[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

THis is rich coming from you Ralph . If people don’t care about min /maxing then how about you stop making constant flame bait troll threads about the Venthyr Door of Shadows Covenant Ability.

This is exactly why it should be the way it is. It’s like mage tower tmogs. Sorry you missed out.

“The requirements for further minor upgrades to the cloak after Rank 15 with Malefic Cores have not been changed.”

Is this some kind of off-season April fool’s joke?

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The only reward you get is a mount and and a title isn’t it? From the Horrific Visions?

Eh, haste stacking warlocks are the most complained about thing in the game ATM so they’ll probably nerf it and make you want a completely different corruption set soon.

no, you’re ignoring the answers.

the system is implemented… they just want to slowdown the progression on lower cloaks for people that plays solo, of course you can full clear with a 5 man group I think… I don’t party on visions all my visions and progressions are solo so I have no idea there.

now if you’re asking why rank 8-11 takes longer than 12-15 then ask the devs why.

Make a WAY better pvp system, please blizzard.
That is all.

Saw this and the news post on the launcher and though to myself “oh good they are going to make it easier to get the +3 corruption items” but lol nope!

Swing and a miss, Blizz.
The people who care about the cloak levels, primarily, are also people who don’t want to be constantly feeling behind. Malefic Core system pushes people away from Visions.
Also the change to the pages was done a while ago, why the sudden post about it like it’s new? Just to reveal the vendor rotation I guess? What a let down.

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At this rate most people won’t even be able to experience what max corruption is like before the next expansion is released. Forcing Mythic Plus players and PvP’ers into now learning how to raid and doing it every week for 13 weeks in a row doesn’t sound feasible to me.

Pvp at an all time low.
Go back to the shadow Daark.

What can you do to your cloak past rank 15?

Increase its corruption resistance so you can use more corruption traits and be stronger than everyone else.

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Alright thats cool, can you past 100 corruption resistance?

Starting today the corruption resistance is +89. People will be at over 100 in 4 weeks.

And if you haven’t leveled your cloak past 15 yet for its corruption, then it will take you 15 weeks to get to 100 yourself if you do both full Horrific Vision clears and Kill the last raid boss N’zoth each week for 15 weeks.

Based on something Blizzard said, the general consensus is that 125 is the max resistance. Players who started on the first day available will reach this on Sept 8th.

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Everything is at an “all time low.” It’s been that trend for 4 expansions.

so like…wheres the update…? we already knew all this blizz. make malefic cores obtainable every time u finish solo 5 masks. more rewarding and still capped from coalescing visions

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I’m not even too fussed about my alts, I get that they’ll always be have low cloaks cuz I cbf grinding mementos just to be able to full clear to upgrade my cloak.

What I am fussed about is my main. I only started playing again after 8.3 was out and didn’t get the cloak straight away because I didn’t see the point, and didn’t level it straight away because the rewards from visions were so bad I couldn’t be bothered. But now I’ve started doing M+ and HV, it annoys me to know I’ll always be so far behind just because I came back to the game a little late and didn’t realise the value of the cloak.

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I don’t get it, if people really do this, what’s the purpose to max out their gear, if they’re just going to quit instead of using those gears?

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