Unpopular opinion: Leveling slower is needed

I quoted this back to you.

They don’t mean just dungeons in there - they are talking about all the mobs.

Wrong again. It will take twice as long to kill any mobs now at lvl 70-lvl 72.

I do every dungeon with followers for this reason. Okay, I’ve seen the dungeon completely so now if someone wants to run through killing everything may I join.

Can someone explain wanting to see the same content over and over only slower and slower to me? I really have an interest is this. Once I get whatever gear I want from one I rarely return. And if I do it could be a tunnel of dull grey with a start and end for all I care.

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I’m guessing that it won’t be too awful, it just sounds like people with level 70 gear from DF with tier bonuses and stuff were way too strong for TWW mobs. Crossing my fingers that it’s not too awful for fresh level 70 geared alts because I agree that would suck.

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I feel like it’s great for people obsessed with alts. Did the main campaign and dungeons while leveling my main toon. Now I get to casually take my time exploring and doing side quests on alts. And I have more alts at max level faster than ever - which is great. It used to be such a chore leveling them weeks out from release.

I was doing the same along with delves and follower dungeons. Thats how I got there, But I was not even looking at my level. I was sucked into all the quest and exploring too, that also helps to level. They should only tweak it a bit.

Sure. Once.

I levelled through on my main and did the quests in each zone. I’ve cleared the campaign (as much as possible) and done the delves. I didn’t really care how long it took.

For every other alt? I hate it. It’s repetitive busy work that I want to blow through as quickly as possible. So making it slower makes me want to play less. Especially in this period where there isn’t much to do beside level alts.


Leveling at all is unneeded. It is the worst part of modern world on warcraft.

I’m pretty sure that if you complete the campaign you don’t have to do it on your alts. You can level purely by just doing world quests and side quests. And they’re not making it slower, they’re just changing the mobs power so they don’t die as quickly because it was honestly kind of ridiculous how they were scaling with high end DF gear.

it’s terribly presumptions of you to assume you know best what people who aren’t you enjoy.

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I do concur here. I doubt highly it’s that drastic though lol

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The experience is fine…the two shot kills are what makes the game boring


They have implemented skipping options in much of the expansion for alts. You can just go to whichever zone you’d like, etc. Also it taking maybe even (in extreme case) 10 more dungeon runs to get to 80… It’s not that drastic of a change. I feel it’s definitely needed though. Once you’ve done it and you’re running alts through, you’ve already done the content and and seen it. Now you’re working on spamming dungeons/pvp for an alt. This isn’t changing from what it’s always been? It’s changing the original runthrough realistically, if anything. And even that, for many who say they don’t want to touch all the content… They still won’t? They’re still going to do exactly that and just sit in town and spam queue.

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This one. So far. I usually really enjoy their stories at the start. I was speaking of past expansions since oh the first I think. Yeah, the first expansion on just random event after random event.

And yes, I too spend time looking out over the ocean in Hallowfell under Beladar’s light. Of course I was wondering if Blizzard was going to burn that area to hell because surprise surprise Beladar is in league with the Jailer or some such dribble.

Yeah judging by a lot of the replies in this thread it doesn’t seem like people even know what is being changed in regards to the leveling experience or why it needed to be changed in the first place.

Either that or they’re being disingenuous about caring about this because they were making $$$ power leveling people through dungeons.


Just do a quest a day and leave us alone, you are not paying my sub so don’t talk for me

I actually agree with you. For those of you who played original WOW through BC… you know what leveling slow actually is. You know what having to learn fights in dungeons/raids is. You know that spending this time really helps you learn your class. You learned to understand good crowd control. You got a real sense of achievement when you finally accomplished a heroic dungeon or killed your first raid boss in a new expansion because you had to really understand the mechanics to win. This “I need to WTF PWN everything” day one attitude makes me sad. I realize that is what most people want… I guess i just don’t get the I want to blow through all the content in a blink of an eye attitude. I mean … why play the game… it confuses me.

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Pathfinder motivates people to skip the majoring of content to do the Campaigns only to complete Pathfinder as fast as possible. Great design to motive customer to bypass all the hard work and cost to created all the side quest.

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Why not just level slower and let others level as they please. Why must everyone else level at the speed you prefer?

People came from Remix and now expect everything is going to be exactly like that.

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Agreed. It was ridiculous how fast leveling was first weekend. It’s the first week of an expac, why does anyone want to speedrun the leveling process to just sit in the new city and wait for queues to pop?