When Void Elves get their High Elf Origins back

“Remember the Sunwell? Please; I’m so over it.”


I for one welcome my fellow tentacled comrades.

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places tinfoil hat firmly on head

But what if the Draenei only restored the Sunwell as part of an Alliance conspiracy to make the Blood Elves vulnerable? Huh!?! HUH!?!?!?!?!?!

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I mean, at the time the Draenei helped turn the Sunwell from corrupted arcane font of magical power to Light-based arcane font of magical power, Velen was still actively being manipulated by the Naaru.

That was one of Legion’s weirder plot points that didn’t really go anywhere because it involves neither Humans nor Orcs. But I do wonder if we’re ever going to get more than a bro moment between Velen and Illidan of all people to have a reckoning over the fact the Naaru have actively been manipulating Velen and the Draenei have effectively been the “In Case of Emergency - Break Glass” reserves for the Army of Light for tens of thousands of years.

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The fact the Sin’dorei are reliant on the Sunwell is an issue.

Wouldn’t be an issue at all if the entire race wasn’t dependent on it for survival.
Should have just moved on.

The Light is just as corrupting as the void, but at least void users aren’t hiding behind a facade of purity and goodness.

It’s frankly the main reason I play a Ren’dorei, not a Sin’dorei. I see the Sunwell as a big risk. This is something I posted on my Alliance main in the unpopular opinion thread a fair old while ago. It’s made for fascinating plot hooks, frankly. And I feel it’s more in line with the Warcraft 3/Burning Crusade fantasy of the Blood Elves.

Would defenders of the Shattered Sun please stand up.

Bingo. Loved the Blood Elf story from The Frozen Throne and Burning Crusade (Giant Fel Crystals in Silvermoon withstanding). But after the Sunwell got “fixed”, Blood Elf lore got really, really stale. They’re just “Holier Than Thou” types, albeit literally now.

Void Elves offer a chance to go back to that “Necessity for sake of Survival” angle that hooked me in the first place.


What’s with those void elf goths behind the orphanage?

Definitely agreed. Blood Elves just… kind of lost the edge that made them interesting originally. Void Elves recapture it, in a way.

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Peach Skinned Void Elves are just as Void infused as the old ones.

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Ren’dorei are a lore mistake and lore-wise dead on arrival. A niche lore concept on Alliance is a death sentence. The Draenei should know since their relevance is regulated to the Legion. No legion, no draenei.

Void Elves will be renamed High Elves, with the option to be emo because why remove customization. And the world will forget that void elves are actually an entity.

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I mean they are no more dumb than and out of nowhere than the Panda land that was created from an Easter Egg in the rts.


[cries in Rexxar downloadable campaign from The Frozen Throne]


Given we had an entire expansion to flesh Pandarens out, and give them two distinct areas which they can come from.

Can’t say the same for Void Elves, who went no-where.


Mate, Void Elves played a major role in the Alliance War campaign and assaults. There’s a lot of unique lore surrounding them, and they have the added benefit of also sharing the lore of Thalassian Elves generally - Ren’dorei history is also Sin’dorei history, and Quel’dorei history.

They’re unique and interesting and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. So uh.


You’re wrong.

Edit: It’s also worth noting that High Elf-like customisation options are canonically still void elves, with all the same racials and abilities. Just, like Alleria, they’re able to hide their void corruption. My theory is they’re the second generation of Ren’dorei - those who chose it willingly rather than being force-voided by ethereals.


Major part? I find that laughable at best considering the War effort. The Void Elves were present but indulged in nothing unique. What was unique to the Void Elves that a normal mage couldn’t do already? Teleport to and from locations with ease?

The only thing that stood out of the entire war campaign was the Necromancy displayed in the invasions. Which further begs the question of what will come of it. Considering the Alliance make no comment on this, nor allude any concern over the usage of void necromancy.

Void Elves have done very little to make them unique enough to warrant any real influence. Alleria is shoved in the forefront while Umbric plays second fiddle to the story. I’m under the impression that once the High Elf cusotmizations come in, void elves will be overcome by High Elves and any sort of lore we get with High Elves will be considered Void Elf lore. (Because they’re all quel’dorei! )

I’m extremely cynical to the Void Elves because their status and place in the Alliance is riddled with opportunity, but Blizzard is notorious for squandering opportunity for safer measures. Lightforged Draenei? A single one makes appearance to be killed. Void Elves? Replace them with mages and nothing changes.

Until the Void Elves actually are confronted and bring forth change in the Alliance dynamic… they’re just high elves and will quickly be replaced so.


xaolio do you need someone to talk to


In terms of their impact on the faction story i still think it’s actually greater than that of the Pandaren, who fundamentally might as well be neutral with no role in faction politics whatsoever.

Again, overall the Ren’dorei have far more lore and backstory going for them than most races, as it’d be folly to suggest that their history only begins at the moment they got etherealed.

Even if you DID make that argument, they’ve then existed as a race for only a year in lore - surely it’d be reasonable to suggest they need more time to make a real impact.


Void Elves had more relevance in BFA than Pandaren have had since MoP ended across all the expansions.

Now, if only we got that Siege of Silvermoon Warfront that was datamined, we’d really be relevant. Hoo.