Unsustainable Rated PvP System: Solutions

Doesn’t justify doubling down on bad/idiotic ideas which the OP is loaded with.

If the argument is ‘make it 1/8th easier for healers to climb artificially’ instead of fixing the way they gain/lose CR and MMR works for healers than it’s just a handout not a fix. I’d never invite a healer who played under a system the OP suggested for reg threes because I’d know they were probably playing 500 cr above where they should be and are therefore terrible unless they hit 3k in solo.

Let me demonstrate a reasonable idea: Healers and DPS have normalized CR/MMR gains. Meaning they work the same. Go 3-3 no loss of rating unless you’re ultra low CR in a high MMR lobby in which case you gain. If you’re way above the other healer you don’t get punished for Blizzards match making system being deficient so you lose minimal or no CR for a loss.

no body is playing because class balance is absurdly bad. wizards are busted, sub is gross, fury is pants on head with arms being close behind while hance can just global someone in 0.3 seconds. Havoc and frost dk are terrible and borderline unplayable. Class balance sucks, period.

and the game its self is unfun and frustrating especially for newer players with how fast TTKs are. burst needs a nerf and normal sustain or “pve” damage needs to be more common place. WoW plays like an fps and not like WoW and its killing the game as has been evident since SL till now with how the pvp population has been dwindling.

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The amount of heals qing=/= the amount of healers interested in pvp. Up to this season the first 3 slots in class rep in reg 3’s went to healers.

Reg 3’s, Holy/Holy are killing it rep wise. If healers don’t want to deal with the sht show that is solo (like myself, Amatox and several others called out at the start of the expac) then it is what it is. I get it, healers play an important role in comms 3’s, that role is diluted to 'don’t overlap, don’t eat cc chain, heal through dps that are going to zug, overlap, line etc. Sounds like a bad time and I don’t blame them for not wanting to play based on that nvm the borked rating.

Nobody is playing bc PvP of game isn’t fun… Just that.

And by not being fun, the only way to make someone play, is giving some rewards. Ppl want something back to do something is unfun to do.

Work is unfun, but your boss pay you well for a hour of your work So. You work for him.

Blizzard doesn’t pay you to play a hour of their unfun game. Well… They even hope you pay to play it.

Actually, is a huge surprise someone is still paying and playing WoW, given how unfun game is now.

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Right… but we’re talking about how to get healers queuing in SS for it to not be a waiting simulator, not the state of ladder 3’s, so…yeah? I agree with you.

My point was I don’t think we can ever get adequate amounts of healers to queue for SS so DPS aren’t waiting around for 15-45min in a queue, which is ridiculous these days in gaming.

So remove them as requirement for Solo Queues to pop so DPS who want to just play can play, sometimes with a healer sometimes not. Players who want/have to always play with a healer every round/match can go park in LFG.

Yee I wrote a post a few days back saying just make solo ‘last man/team standing’ with 3v3 dps unless you want to check a box and wait for a healer.

This. Game has been stale as hell. I dont know why people are suprised normies arent flooding to grind wow arena. It is legitimately unfun for the average player.

From a healer perspective the only way for me to queue after getting my 1800 set is fix the MMR/CR gains either for wins or 3-3s. Its difficult to climb as a healer and most I know that are still playing get the set and just queue 3s.

Currency gains are useless. I wouldn’t care if each match gave me 10k gold.

If they sit on their butt again for Season 3 well guess whats going to happen again.

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