Unpopular Opinion

Gotosh really doesn’t like that everyone suddenly moves to Pandaria. While the pandaren are open people, wanting to meet other races and welcome them- he feels that this land was just another example of people trampling over some place, and then suddenly taking claim. When his people came to Azeroth, this happened and they’ve been fighting an uphill battle ever since with their being here often used against them as invaders.
So to see Pandaria, suddenly fought on and ripped apart once it’s been revealed to the world…and then a bunch of people take claim to the land now that it’s all well it good…it doesn’t sit right with him. He won’t tell anyone not to do that though, and he fully understands the reasons for moving there. Fertile land, undeveloped land (that should be left alone largely), largely neutral over all and that it might even be welcomed. Might.
Who knows, maybe he’ll find a home there too someday… but it won’t be without heavy consideration to what people have already done to the Pandaren ecosystem, what people have started doing and what will be continued on it.

(RP wise I get it tho, it’s a beautiful place. Some of the best scenery .)


Idenna believes the only good orc is a-- oh wait, this must be a mistake. It says here, “All orcs are good orcs.” That can’t be right, can it?

Oh, but it can.


Fizzer’s big unpopular opinion:
“Gnomes ain’t so bad.”


Rather than joining the Horde, Suramar should have remained neutral. This view has only been cemented over the months due to Sylvanas’s actions. They had lived independently of the rest of the world for 10,000 years and now it would be much easier to do.


That Kalimdor would be an even better place if Tauren controlled everything.



Feyawen thinks the city of Suramar got uglier with time. :sweat_smile:


The Light is more evil than the Void


So this is just sort of a gernal list my guys have. Not everyone feels the same on all the issues as I play alot of different characters…

Orcish honor is a laughable concept that is completely nebulous.

The burning of Teldrassil was a good start but didn’t go far enough.

The term “genocide” get’s thrown around too much.

Pandas should have stayed in Pandaria.

The Tauren should have joined the Alliance.

Void Elves should have stayed Horde.

Garrosh had the right idea but shouldn’t have alienated his allies.

Sylvanas has a plan.

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all land be troll land


We’re asking for opinions, not facts.


Sint believes that the human spirit is more powerful than any divine force, and mankind has been enslaved by the shackles of magic and faith. Man would be better off if it embraced the Light as a tool, and chose to guide themselves on the merits of human progress.


Most people in the Alliance neither care about nor truly understand what the Draenei went through, and would happily sell them out to the Horde or worse if the benefit to themselves was high enough.

“World ending” disasters really aren’t that scary anymore, since we’ve had a dozen of them at this point and they’ve always turned out to be regional disasters at best.

Comparing Draenei to any animal - especially goats - is hugely insensitive and shouldn’t be tolerated.

Khadgar was neither attractive nor charming, and we’re way better off without having to deal with his nonsense.

“Neutral organizations” never are; at the end of the day, they’re just Diet Horde.


Kirsy was fine with burning down Teldrassil. It was a military target. Further, she thought that the Night Elf military was ill prepared to the point of incompetence for being in a place like that (with civilians) with no escape plan in place, knowing that it could be attacked. And she felt that the eventual evacuation came much too late. The time to evacuate civilians was before the attack took place, not afterward. The attack wasn’t instantaneous.


Maybe more Night Elf specific than a general opinion, but Lyirae here feels Tyrande has gone too far. She understands the anger and fury, and fought to reclaim Darkshore even though she never felt like it was really her home. But undergoing the Nightwarrior ritual, bringing others of their people along with her, basically just the idea of giving yourself over completely to a deity solely for the sake of revenge, especially every other account of someone doing so has ended poorly, was incomprehensibly foolish and irresponsible in her eyes.


nelves shouldnt have won darkshore warfront (did they? im not even sure)

one of the main points of the war of thorns was how noone could get there and reinforce them

so how did they manage to sneak an army from one continent to the backdoor of another AND come out with the win?

personally i think they shouldve reclaimed diremaul and make home in Feralas


They did, canonically.

It’s worth remembering that they didn’t win until the Horde actually withdrew. At the very least, most of the undead Kaldorei left the Darkshore warfront. Given that Sylvanas yeeted herself into the sky, and the Forsaken got left leaderless, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Night Elves only won because the Horde withdrew.


I don’t know if this is unpopular or not but…
Kass will vehemently trash talk the Gurubashi empire anytime a troll starts talking about how great it was, or about the grand future of troll kind in Stranglethorn.
To her, it’s a dog whistle for “they want to kick out/kill off the goblins and reclaim it for themselves”.


They did. But you’ll be glad to know that it didn’t happen in-game.

You don’t have a problem with catapults launching across an ocean but this is too much of a stretch for you?

BFA storytelling in a nutshell.

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oh, is it a short story or something? thought it wouldve been alliance side at least.

Well, actually…i do? If there were Trebuchets, that’d make a lot more sense seeing as its the superior siege engine.

But seriously, how did they manage to sneak enough ships, to carry enough people to win back the…broken, ill suited for farming, Darkshore?

Why do they even want Darkshore? Literally cut off from everything and the only neighbors they have are the green guys who been wrecking havoc since they arrived