Unpopular Opinion

Now that you’re here:

What are unpopular opinions that your characters hold?

Greyah thinks that Ashenvale should be given back to the elves and that the orcs and Horde there are devastating to the forest and environment. She thinks reparations should be made to them and all lumber operations north of the Barrens need to cease immediately.


Druidism is a system full of hypocrites who are too mired in selected pieces of history to see the folly of their ignorance.


The pious often place too little faith in themselves to properly serve the deities they look to solve all their problems for them.

And finally…

Modern arcanists focus too much on labels to reach the heights their contemporaries once knew; leading to stagnation within the arcane arts.

Plus many more, next time on ‘Astrea Evermoon, Boomer Sorceress’

Addendum: She also thinks the factions are both terrible in practice and all of their participants would be much better off independent in the long run; though at this point I’m not entirely sure if that disposition is really unpopular.


Sarestha believes that the Forsaken need to re-embrace the ideals (not the powers) of the Light to truly prosper as a society. Respect, Compassion and Tenacity are the Three Virtues of the Light in lore, and she believes that if these things underpinned Forsaken society, they could rebuild stronger than ever.

Naturally, despite Sara’s own fervent loyalty to the Forsaken, most of them don’t agree with her vision for the future.


Saphirr believes he should be able to travel and trade any where. Including Stormwind!


Enekie believes that the Night Elves’ steadfast, unthinking faith in Elune and druidism has cost them everything and if there were any justice in the world, Tyrande would be exiled and Malfurion executed.


Altielle thinks demons arent all evil and should be allowed in public places as long as they aren’t threatening people.


Greyah and Altielle would not get along.


Accepting the Light into ones self for power gain is better than out right worshipping it.


Raton 100% agrees with Greyah. He also believes that the border between Ashenvale and the Barrens should be established a a bolder between the Horde and the Kaldorei. This border must be respected by the Horde and not crossed without permission.


The Bilgewater Cartel should thank the Horde for their hospitality but take its leave and become its own sovereignty again.


What if the border became a small neutral hub where travelers could congregate? A mini-neutral ‘Crossroads’.


No. This has gone too far! Delete the thread please blizzard!


There’s no going back. It will be the Warsong Sentinels relief hut encampment.


Fal’therin believes that the Sunwell should’ve stayed destroyed.

Its destruction nearly doomed the High Elven race. Only through seeking new methods of power did the Blood Elves survive. He thinks they should’ve learned from this and seen the Sunwell as a massive tactical weakness whereby their entire race is dependent on it and will likely be destroyed if anything happens to the Sunwell.

It’s part of why he pursued the void actually, despite knowing Rommath disapproved, due to the risk to the Sunwell. He thought he could find a way to cure the elves of their addiction, to not NEED the Sunwell anymore. He thinks making it Light-oriented is an even worse idea because it seems even the presence of someone with void energy can make the whole place unstable. It was scary enough when Alleria legit visited the Sunwell, let alone if some void-addled person successfully attacked it.

The Sunwell is a HUGE weakness, and will destroy the Blood Elven people. It must go - or else the race’s doom is delayed, not prevented.


Tam liked Gallywix. I mean, anybody that rich without having much in the way of muscles, looks, or charm has to be pretty smart, right? He also had a pretty good sense of style. Gold plated everything? Classy!


Everything is fine.


Bugs are (sometimes) people, too.

The next time you get ready to roll up that old copy of the Gadgetzan Gazette to swat that spider you saw skittering across your new hardwood floors, stop. That could very well be a baby Nerubian you were about to squash.

And put down that can of bug spray. You could have just committed insecticide upon a child of the endangered Qiraji species!

Don’t be a baby-squasher. :rainbow::star2:

This has been a PSA from the Hugs for Bugs Society. Shouldn’t a Mantid hatchling live long enough to participate in their first swarm? :hugs: :spider::spider_web:

(:skull_and_crossbones: Warning: Do not actually hug the bugs. They will probably bite or sting you, and kill you with their extremely deadly venom. :skull_and_crossbones: )


The Awakener will always love her Klaxxi friends. They deserve all of the hugs!

Love seeing another bug race enthusiast :blue_heart:


My Orc, Balthan, has pretty much lost all faith in the Horde. He has no faith in Baine or whatever form of leadership is coming in the wake of Sylvanas’ fall.

This is the second time the new Horde has fallen to corruption, and considering their history… he’s convinced that the Horde itself isn’t a group worth saving any longer, and that all of Azeroth would be better off if it broke apart.

He’s currently hiding out in Pandaria with his new ladyfriend, having purchased a farmstead in the Valley. Turns out, he’s not a half bad farmer.

With luck, there’ll eventually be a bunch of half-human half-orc babies running about the place!


After looking at records for the Horde, Loh has come to the conclusion that unless the Orcs and Forsaken undergo major cultural changes, the Horde will be doomed to be an aggressor again.

Loh, being still comparatively new to the Horde, only has the records to go off of. While he reads and goes “Wow, this Thrall guy seems like he was semi-intelligent and trying to forge ahead for the orcs”, he only sees Thrall and a handful of those who choose to stand for those ideals with ‘Tyrant Hellscream’ took power, thus making it the historical exception.

This all in stark contrast to literally everyone else in the Horde; Darkspear and Tauren have essentially been shackled to the orcs and the Sindorei + Allied races to the Forsaken.

While Loh does see the Council as a good step forward in serving as a catalyst for this cultural change the two main aggressors of the Horde need, he’s gonna want more than good intentions and ideas before he stops viewing the orcs as aggressive barbarians. (Yes. Loh does tend to refer to orcs as Barbarians)