Unpopular Opinion Time!

Humans are overrated and overpopulated and need about an 90% number reduction for the benefit of everyone else!

…Oh and I guess humans in WoW are pretty overrated too. =P


Remove arena and RBGs (rofl) from the game.

Also remove DHs, DKs, and monks from the game.


-I think Slylvanas loyalists are completely pointless, and people who seem to think she is in the right paints a little bit of a scary picture of what people think in real life, (You said unpopular, there you go.), and how easy it is for a genocidal manic to get followers.
-Slylvanas is a Mary Sue and evil. Yet Blizzard will somehow find a way to bring her back as a member of the horde and pretend none of this happened.
-I think Nathano is also a pretty bad character and should be shot and fed to the hounds.

  • Tyrande is in the right about a lot of things from still hunting Slylvanas (Shut up Anduin with your peace treaty) to not able to trust the Nightborne, and Thaly basically just proved her right.
    -The Zandalari knew what they were getting into, they knew who’s bed they were climbing into, and should have banished the Horde before the Alliance ever went after their King.
  • Jaina is completely justifield in wanting revenge against Garrosh, and people calling her crazy are a bit silly.
  • I can’t take the Forsaken as heroes or friendlies seriously. it’s like Blizzard tries too hard to make us think they are cool, but they just bad.
  • Genn was right in BFA but he was a total buffoon in Legion, and Slyvanas did nothing wrong. The one good tactic she had was retreating and not letting the Horde be curbstomped into Oblivion. The hate the Alliance gave her back then was dumb as the hate Tyrande and Jaina got.

Look at that, started flaming Slylvanas, but ended with one defense for Slylvanas, before she went all over the top evil.


Cracks knuckles. Here we go:

-I love The Last Jedi and think it’s the only good film in the new trilogy.

-Pathfinder is a perfect and reasonable compromise.

-Void elves are more interesting than High elves will ever be.

-Kul’Tiran are among the best allied races.

-Alien 3 is an amazing stand alone film, it’s just a bad sequel to Aliens.

-Both Rob Zombie’s Halloween films are top notch horror flicks and are better than most the films in the franchise.

-Michael Bay is an amazing director. Everything he does is fantastic, the only thing people fault him for in the transformers movies is the “weak plot” but ironically he never writes any of the screenplays.

-Straight grapefruit juice is delicious. Grapefruit should never have sugar added to it.

-BFA has a better story than Legion.

-TBC is the most overrated expansion.

-White collar jobs are a recipe to depression and an unhealthy life style, should only be an exception if you gym regulary.

-People are too sensitive to Religion, just because someone believes you are going to hell doesn’t mean they hate you.

-People who play games too much are never happy (generally the forum crowd). The key to enjoying ourselves more in any activity is moderation.

-There is no such thing as a female Draenei. They are all Futa’s. If they deny it they are lying.

-Tyrande is in the right, and she was in the right when she questioned the Nightborne. The Nightborne joining the Horde shortly after only proved her point.

-There is no Alliance/Horde bias within Blizzard, for the most part they are pretty fair.

-Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean is one of the best arcs in the franchise.

-Mountain Dew White Out is delicious.

-Most Marvel flicks are overrated.


I liked sylvanas and I’m not like my character. That’s kind of the point of roleplaying. Why play a game where I’m just playing me? I already do that in real life.


That’s how I feel with Alien 4. I love that movie.

ehhhhhhhhhh depends on if that person is saying they’re glad I’m going to hell.

Probably would have just did better with fans if Araki wasn’t rushed and burnt out

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I never really wanted “High Elves”, as in ones other players would be satisfied with. I always saw Blood Elves as them, then also Void Elves.

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-High Elves shouldn’t be a thing. I don’t think the proponents for them really deserve it, given all the bullying and delusion they’ve perpetrated in their threads and discord. Not to mention we’ve already got 'em on the Horde. Blood elves are high elves. Get over it.

-On that same note, Void Elves are awesome and a hundred times more interesting as a race. Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes are also cool in their own way.

-Pathfinder is fine.

-Researching boss fights beforehand feels cheap. I don’t remember having to watch a 10 minute youtube video before fighting Ganon in Legend of Zelda. I just went in, did my best, learned from my mistakes, and kept going until victory is achieved. All the datamining and expectations to know the raid before it’s even out kills the mystery for me.

-RP server specific opinion: /roll dueling is dumb. If your character is gonna start trouble with mine, either be ready to fite me outside of Stormwind or Orgrimmar in an actual /duel, or stop being such a troublemaking edgelord.

Just a few opinions, will post as I remember more.

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Ogres as a playable race. To be honest, I’ve never understood this one.

You expect me to believe that the people who turn away in disgust at the KT Human and Pandaren models (especially for males) are suddenly going to be okay with Ogres? Just because they’ve been around for a long time?


I’d be much happier losing characters than getting stuff blown up. Take 3 Horde zones and make them permanently Alliance, I’d consider it a fair trade to kill off every single named NPC permanently from the Alliance. We’d just get new ones anyway, and who knows, maybe a good story for once.

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All my opinions about Wow are the best opinions.

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Well played.

Agreed 1000%.

I love horse mounts.

I liked WoD.

I like Pathfinder.

Teldrassil deserved worse than what it got.
Warmode wounded WPvP, then Phasing/Group Finder killed it, not flying.
Fem Tauren are better looking than any elf.


The WoW forums should be completely unmoderated and the developers should be forced to read them Clockwork Orange style until they resonate some understanding.

WoD was a good expansion.

Chic Fil A has better sandwiches than Popeye’s.

Chubby is attractive.

You had me right up until you invoked butter golems…

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“I like… no… I LOVE Fishing, in game. It’s relaxing, and gets me stuff to cook and eat.”

  1. I wish Nathanos had more of an important role in BfA…I really like his character.
  2. Legion was the worst Expansion…a complete downgrade from WoD.
  3. AZ gear was a good design…you people just didn’t have the ‘skills’ to understand how it really worked.
  4. I prefer the pre-Cata Jaina Proudmoore model to this new version.
  5. Anduin is the ultimate badass in WoW lore. He makes his dad look like a wimp.

Rey was a good Star Wars character.