Need to Look at Shuffle CR/MMR

I don’t know what was done this season to shuffle, but it is so out of whack right now. People going 4-2, 5-1, or 6-0, and then gaining zero points and losing MMR on top of it is so bad for progression. It’s not even one game, it’s multiple games in a row of people winning and gaining nothing. It just seems like a giant waste of time. It doesn’t make any sense how this has gone on the entire season. The game shouldn’t even be putting people in lobbies where it’s possible to gain nothing but lose everything.


Climbing this season has been so rough because of how bad the mmr system is right now that I don’t even feel motivated to push. I’m really just farming mogs and doing rbg’s when all my friends are on because I don’t feel like queueing for hours to gain 20 rating…