Unpopular opinion: Leveling slower is needed

I didn’t even leave Dorn until halfway through 76. Once I left there I just stuck with the campaign and the side quests to unlock the Earthen I had all the side story quests to do in the other 3 zones.

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Wait, did anyone even actually read what the “leveling slower” change even is? I swear most of the posts in this thread don’t even know what was changed. Here’s a quote:

As players have jumped into The War Within and begun leveling up, we’ve seen data and heard a great deal of feedback that players coming into Khaz Algar with endgame Dragonflight gear were extremely powerful relative to that initial content. It is entirely intended that effort put into gearing translates into a significant combat advantage at the start of a new expansion, but the values we’ve been seeing are extreme, often not even allowing time for normal combat rotations. This disparity also caused mixed-level groups to experience skewed results, with lower-level players contributing drastically more than level 80s. Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28, we’re going to apply hotfixes to the game to address this.

The hotfixes will adjust the scaling of enemies in War Within leveling content to increase the power of lower-level enemies, bringing the duration of combat more in line with expected WoW behavior. These changes will be most noticeable at level 70, and will have a reduced impact as your level increases. Enemies at level 80 and above will be unchanged.

If you’re just leveling by yourself doing the story this won’t even effect you.

Not sure what all the fuss is about. I plan to just play and find out what the expansion has in store for me.

If you really really need to be 80 asap, there is probably a token you can buy.

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there is no indication on your account that you are even playing this expansion. And you are playing arcane mage wrong if that is how you are doing normal dungeons.

I agree on this hot take

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they did it was called the radiant echoes …

I am not sorking atm due to health issues and I played a 10th level character to 70th in 4 hours or so … then purchased a whole 480 gear set with the coins …

before remix i was grinding in the old world doing old quest as i missed the areas and by the time I got almomst to the end of a zone the content was green … when i got to what should have been strangethorn quests the quests were giving almost no xp and killing 1.5 million tigers for the quests when the monsters gave NO xp was pointless.

there is also very little challenge to the game as the characters are really insanely powerful right from build

I lack the understanding how this is a game you want to play with friends when solo you can steamroll the game …

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Different people enjoy different playstyles. I want to play the actual game at max level. I want to get every profession maxed. What I don’t want to do is spend excessive time doing what is effectively chores in the game just to get to the fun part. The story has been trash for a few expansions now, so I’ve checked out on that. I just want to be done with that process as quickly as possible. However, if YOU enjoy questing for days on end, you can go do that. You don’t need to do dungeons if you don’t want to. If you get to 80 before you finish all the quests, you can keep on completing them if that’s what you want to do.

I am definitely playing this expansion, just use this character to post on the forums. And the change to group scaling has made things a lot better for me as arcane mage, I can actually do my rotation now. I noticed the change immediately after queuing up for a normal dungeon, it was like night and day.

Even if it should have been slower this kind of change should have been done before early access.

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Peoples anger here is largely philosophical.

The actual change is dungeons will go from 5-8min (of mostly running) to 8-12min with some actual fighting.

It’s not going to be incredibly significant. There will still be big pulls. All 5 people will just actually get a chance to do damage now.

Where it hurts, is that its happening just as EA ends, so it feels like a pretty harsh move to “punish the poors”.


Admittedly, I think the questing time is perfectly fine. I always do a new expansion by strictly doing the main quest and side quests and avoiding any dungeons. Took me around three days of consistent playing to get to 80 and finish what I wanted to finish.


sure it will - what do you think this means - I know exactly what was happening in mixed -level groups. It was happening outside of them as well.

This is intended. Side quests are meant to be mostly optional.

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I don’t know what you mean here. It was definitely overtuned for low level 70s to the point that they could essentially solo the 70-79 dungeons. It needed to be changed for sure.

No indication on that account. And the game isn’t up - how can you see the change which hasn’t happened yet?

You claimed it won’t affect solo players - it most certainly will.

just to point out you can get to max level pretty quick … go to the store an by 70th level tokens ,

I meant once I hit 79-80 and was mostly getting matched with people ~79-80 the dungeons were actually doable and it wasn’t just one person soloing it while everyone else tried to keep up. I did one heroic last night and I actually got to see the dungeon for the very first time. It was nice.

How so? It’s specifically changes about scaling when it comes to mixed level grouping.

If you’re just a casual player playing the game normally and not chain running power leveling your alts through dungeons by having a level 70 cap XP to power you through it, there will be no change for you.

I think its particularly like a non boosted, fresh level 70 with gear that probably requires like level 63 going into the new zone and it being an absolute slog to fight basic mobs because the tuning is based on people with prepatch high ilvl gear.

I think the basis of the story is pretty good. I enjoyed the whole Evil void being confronting our strongest mage and taking him and the greatest magical city down(Though they did poor Khadgar kinda raw… You’d think he’d put up a bigger fight lol)

This though is more of a conversational point to bring to the table!

I wouldn’t say the wrost storytellers; Though i do feel many of the minute details or major character roles could definitely be improved upon or swapped out for another more relatable characteur(fancy). This is valid and I mean I love this! This should be what is talked about and conversated on! Sadly though everyone hears from another and just spouts angry “No lemme skip everything and ignore the world it’s all bad”… when honestly it wasn’t bad… To me, of course. And to many others. There are parts where majority of us agree it shouldn’t have been done… like the whole “Here’s a black disabled lady we obviously DEI inserted” instead of just a strong role model with a good personality and voice lines. It didn’t have to be so obvious in my humble opinion lol.

I don’t want millions of other people to enjoy something as I do. I believe people should not be expecting to TikTok an MMO. It’s only the first week of the release and not even all the endgame content is here. Yet I’m seeing people bumrush through and ignore everything the creators took your money to provide to you. It’s weird and I’m pointing it out. You’re buying a whole storyline and gaming world extension to play. No creator wants to see everyone ignore EVERYTHING they made. And it’s not the point of them creating it, either. They made this for players to explore, learn, and adventure through.

So yes, my OPoint stands. Leveling slower is needed :slight_smile: . Get players to slow down a tad and take a breathe. It’s literally been only a few days. 99% of MMORPGs take awhile to level and experience the world around you. Take a moment on your mount on top of a mountain.

For example: Did you know the ocean actually has really cool water graphics?! :open_mouth: