Unpopular Opinion Time!


I see my character page… O.O


These are great. Glad this blew up, I enjoyed reading them with my morning coffee and brownie.

Here’s some of mine:


  1. I’d be okay with the removal of flying for all expansions moving forward. I think it should be kept only in Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms, Outland and Northrend.

  2. I am okay with certain content being too difficult for me and rewarding awesome stuff I’ll never be able to get. I think the people really good at the game deserve rewards for their skills and people who whine about wanting them too for less work/skill/effort are nuts.

  3. I hate the Horde, I would prefer to be Alliance, but I find almost all the Alliance races boring. I would give anything if Vulpera were Alliance.

  4. I think all races should be able to be any class.

  5. I wish they would scale the world like ESO does, letting people go anywhere at any level and have you scale to the zone. That would also make griefing/camping in world PVP slightly harder because that little level 10 and you would scale to the same level. Gear and skill would still matter so griefing would still happen, but that’s ok.

  6. I think warmode should be removed and all realms should be pvp realms.

  7. I wish they would dedicate an entire expansion to revamping the UI to make it as customizable as addons make it, and adding voice acting to every quest in the game, and re-writing quests to fix plot holes, ret cons and lore issues, and upgrade the graphics of all zones to what is current in Legion and BFA now.

Real World ones:

  1. As a fat person, I think being overweight is disgusting, and “big is beautiful” mentality is promoting a true epidemic and is unhealthy thinking. I think not nearly as many over weight people have “medical reasons” for being overweight as they claim to, and their only excuse for being overweight is eating too much and not being active enough (myself included).

  2. I am 100% in support of things like LGBT rights (I’m a lesbian myself) and freedom of religion and such, but I think the world is getting too PC. People are walking on eggshells, scared to speak their real opinions for fear of insulting someone or become a social pariah for it. Companies are forcing in LGBT characters and making favorite shows like Doctor Who way too politically correct and it is ruining the stories. I’m all for minorities being represented, but it should be done right, with finesse, and not rubbed in people’s faces with bad writing whose sole purpose is to scream at the audience “look how woke we are!!”

  3. I think college is the biggest scam. I think the entire college system should be removed and replaced with a mix of trade schools and apprenticeships, and that higher education should be career based. IF you need higher education for your chosen career then you go to a trade school (like a Medical School or an Engineering School). But regular jobs shouldn’t just require “4 year college degree” just because its now viewed as the new High School.


Gaming was better as a niche hobby, getting more games more often with higher budgets doesn’t make up for the cons.


Well yes that’s a different scenario. If someone is glad you’re going to hell then they are indeed a despicable person.

WoW AMVs need to come back

How can you say something so controversial yet so brave?


I don’t like your game opinions but I really like your real world opinions, especially #3.

The rep grind borne in WOD, Legion and now BFA is punishment for the Dailies Quest complaints and Rep.Tabard Complaints of MoP (which were insanely easier and less redundant of the WQ and rep grind of today.)

My most unpopular post was suggesting all classes get a double-jump glide like demon hunters, but class specific interpretations of it.

Lightforged undead or undead night elves need to be an advanced race for horde.

No mogu please! Or whatever the folks are asking for.

Any steak cooked past medium rare is garbage and should be tossed.

1 handed Frost DK is fun, needs a buff to compete with other classes.

I so agree, big beautiful Frisian horses, Gypsy Vanners, and Clydesdales for the horde!!!


Some people lurk on the forms just to crap on original ideas.

I agree.

I think it’s imperative that raid content be the primary story telling device but as a casual non raider I really wish there had been more. Visions are not a new mage tower which I would have loved to have instead.

  • Remove cross realm everything and merge servers so there’s healthy balanced populations on the remaining servers.
  • Remove path finder as it is and make it a per character get flight gold cost that people pay to get but you can still grind out path finder for account wide unlock. The cost must be low enough for the lowest common denominator of player to get and not the gold making horders.
  • Fully separate PvP and PvE gear so that stats enable and disable based on wither you are flagged for PvP. Then have vendors according to the gear type as needed.
  • Have the mage tower come back like once so people can do it and the forum complaints die down some about it.
  • When the level squish hits, reduce all bag sizes to match that of the level 60 era.
  • Have a path finder for ground mounts.
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I like Allied Races, and have zero problems with their implementation, or requirements. And I’ve made that known more than once.

Human females are the most attractive looking females in this game.

/folds arms across chest

Come at me.

Asmongold ruined the classic wow experience for everyone in his server


The warrior class isn’t actually that great and I don’t know why it’s so popular. The vast majority use fury and whilst its ok, it gets far too spammy. Arms is garbage. Prot falls over dead if you so much as sneeze in its direction due to no self sustain.

Fair enough that you don’t enjoy the class, I think druid’s are extremely boring, all 4 specs, yet they’re the most played class in the game.

But there are heaps of reasons why warrior is popular.

  1. All three specs are pretty easy

  2. You say fury is spammy, but that is why people love it so much. There is no downtime and you’re constantly doing something. Makes for a very satisfying play style imo.

  3. Prot warrior dps is incredible in mythic +

  4. Class fantasy. Who doesn’t want to be a plate clad juggernaut?


I shall endeavour to best you, my handsome hulkling.