We are talking about doing this for only ONE bracket. A bracket purely for getting fast queue times and getting to play. 2’s and 3’s will still be there. I think we can trade diehard balance expectations for quicker queues when there are still brackets out there where you can have full “balance” but wait in a longer queue (LFG) for it, there’s a choice. And in some of these suggestions, you can STILL have healers in your SQ lobbies, but just not every queue so that the queues come along quicker.
You can when nobody wants to play one as an added incentive. Maybe don’t give them MMR on ties, but at least don’t let them LOSE MMR in a tie, no matter the MMR disparity between the two in the lobby? Idk, this situation is very tricky, just another reason to let go of hinging the bracket on them queueing or not.
That’s a bit extreme. But again, it would only be in one bracket. And again, sometimes there would be healers in some of these suggestions.
That is already happening in SS when you get a lobby as say Destro and the rest are melee, or vice versa. What’s the difference? You just had to wait 30 minutes for it and for another one afterward, so I think that’s probably even worse.
I agree, a UI overhaul is definitely needed. I would go farther and say there are too many damage modifiers in general to track in PvP, but that’s another discussion. But I doubt that significantly changes queue times.
Now we are discussing an entirely different game mode. Could be interesting if the maps were smaller, but I honestly find BGs pretty boring if I’m not just trying to relax.
A great incentive, but still trying to force queues through the bottleneck of healers. Make it dynamic where they are not required for a queue to pop every single time.
a lot of these ideas are good, but the quickest fix right now would be to bring healer MMR up to where DPS MMR is, it’s incomprehensible why Blizz is OK with letting healer MMR be hundreds of points lower than DPS MMR for so many weeks already
As far as I can see, healers are complaining because CC was nerfed yet DPS is way off the charts. It’s senseless for players to be able to, and to do raid boss damage to other players. In the context of DF burst levels, CC nerfs were a huge mistake IMO. It’s made PvP much more like PvE, and much less reliant on PvP specific knowledge. Esp in Solo. If a healer is complaining about a 2 second CC, something ain’t right. It’s way too demanding.
Haha thank you, but I wouldn’t say these are opinions only of players with great minds though. These are problems that are pretty prevalent to anyone that is playing arena a lot these days.
It’s bat crap crazy. Can’t take the credit for it though, it was HEAVILY discussed on Reddit after someone brought it up. There were a lot of mad knee jerk reactions of it being so different and worse for DPS players like there were here, but people started coming around after they realized how much it would help out healers to maybe lower queue times, especially once the healers started chiming in themselves.
ok but the difference in our comparisons is that in a different queue system they would have waited 30s instead of 20min for your “prot pally / no heals”
been playing some yolo 2s double dps today , its really not that bad. only things that suck are finding partners and when you play against a healer + dps, pretty much unwinnable. quick games in and out for most part tho. letting healer + dps play only other healer + dps would be way better
No, they wouldn’t. Because in your system people would hate the games so much there would be no one queueing them except the ‘tanks’. Though you’re the one that went on a 12 char-hopping spree to like your own posts so you probably think that counts as more people ‘queueing’ for your ideas or whatever.
The cc nerfs should’ve been healer only to help the roles participation. Baseline Precog was also a mistake and shouldn’t been left a PvP talent because casters are already too strong. I will say removing blind into sap is one of the best changes they’ve made. That was not fun to face although now we have rogues bursting healers 100-0 in a stun so they still can’t trinket anything
You know people can see who liked what post and can easily just check pvp to see their all your alts right? The fact you’re still pretending to be different people in this thread is beyond cringe.
I tell the only possible solution to all problems, without your crutches. You apparently do not understand, whatever you come up with, it will not work because 400 people are playing the game.
So, are you ready to hear what needs to be done?
First, the simplest and most ingenious solution (and the most necessary).
This is somehow to get people back into the game, 100k people urgently need to be added to the ladder. To do this, you need to make a free weekend, reward people for playing pvp, figuratively, if you play more than 30 hours (in rated pvp) on a free weekend for a month, you will receive a mount and half a month of subscription.
Run a week of bonus rated arenas. Suppose that this week, the rating bonus for playing in a 3v3 ladder in a double or even triple size, you will receive not 20 mmr for a victory, but 40 or 60, or for win-streaks you will multiply your mmr and move very quickly from 2100 to 2400 on the win streak, and it is acceptable to do this from Friday to Monday. It motivates people to get in line. A week later, do a week of Solo Shuffle, then a week of RBG, etc.
Since we will limit this to three days, we will force people to prepare for these days, everyone will plan their business months in advance, and everyone will be happy, because everyone will know that if they get in line at any time of the day on any of these three days, they will get enemy team instantly with one and the same MMR.
The most difficult and necessary in my opinion.
Many take as an example the first season of SL as the largest participation in recent times. If someone doesn’t remember, or doesn’t understand what happened, now the ladder is 90% of the players who love pvp and are eager to get a gladiator, of which only 10% reach the goal. The rest are just wasting their time.
What is missing for all of us? That’s right, we don’t have enough members participation . Now you will not see a single PvE player on the arena, the layer of players is completely the same and not diverse, you mainly play against gladiators at any rating, whatever it is.
We need a layer of players, we need to motivate PvE players to queue in the arena, and so we return to the first season of the SL, PvE players needed top equipment from the arena, on the first day of the rating season, 2400+ pushed in 3s. I believe that everyone who has ever deserved a gladiator and plays every season only for this purpose should receive it. Therefore, you need to return and buffs pvp trinkets for pve. Thus, we will increase the number of participants in the 3v3 bracket, and increase the layer between pve players and pvp, and we will meet different types of opponents.
Do you know what is the main sadness? There is no feedback from the developers, apparently they don’t give a damn and no one is trying to do anything, on twitch there is nothing else at the AWC tournament other than spam in the chat about the mmr fix. And to my question to the moderator on Warcraft twitch channel, when the developers give an answer to the community? the moderator answered me that this is just spam in the chat and has nothing to do with the current situation in the game. So here’s the guys. Blizzard is happy with how things are in the game, and they are also no longer interested in the consul forum. They didn’t care about anything for a long time.
Something I think people don’t realize is if the population of WoW magically increases to 5 billion, but we still have the same ratio of Healers:DPS queueing as we do now, the queue times would still be just as long as they are now.
It’s isn’t about the total amount of people queueing, it’s about how many healers are queueing.
Even with proper rewards, MMR fixes, healing “fun” etc the queue times would still be maybe 10min, which is still dog💩.
To fix THAT, you have to make the incentive to heal so outlandish that even DPS diehards do it, like giving them 2kg (idk) per round win in SS.
But the real fix is just removing them as a required variable for the queue to pop. Meaning most games would be DPS only and only have healers when they are in the queue.
If you want to play with a healer 100% of the time forever every game, go play premade 3’s/2’s man. Stop letting that keep the rest of the WoW PvP population from actually playing more than they are waiting.
Otherwise keep enjoying your, by all relative metrics, currently dead retail WoW PvP.