[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Well said.

Doing the same daily/weekly grind for months doesn’t mean you have “a lot of content”.

This notion that you somehow have to be in Method in order to want to be competitive is the biggest fallacy in this game.

Everyone in the game is impacted by the rng, corruption and corruption resistance.

You notice it when your 460 ilvl doesn’t compare to someone else’s. Or when you can’t seem to even move the health bar of someone in an arena who maxed out vers.

You don’t have to be clearing Mythic N’zoth in the first week to notice or be impacted by these systems.

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Seriously why should I renew my sub? So you can milk 4 months of sub out of me until Shadowlands prepatch, while I keep running the catch-up treadmill; never actually being able to fully catch-up to the people who didn’t stop playing?

I’ve enjoyed the start/story of all the 8.3 content, but once I realized I would not catch up until a few months, the allure quickly faded. Working my way to 5 mask by myself (solo casual) is not fun. I’ve been playing for a month and I’ve only managed to hit normal nyalotha ilvl. The raid has been out 3 months. No one want’s to invite a solo player with low ilvl and even lower corruption. This dramatically reduces fun factor of trying to get back into the game. There are too many mechanics at work, and the most important ones are bigger gate keepers than ilvl and 3rd party arbitration like raiderio scores.

There is nothing that feels worse than getting a new corruption item and being like “hey this should be a good moment, I got a really cool new item” only to realize you don’t have enough corruption resistance to allocate the new piece. So you get to go remove the corruption or deal with the obnoxious gameplay of high corruption.

This isn’t fun. This isn’t catch-up. The mythic race is over. The expansion is in essence, over. Let people catch up to the hardcore players without timegating us to keep us subbed longer. Maybe if you let us enjoy the game the way it was tuned around, instead of forcing us into weekly servitude, you wouldn’t need to trick us into remaining subs. We would actually want to play your game.


If you say how the corruption vendor is going to rotate it’s not going to help us at all btw only 3 weeks before i catch up with my corruption resistance

Wow prob not for you then. Because that is all this game has ever been.

And you didnt notice the difference between your dungeon blues and a aq40/naxx40 raider? Or a 4/4 rogue with glaives? Or a warrior/ pally/ dk with shadowmourne?


Head on the nail dude it doesnt make sense, let alone the fact that from 13-14 is only 2 pages??? How does that make sense.

Really cause I only need to go back 4 years in its 15 year history to find a time where you didn’t need to grind out dailies to unlock your tier set bonus.

Or grind out rep to level up your talent abilities (neck).

So we need to go back as far as vanilla then to see something even reminiscent of the rep requirements now to imrpove your gear? That’s not a ringing endorsement.

Glaives were a random drop from Illidan in BT - so no extra chores outside of raids.

Again just rng + items dropping inside of raid once you got past initial quest chain. No additional daily/weekly chores.

So - I have no idea what you are talking about. We can agree to disagree. You are wrong, but you can believe whatever you want.

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Wow, I don’t really understand any of this. I totally bailed out on the N’yalotha 8.3 thing. My main still needs to get the stone tablet. Is there a Blizz post that gaves any info? Also, what happens to our cloaks when Shadowlands hits? or even Pre-patch? what does the cloak rank translate to when it’s all said and done?

I dont mind the grind what I mind is upper levels being easier than lower levels? because getting 4 masks in one run typically with someone with a level 8 isnt very easy. 2 however wouldnt be to bad, but why someone with a 13 or 14 needs to work less hard does not make sense.

The last laugh is on him. Just finish my last character . Got a weapon finally and now i am good to go. All my main ones are ready for shadow land. Not chasing a bunch of stuff to have to just start over any ways. Plus with that power matching system it makes it more of a waste of time. That why it took me 5 months for a weapon. I just play what I want and do what I want. Now done I go and finish other games been playing. No fun playing when it now takes longer to kill something. No I do not chase achievements, mount collect or anything silly like that in this game. I just find stuff that is fun and do it. Beside how many of something you really need in first place.

“For example, upgrading your Rank 13 cloak to Rank 14 now only requires 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” (was 6), so if you’re currently in possession of 2 or more pages, you’ll turn them all in and immediately complete that quest.”

I just did a horrific vision and got 4 pages (rank 8 to 9); it still cost me 4 pages to go from 8 to 9. What does this mean? I did a 2-page vision before this and Wraithion still wanted the 4 pages…What am I doing wrong here? His new quest also wants 4 pages, so I have no idea what this update did.

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If you don’t like the game content then quit

Gee thanks for telling us what we allready knew.

C’mon Blizz, this system sucks:

  • time-gated currency
  • time-gated research tree
  • time-gated resistance catch up
  • time-gated corruption vendor

I haven’t seen one reasonable person who is enjoying this. It’s not that it’s hard content, it’s just not fun. How do you guys not get that? People want to raid, run m+, and pvp so stop getting in the way of our fun!

Once you have 2-3 characters that have gone through this, cloak level 15 should take 5 runs, max. After that malefic cores should give more resistance per core, as well as being obtainable more than twice a week.

BfA 8.3 - Da Void of fun.

It’s not really a game anymore. It’s just a bunch of systems designed to make everyone and everything the same, and to make you take as long as possible and sim as much as possible to get there.

Heck, fistweaving was like the first inventive thing allowed in years.

Been asking this question all day know one seems to know.

Thanks for the guide for your terrible system. It really highlights how little you care about player’s feelings towards it. The cloak system is BAD, why it wasn’t made account wide is BEYOND me. This game has hemorrhaged subs to the point where you really need to put in work if you want to keep the ones you do have and I’ll let you know that making it harder (for the people who have stuck around) to play alts is a terrible idea. I have characters that will literally NEVER catch up to the current level of corruption as everyone else, if the system remains in its current form, and will always be out performed because of it. I’m not going to clear a vision + n’zoth on 4-5 max level characters a week. Its not feasible. You’ve somehow created a system worse than titanforging to replace it, and I won’t even get into how ridiculous it is that the corruption vendor has a rotation, because that has been done to death. Well done.

On the 50% haste before traits/buffs/procs train now. Guess I’m done forever.

Any answers to this yet??? Was wondering the same thing…