same way a boost token does until you use it, there is no timeframe to use them.

Personally im holding out for some sort of combo faction change and transfer because right now it costs me 80 just to transfer one toon.

Well hopefully this gets fixed soon, as someone who is trying to transfer to an RP realm to join my mythic raiding guild if this doesn’t get fixed before the end of the week there will be some big problems for a lot of people…

You can buy the transfer ahead of time and just bank it till you need it doesnt have to be used right away.


Is this going to be fixed soon? I’m stuck on a different server than the guild I’m joining and would like to join them for the raid release.

There’s no ETA on any given fix in the game. There’s a sticky tread with any and all updates on the current issues.

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I’m hoping they’ll push a fix with tomorrow’s maintenance so that people don’t have to worry about this during raid week #1


I have the token ready to go whenever this RP realm issue is solved. I’m not concerned personally- hoping to see a fix for this with maintenance as others have said.

Stardate 99760.05

After six days, I’m still separated from my eight children. A yet unknown enemy is keeping them from being able to to teleport to me on our home planet of Argent Crusade (RP).

Are they safe and warm, I wonder? At night, I have nightmares of them being held hostage in Torghast, tortured by the Jailer, intent on boring them to death.

At least they have each other, I tell myself.

And so I wait for the day or our reunification. My trust and faith in the light is strong–my children are coming home, be it now or beginning of fiscal Q1 2023.

:::que “One Sweet Day” music:::


Unfortunately mon capitane as a member of the Q i have decided u arent ready to join the galactic civilization and thu have decreed to send u back to vanilla wow permantly.