It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

Therefore you only have yourself to blame when the meta covenant gets inevitable nerfed and you have wasted your time grinding it.

I am making this thread for future reference because it is an absolute certainty that we ll see threads like “You nerfed my covenant, I am quitting” or “my character is worthless now that you nerfed my covenant” during the first 6 months of shadowlands so feel free to bookmark this for future reference.

Here’s what is gonna happen:

  • We ll have streamers/youtubers and guides saying “X covenant is completely superior to other covenants, you have to be trolling to not play that covenant”.
  • Because a big % of the playerbase are thoughtless meta slaves they will jump on that covenant and will also discriminate against people who choose non meta covenants (Aka the usual absurd, we dont invite X class for a +3 mplus)
  • Blizzard after collecting more data on covenants will find out that that covenant is overpforming and will nerf the ability, soul binds, conduits or all 3 (In classic blizz fashion)
  • The same streamers/youtubers will now change to X meta covenant and will talk about how the previous meta covenant is now trash and you are underperforming for choosing it
    -The average person who is not willing to reroll or regrind because it takes too much time/effort who brainlessly and thoughtlessly jumped on the meta bandwagon will come into the forums and rage about how they wasted their time and how they are quitting because their characters arent ultra bis covenant.

This is your official warning, this is what is gonna happen, if you choose to jump on the meta covenant, then watch it get nerfed, then



I’m going with the Necrolords because I’m a middle-aged edgelord who loves the death aesthetic because it reminds me of the glory days of raiding in WotLK (Naxx and ICC) and I also like skulls and stuff.

Makes me feel more manly after spending day after day locked in a small house with three kids 10 and under.

PLUS, since shaman survivability doesn’t seem to have improved much, having a cool shield to help with that is far more important to me than some crappy Great Value blink.



They’ll just cycle through all the Covenants, cry all the time that they are all so OP, get them nerfed or made the same and then cry there’s no point to choosing one anymore. Just like it happened to specs and classes and talents. Imbalance isn’t so much good for the game as ‘fixing’ imbalance is worse for the game than just letting try-hards cry.

No one has selected a covenant yet. Your use of the past tense is very premature, Ralph.


Covenants will be the sour point of Shadowlands.


And what if i joined covenant for lore reasons, it turned out to be meta, then nerfed so hard that you literally get /spit on for trying to join groups?


I like how he’s acting like it’s something no one has bought up as a huge issue already so he can say he we right when everyone has been saying it for ages and instead and trying to get the system changed before it’s implemented so avoid all these head aches


Most of the people talking about Venthyr Door of Shadows don’t actually want it to exist, just so we’re clear. I think we’d all be happier if they weren’t tying abilities like Door of Shadows, or to a lesser extent the Night Fae Soulshape ability, to a Covenant choice.


Because it is a non issue, meta and broken combos will always exist, there will never be perfect balance, things will rotate in terms of power.

Anyone choosing based on being a meta slave has no right to complain when it inevitable gets nerfed because THEY WERE WARNED.

You’re right we should be arguing about making them a talent row because Blizzard are absolute garbage at balancing and won’t magically give a free covenant swap pass.


No one needs a warning, we are all extremely aware of what happens

Basically everyone that you’ve had a fight with about this subject knows more about it than you think they do

In fact I’m pretty sure everyone on my side of the camp has been the one doing the warning hence why we are unhappy with how the system looks


What actually is the point of this thread?

Pick the worst performing covenant? Lmao you cannot be serious.

Make sure to get mad about these not being a talent row. Now is the time.


It’s another pointless “I hate min max fotmer” post

It’s pretty much watching someone yell at the sky because rain sometimes ruins their day out

The OP who has been condescending everyone has only just started to catch up to us


Near as I can tell? Don’t pick the best choice, because it’s obviously too good and will be nerfed.

Also, it shouldn’t be nerfed yet because you only have yourself to blame if you pick the best abilities, you fool.


Guys don’t buy snickers at the shops even though it’s your favorite chocolate because they will see the demand skyrocketting and price gouge in future, make sure to buy a mars bar instead.

lmao jesus christ get outta here


This thread only proves what a whopping tool you are if its purpose is to gloat at players disadvantaged by game imbalances.


Legit this dude is just on a crusade to rid wow from people he finds undesirable for no outlined reason aside from it annoys him in an abstract way

It’s gotten beyond a joke


So uh, different covenants are going to have abilities that excel at different things. It won’t matter if the “AoE covenant” for your class gets nerfed, because you’ll still want the AoE damage if you’re doing, say, Mythic+. Like, okay, it’ll matter because you got nerfed, but you’re not going to suddenly drop your AoE for Single Target because of it. You still need the AoE.

It’s not like you’re choosing between 4 flavors of the same thing.

It’s incredible how some of the RPers are at least as condescending as the min/maxers, despite claiming it’s only the min/maxers being mean.

Someone else said he expects these same RPers to come running to GD on alts, crying that they can’t get into groups due to poor covenant choice. I’m gonna hazard a guess he’s right.

Edit; Not all RPers, a lot of them are being civil (same with min/maxers). I’m referring specifically to those like the OP.


That’s why you should pick based on lore and mounts and transmog.

Numbers and abilities get rebalanced and changed all the time.

Mounts and transmog are forever(ish).