Jump/glide for everyone

Now before anyone gets upset…

Saying “no its class homogeneity” is short sighted. its not the same as the poor state of class design being: everything plays like a rogue or a balance druid. Or giving all classes a mortal strike, stealth, etc.

This is a convenience spell that makes the game more fun and especially wouldn’t effect pvp if ALL classes had a jump/glide spell. I’ve actually been able to jump and move up terrain I couldn’t using this (no flying) and I know when I level my shaman next in gonna miss the dh jump glide.

That being said I think it would be easy enough to incorporate for all classes with out being an “engineer” ability (and thus tied to steam punk a esthetic).

Classes could Double jump into

  • priest/paladin: a bust of light and wings
  • Shaman: an explosion of earth into gliding on a mini tornado/zephyr
  • mage: arcane pedestal/frozen ledge
  • hunter: carried by hawks
  • warrior: swinging your weapon helicopter style spinning over your head
  • rogue: a shadowy smoky current around them
  • monk: zen travel pose

You get the idea.


Wow… hell no, so cheesy


No. Just because it’s convenient, that doesn’t mean every class has to have a given ability. Why not give everyone a paladin’s ability to bubble hearth? Why not give everyone the mage’s ability to teleport? Those are convenient and fun too. And yes, it’s a step in the direction of class homogeneity, and that would be a bad thing.


I know you said this was short sighted but I really don’t think all classes should have an equivalent to this ability, though I wouldn’t really be shocked if blizzard did it because they do this sort of thing a lot. If only for the convenience, definitely use a glider. Or roll a zandalari, because I think they have a racial like this?

This would just make people DC more. No thanks

Sure, that’s what rogues like when they sneak up on people.

Standing out.

Or just have engineering, and have a glider attached to you cape. Also if you ask nicely, we can make ones for non-engineers.

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Well I suppose I can be proud of this post simply for the reason that it is a universally hated idea.

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throws confetti


Gliding on all classes is a loved idea! For engineers :slight_smile: :tada:
I get where you’re coming from though, playing a demon hunter too much is why I jump off cliffs and die on other classes

Ty I love confetti I don’t have to clean up! (:

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No. It is part of what makes demon hunters unique.


I agree with others on no but:

Sounds lit af.


Ty I really thought that one might sell it lol

Off topic but what is that “Wow classic” by your name.

Same with this person.

I’m Cora but I hit a post limit. I actually have no idea what that means. I have names reserved on Classic so it might be related to that

This seems to be the current theory.

no its class homogeneity

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Yeah, no. It’s ideas like this that have ruined retail. “Everyone should be able to fly faster than ground mounts!”

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Never forget what was taken from Warlocks.