Update : 58 boost (huge changes)

And going from a 58 boost to a 58.75+rest boost has shifted the botting paradigm?

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That 75% of a level + rest is obviously absolutely vital in making the boost worth it for botting over just taking that money and opening up additional accounts to have more bots.

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I’m not against fresh, but what reason does blizzard have to create new servers? Sure some are asking for it… but is it enough people? I don’t think it is…

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Clearly. Indubitably. Well said! Damn the math!

Everyone knows the OP of this thread is sheer falsehood, this is not a huge change. Anti-boosters just wanted another excuse to rail on boosts although this is more evidence that Blizzard, really just doesnt care what anti-boosters have to say. Especially since we know they will still be subbed, and will certainly be buying boosts.

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Its because they seriously thought that complaining like children on a forum would stop Blizzard from doing something they dont like.

We told them Blizzard wouldnt back down on this decision.


Something of an alternative.

The boost is happening. Sorry, but it is. The income potential is too great for Activision’s Blizzard to stable the idea of not putting boosts, and potentially other monetized features into the game further down the road. This should come as no shock to anyone.

The battle-lines are clearly drawn.

At this point if you are against the boost you might have an alternative, but it requires a heavy choice:
Subscribe to the notion of “fresh tbc servers” that offer no cash shop and no transfers/boosts
Submit to the current roll-out and accept that boosts are happening. Get over it. And have fun. Do your best to be magnanimous and get over the petty squabble with the people who will be boosting on your server to play there with you.

“But it is not fair!”
“I worked hard for my stuff etc…”

Please forgive me quoting myself on this one but I believe the post is relevant here.

If you are for boosts then you are for bots, there’s no way around it.


this should STAY IN RETAIL.


If you are for classic you are for bots cause guess what bots are in classic regardless of boosts.


Obviously anybody who disagrees with me is just wrong, favours all the bad things in this game, and is probably ugly or something.


What, lol? They can ‘get away with’ anything they want to get away with. They literally own the game.

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This statement is entire opinion. The hilarious part is, its a wrong opinion. Wonder what its like to be so ignorant as our forum users.

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The boost included with the expansion is usable the second you get it. This may be MONTHS before launch.

I do hope these are in Prepatch, would rather be 60 before launch.

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I disagree. I am for the boosts. If there were legitimately some way blizzard could 100% ensure that only their target demographic were able to boost and there is 100% no chance bots could ever benefit from the boost I would have no issues with it.

But we all know just how proactive blizzard is with bots so that is why I am requesting classic no boost/cash shop servers. I feel this more accurately “resolves” the issue. Will it be perfect? No. Will I have to give up my months worth of play time and investment to play there? Yeah (ouch). But it is worth it IMO and I would in a heart-beat.

You know what else is a good introduction to how the game works?

Leveling from the beginning.


The things there’s bots in classic and there’s no boost now, there will be bots in TBC Classic regardless of boosts.

The issue is blizzard’s enforcement not boosts.

I know plenty of people who leveled from the beginning that I am not convinced know how this game works.

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I bet they smell bad, too!

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And you think these quests will help these people?

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You are not wrong. However, I feel fresh servers will still be the answer - here’s why:

It is my personal belief that fresh TBC servers without boosts and without a cash shop will be something akin to a resolution to the botting issue. Not for everyone, mind you, but for those of us who would like a fresh start, or those of us who are willing to give up our time investment to have a shot at a better server. Better how? Read on.

Will bots not be present? What a foolish thought! Bots will definitely be there, if anything there will be more than on the current servers as the market will be fresh and untapped - they could charge more for the gold!

However, many of the people who have already bought gold are vested in the servers they are currently playing on and therefore are less likely to leave where they are presently. Sure there are some that may be so stinking rich that the idea of being vested after spending hundreds or more is absurd to them, so they may come over but it is a smaller percentage of the players.

Also, and more importantly, the community itself is built of a different style of player. The community of these fresh servers that want no boosts are built with players who are willing to give up everything they have earned - all that time investment and start entirely over from scratch to help alleviate (not even entirely resolve) the issue.

The community; therefore, will be less receptive to dungeon boosting mages, buying gold, and seeing bots roaming the wild. There will be people on the ground at lower levels so spotting the bots would be more likely. The bots that are spotted would be more likely to be reported because the players here would be less likely to just shrug and walk on. We are the players who are sick of it. We’d be more likely to report the bots and more likely to kill them.

Blizzard does take action against bots - some of them, anyway… Most likely those who have the greatest amount of reports. As players on this server are sick of bots they will be reporting them more frequently. Therefore the bots will likely/hopefully have an ocean of reports before they can go slink away into BRD or get high enough to do terribly large amounts of damage.

Finally, as I said the community itself would be less likely to buy gold. If no one buys gold then the bots make no money and eventually the problem solves itself. Do I feel like no one would buy gold? Man, that would be great. What an ideal world. But unfortunately no. I am a cynic. There will likely be some who do. But I expect they would be fewer as the community here would not foster as well to them.