Unpopular Opinion Time!

I get that about fury. I enjoyed it for a while. But it gets to the point where it’s like…ok, now my fingers hurt and there’s very little to think about due to no utility. So now what? Compare to e.g. WW monk. Now that’s a spec that has similar spam but with more deliberate thinking, utility and self sustain. I regularly see WW Monks complete destroy warriors in pvp. Hell, even a BDK rolls over all 3 warrior specs in its sleep.

As for prot, I tried it for a while. There’s something about it that lacks feedback that makes it not enjoyable to me. And of course once again, its lack of utility and self sustain hamper it greatly.

All in all, I’ll be shelving my warrior for a while.

I wouldn’t say warriors have “no” utility?

They have excellent movement tools, rallying cry, an aoe fear, an aoe snare, a fear/sap/incap break, a stun (talent) etc. This makes warriors an awesome choice at handling a lot of raid mechanics, due to their mobility and ability to break fear and incapacitate effects.

I think your argument for zero self sustain is true for arms warriors, and that’s about it. Sure, prot sustain isn’t great but it isn’t as bad as you claim it is either. And fury sustain is top tier, leaps and bounds ahead of WW Monk sustain.

In pvp especially, fury warriors can self heal better than most dps classes, while attacking. They don’t have to make room to cast like a ww does.

As for WW monks “completely destroying” warriors in pvp, I’d have to largely disagree. I think all warrior specs hold their own quite well against monks in general, in duels and arena. The only spec that struggles is maybe arms, but that’s because arms isn’t suited to 1v1.

Same goes for bdk. I would love to see an equally geared and skilled bdk beat a fury warrior in a 1v1 situation. Both have good self heals, from experience those duels last for ages and usually end with the bdk being beaten.

Once again, it’s perfectly fair you don’t like the class. But to make claims like “it has no utility or sustain” is a bit bold and misinformed imo.

Agree with both. I actually really like mythic plus, but I like people having a good time more. I can empathize with the anxiety. There are groups out there looking to just complete. And if you want to try some zero stress mythic plus, Leider, let me know!

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Legion was a garbage tier expansion and even WoD was better.

This. I’m a kinesthetic learner, and while I learn visually and auditorily, too, getting time-on-target with an engagement is important. Ideally in a low stress, high communication environment where ideas and strategies can be freely expressed for each subsequent fight.

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Nickelback has some catchy tunes.


Lays potato chips bags are full enough.

Coffee is the best mixer for tequila.

Grinding rep is fun.

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My take: Warrior is to Paladin what Mage is to Warlock

Warrior is open-ended from a role play perspective. They can be noble, they can be dastardly; they can be loyal bulwarks, they can be fickle opportunistic mercenaries. Paladins tend to have a more narrowly defined role play motif - that’s not to say I reject claims that they can be played “dark,” not at all.

Mage is also similar in that it appears, to me, that Warlock takes the wizard theme and slam dunks it into the range of black Magics

My humble observation. Oh and I didn’t make this clear above, but this is a definite positive to me


This is true.

Warrior is one of those races that isn’t really restricted by aesthetics or fantasy.

Like you said, you can pretty much rp one however you like. Not to say that any class is different in that regard, but it’s kinda hard to rp a noble warlock or a nature hatin’ druid

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Lol love this. I picture a Michael Douglas-like Druid, a la Falling Down


It would actually be really cool if you could glyph your spells to look a different way, a bit like green fire for locks.

I feel like the only thing holding you back from playing a “Michael Douglas-like Druid” is the aesthetic of the spells and such.

Druids are supposed to be about balancing nature and what not, I’m pretty sure that includes death and decay.

Maybe class skins will achieve this when/if they’re added

My take on Balance is that it was a balance of nature and magic (arcane) since my understanding is that Druidism grew out of the aftermath of the war of the ancients - which was spawned by the magic users of their culture

Perhaps, but with the new knowledge we now have with the origin of the drust and their role in nature, maybe there’s more to it?

Pretty unpopular. I think glasses can make people look more attractive… All depends on their face shape and the frame.


Well, here are a couple of mine:

  • World of Warcraft is Warcraft IV. (That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact, so far as I’m concerned. It continues where Warcraft III left off, it concludes a number of story bits from Warcraft III. It’s a sequel, not a spinoff or an alternate universe. I often replied with this to jibbering idiots who wondered why we were getting a WC3 Reforged instead of WC4.)
  • Speaking of jibbering idiots, the Alliance has high elves. They’re called void elves. Vereesa and her lot will probably get void-gooped in the end. (Or killed.)
  • Mechagnomes are cool. Like bowties and fezzes. Just wear the tabard to hide the diapers until you can get your heritage armor. (I hope they come in three different shades, like the Mag’har…)
  • The Nightborne make more sense with the Horde because their magic-addicting swimming pool situation is similar to the blood elves. The night elves would just have given them dirty looks anyway because they were a magical society (just like they did with the Highborne from Dire Maul, although they did accept those guys). It’s not just Tyrande who shut them out.
  • I have no problem with the Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog being restricted only to demon hunters. I got my set on a monk before I did BT Timewalking, but I’ve got plenty of things more suited to a monk.
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I know they’re the decay druids, but I don’t think they were given training by cenarius. But I’m not very savvy, so you’re probably on to something. My reasoning for the balance of nature and arcane was based on the spells available to Balance druids (moonfire and Starsurge being arcane, and then that the night Elves were powerful arcanists prior to Druidism). And this was them realizing that magic use must be tempered lest they make another beacon for the legion to come their way!

waits for a druid to weigh in

Peanut butter is just armored paste.
it only just taste good to lure in prey.


Eleventy-one years is far too short a time to spend among you


But that never actually happens. The opposite always happens. PvP forums are ignored