Unpopular opinion: Leveling slower is needed

Fine whatever. I might even agree in principal. If Blizzard wanted slower leveling they had months to fine tune that. But giving different players different experiences because of how much money they spent is a bad direction for the game.

I just hit 80 last night despite having EA. I think the current speed is just fine

I did every single quest in ea and was max level before I even left the second zone. It needed adjusted. It ruins the fun when you can just get it that easily. Not to mention, sometimes you dont want to continue the story when there is nothing to achieve level wise.

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Modern WoW players have been conditioned to just blast past all the content so they can get on their repetitive gear treadmill for 2 years. It has been this way for some time.

There are still tons of gamers out there that enjoy the journey.


The real game should start when you log in, grinding a handful of instances and BGs is not the “real game”.


I’m watching on youtube a guy playing wow for the first time ever, and it’s quite funny that he was leveling up so fast that he could barely understand all the buttons and talent points the game was giving to him every few minutes.

His viewers actually convinced him to power level his very first character in the pre-patch event, so he got to 70 and is completely clueless of what any of his abilities do, haha.


This is way I start with rushing a druid to pathfinder and world quest unlocks then I can enjoy the world as I level up on my main and complete lore master reading all the text and watching all the movies. The Druid levels game sound down Pandora cranked up. Skip all the text and movies just complete the task took less than 5 hours. Now I am leveling like it should be from the start is a full world.

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