Unpopular opinion: Leveling slower is needed

I very much like needing to do side quests and actually explore in order to go from 70 to 80.

This fast paced “Speedrun 2 shot bosses for 15 runs, then do MSQ and now I’m 80” is not what “Content” is for if I’m not mistaken? They’re even staggering releases of mythics and raid… You have all the time in the world. What’s the matter with enjoying your adventure, not the destination?

Thank you blizzard! :slight_smile:


I got to 80 doing ALL the quests on Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps. If I didnt run random dungeons, I would have made it all the way through Hallowfall before I hit 80. So I think level time was fine there.

But people will ALWAYS look for short cuts to get to the destination as quick as possible


I get what your saying, But for folks like myself who have a super limited time to play, its frustrating trying to catch up to my friends. now its gonna take me even longer. doesn’t help that this is the 2nd day in row I’m not even gonna get to do anything at all


I understand frustration because your buddies or those with EA happened to benefit from before the change… I am just not sure being angry and thinking it’s the end of the world before even trying out their idea of this slower pace to increase immersion/interaction with the content is the way to go about it.

Jatarri says they did ALL the quests on Dorn and Ringing Deeps but hit 80 before leaving Hallowfall… there’s allot of stuff in the spiderlands too and I don’t feel like there’s truth to the ALL the quests part either. I can sense the small fib in that statement somewhere lol


No fib at all. I did everything possible in those 2 zones. I did 3 levels of dungeons (just because why not). If I didnt do those dungeons, I feel I would have gotten 80 late in Hallowfall doing the quests there. And then just be 80 in the spiderland.

You can do this without slowing leveling down for everyone else.

It’s even rewarding at cap because of renown.


Slower leveling was needed, and the current pace of leveling should’ve been rectified during Beta. Not now.

As it stands, to nerf it now – a day after “late access” – feels like the typical “bait-and-switch”, “rug pull”, and/or “exploit early, exploit often” we saw all through Remix.


That doesn’t seem so bad :thinking: Though hitting 80 while doing side quests in spiderlands seems appropriate. It’s the last zone?

I think this was the plan (only a fool would think the timing wasn’t planned ahead of time) to punish those who weren’t prepared to be price gouged and as a threat of a repeat in 12.0 if you don’t pay up the extra $$$.


Wouldn’t that miss the point of all the hard work these animators, writers, level designers, etc put into all the content? I’m sorry you feel like content should be fully optional. Maybe the new Wukong game needs an option to just blackscreen all story and skip you to the last boss fight so you can repeat it 100 times? ← that’s my way of a metaphor lol and i suck at them

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You’re right it isn’t the end of the world, nor was I trying to imply that. just hard not to be frustrated when I had EA, but we had an emergency at work last week so I had to work extra, barely got to play. Been having a rough week so far and was super looking forward to coming home and getting on that grind. Didn’t have a downtime notice on my launcher, logged in and literally within seconds got the big yellow shutdown notice. super disheartening.

TLDR: real life sucked the past couple of weeks and I’m just lil salty cause I want to play lol


Had a guild mate do all sidequests and MSQ before moving to zones without touching s dungeon. They hit 80 about 3/4 through Hallowfall.

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This isn’t helpful. You’re assuming. You understand all those players you’re talking about having the advantage still need to level their alternative characters, right?

Boo this man! Booooooooo

A fair compromise would be to buff dungeon and PvP xp gains and lower the amount of xp from world quest and outdoor events.

For the people like OP that wish to go slow, they can do so by questing. For everyone else, join a dungeon or battleground and coast to 80.

Both sides win.

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The thing is, you can take your time, no one is holding you down and forcing you to level. Take a break, drink at the taverns, go adventure.

Just imagine 70 to 80 like one big level, with minor updated between.

The levels are just fancy numbers. Not even your DPS is measured the same between people. It’s all just percentages.

Once you ignore “getting better” and just enjoy the world, so all that to say I agree with you that leveling slow is the best way to enjoy yourself…unless you want to get into pvp then crank that to 11.


Nah, leveling shouldn’t even be a thing anymore. But i know it needs to be so being able to get to max in 3-4 hours is good enough. Leveling is just busy work to get to the real game.

Leveling is not content.


I ain’t leveling Crap! I’m On Strike.

Until later on. :+1:

:cry: I’m sorry to hear that friend. The downtime got me cranky just yesterday and that’s the normally scheduled one so I couldn’t even complain :laughing:

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I’d rather eliminate levelling and have initial progression just involve finishing stories rather than arbitrary numbers.

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