[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

They will probably make it much easier to upgrade with about 2 months left to go before SL.

far too late… considering that even if you got decked out on 350 corruption it will do like 100-200 damage to mobs once the pre patch hits.

it’s whatever… I only hope players here remember when ion hazzikostas said at blizzcon 2019 in front of thousands of people live and many more at home:

“Shadowlands will be alt friendly”

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Lets protest until we get what we want! Alt/people that came into the patch late lives matter!

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Damn, this may sound odd. but I’m mildly disapointed, not for the reasons of getting Cores @ Cloak level 15. but due to the fact that I’ve been so haphazard playing the game Finally finding my main I’m gonna stick with less then 2 months ago. Like I only recently(as in yesterday) hit from 13 to 15 with my cloak. on my first char to max it out. I’m disappointed as I didn’t ever have to go through the grind of getting 6 and 8 pages. That’s what I liked in Legion as things got easier to aquire and come by I remembered having to run the gambit of grinding and earning up resource before they made it easy. I missed out on that with the cloaks here.

As far as the Cores go… I dunno I may or may not even bother with them so I have no real opinion on them atm.

I replied and repeated my above post as I did not want to post it on my Hunter

Damn, this may sound odd. but I’m mildly disapointed, not for the reasons of getting Cores @ Cloak level 15. but due to the fact that I’ve been so haphazard playing the game Finally finding my main I’m gonna stick with less then 2 months ago. Like I only recently(as in yesterday) hit from 13 to 15 with my cloak. on my first char to max it out. I’m disappointed as I didn’t ever have to go through the grind of getting 6 and 8 pages. That’s what I liked in Legion as things got easier to aquire and come by I remembered having to run the gambit of grinding and earning up resource before they made it easy. I missed out on that with the cloaks here.

As far as the Cores go… I dunno I may or may not even bother with them so I have no real opinion on them atm.

(I replyed and repeated my above post as I did not want to post it on my Hunter)

I tried all week to find a pug N’zoth group on my 465 alt warrior so I can catch up my cloak’s corruption resistance. He has 56 corruption resistance, whereas my main has the maximum currently available (89, I believe).

Couldn’t find one. The few times I got invited, even with AOTC and 4/12M, the group couldn’t down N’Zoth and eventually disbanded. I don’t anticipate being able to catch up his corruption resistance anytime soon under the current system. At this rate, he’s just being shelved until Shadowlands.

Please change Malefic Cores to be obtainable by other means more per week. For example, clearing a full horrific visions with a different number of masks (5 mask, 4 mask, 3 mask, etc.) could each drop a Malefic Core while maintaining your endless treadmill mentality.


“The time has come to wield terrible, terrible power!”

Then let alts go farm currency *(echos etc) and put everything up on the vendor. let people run visions over and over, getting the cloak caught up until they reach the current cap.

as it is, its like saying, let the birthday party kids have cake and go hyper on sugar.

but everyone has to go to the store. get flour, eggs etc. and make their own cake.

by the time they finish baking it, decorating it, and also finish making candy and ice cream that needs to go with it by hand, the party will be over.

and when the party is over all the cake and ice cream gets taken away.
no time to really eat it. people will just have to just eat the frosting by itself if they want any thing. :thinking:

or maybe its more like. eat dry cake and ice milk.

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I stopped bothering with the cloak upgrades beyond rank 15 because I assumed you could catch up easily like you can with the ranks. When I realized I was already a few weeks behind, I just lost interest.

Thanks for no changes. :unamused:

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After analyzing hundreds of thousands of permutations on the most efficient path to empower Ashjra’kamas, MOTHER has shown Wrathion how to make Torn Pages more potent so you can upgrade your cloak to Rank 15 quicker. Now, each Rank up to Rank 15 can be achieved in a single Horrific Vision. For example, upgrading your Rank 13 cloak to Rank 14 now only requires 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” (was 6), so if you’re currently in possession of 2 or more pages, you’ll turn them all in and immediately complete that quest. The following quest to upgrade from Rank 14 to 15 will then require that you go get 2 more new Torn Pages (was 8).

Is this part in effect?

The quest to go from Rank 9 to Rank 10 still shows I need 4 torn pages. Last night I even abandoned the quest and re-accepted it, still says 4 torn pages.

Please excuse my ignorance, I only returned to WoW fairly recently after a year plus break.

Proud member of the no cloak club! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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100% get rid of the rotation Stop GATING things Blizz!!

Yeah I was assuming the post would contain something about expediting cloak catch up and was let down when I realized it was just some random old news.

I had to swap to warrior for my guilds raid away from my resto shaman because of some new recruiting, which normally would be fine but I wasn’t keeping my cloak up to date on this guy so now, even with weekly N’zoth kills, I’m so far behind everyone else. They don’t care but I do, and there isn’t anything I can do about it. Sad.

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These threads are all the same. Everyone wanting something reasonable and Clark defending the asinine system Blizzard has shoved down our throats.


Blizzard, where is the sole and solid reason as to why corruption effects rotate 8 times?

Blizzard Entertainment: Well, uh you see… Ummm corruption effects… Well, iTs Supposed To Be fuN and EngAgING, silly!

Player: …

Blizzard Entertainment: Ok, we implemented the corruption rotation because we want to funnel a time metric system for investors. And, we love you to stay in Azeroth a bit longer!

Player: Yeah, a bit longer.


you can get 4 in a single run. just kill all 4 areas.

"After analyzing hundreds of thousands of permutations on the most efficient path to empower Ashjra’kamas, MOTHER has shown Wrathion how to make Torn Pages more potent so you can upgrade your cloak to Rank 15 quicker. Now, each Rank up to Rank 15 can be achieved in a single Horrific Vision. For example, upgrading your Rank 13 cloak to Rank 14 now only requires 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” (was 6), so if you’re currently in possession of 2 or more pages, you’ll turn them all in and immediately complete that quest. The following quest to upgrade from Rank 14 to 15 will then require that you go get 2 more new Torn Pages (was 8). The requirements for further minor upgrades to the cloak after Rank 15 with Malefic Cores have not been changed. "

So why does my rank 8 still require 4 pages if rank 14 > 15 only requires 2? I was at 2/4 pages and could not turn in the quest. Like a dummy I abandoned the quest thinking Wrathion would give me a new quest requiring 1 page and he gave me a 4 page quest again. What am I missing here?

But it shows the count needed has been reduced. The example says going from 13 to 14 only requires 2 torn pages instead of 6.

no you have your pages mixed up. in a single run you can get 4 Torn Page of “Fear and Flesh”

but the Torn Page of “The Final Truth” you could only ever get 2 per run as they came from the harder areas only.

the statement is. you can now get 1 upgrade from a single run. the examples are not examples but a complete list of the changes.


we will wield terrible terrible power very very slowly

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Go go hamsters go. :hamster: :hamster: :hamster:

You will wield this terrible power a few weeks before prepatch. Must feel good!